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Posts posted by Wyrmhero

  1. Hello, it is me, Kas.

    <kel> asked me to step in and say that Wyrmhero is now going to be your GM from now on. Please pay him the utmost respect and tribute, and silence yourselves in his presence (or at least until the new thread is up). <kel> would also like to say that he loves his collection of knives and other paraphernalia, and wishes he had more. Please donate generously to the Knives for <kel> drive, for charity. In fact, please begin every post during the next thread by stabbing <kel>. Julius Cesar was reportedly stabbed 23 times - I think, with your help, we can break this record.

    Thank you.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

    I can confirm there is actually an Elim team in this game and it's not just Wyrm telling me who he wants smited.

    And I can confirm that Kas and I have made rules for a game with a mechanic where I get to arbitrarily kill players. Is that this game? Who knows!

    5 minutes ago, Kasimir said:




  3. 2 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

    Funny you should ask.

    Have you heard of the tragedy of Kasimar the Voidbringer? I thought not. It's not a story most players would tell you. It's a darkeyes legend. Kasimar was a Voidbringer, so talkative and so wise he kept the darkeyes doc filling up with pages... And he had such a knowledge of players' alignments that he could identify if certain players were Blasphemous Scholars of the Seventeenth Shard... Voidbringing and Monty Python sketches are a pathway to abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so chatty, the only thing he was afraid of was being exiled to the dead doc and reduced to a 140 character tweet...which eventually, of course he was. Unfortunately, he gave his bro his trust and his dying PM, and suspicions, then his bro stabbed him five times and killed him.

    I think it's a story one specific player would tell you.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

    Seven years too late, Dulabro :ph34r:

    Dunno, you feeling threatened there mate?

    Could I interest you in a second-hand stab vest? Acquired off a certain darkeyes in the Riots of Kholinar...

    That depends, what happened to the previous owner? Why doesn't he need it anymore?

  5. 22 hours ago, Kasimir said:

    1. Due to the complexity of the ruleset, my bro @Wyrmhero will be co-GMing this, but he's really clearly Kas because no one would be so kasyana as to GM two games back-to-back, so logically, that makes me Wyrm >>.

    I never signed up for this.

    Also, what do you have against Kings? I swear all of your plots involve someone killing them.

  6. 51 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

    P.S. I'll leave my bro @Wyrmhero to talk about the go to sleep award since he had only one job :P 

    I'm sorry to say that I feel no-one deserves the prize this year, as Kas sent me this image recently (and was surprised when I commented on the time). Considering what this shows, I'm afraid no-one was up to the required standard, and so the First Annual Kas Go To Sleep Award goes in my sack.


  7. 12 minutes ago, Tani said:

    Archer Szeth Now its a real tie.

    Edit: @Archer colas are conditional upon election.


    Edit2: Um... @Kasimir when's rollover?

    Just after you posted. Kas is asleep. Do not panic. Do not attempt to adjust your set. I am in control of the horizontal and the vertical.


    The Turn is over. Kas will be back at a later date to inform you which of you survived. As Co-GM, I cannot take bribes to help you live, but any donations to my charity based in Panama will be appreciated.

  8. 7 hours ago, Kasimir said:

    Under the caveat that I have been up since around 1 or 2AM:

    I wake up to see this in my DMs...

    #KasWatch #JustKasThings #WhyAmIHashtaggingIHateTwitterAndHashtags


    I'd wonder if this was bullying, but at this stage I'm sure Kas expects me to post here, so the real bullying would not be posting here and disappointing him, like going upstairs and forgetting the final step isn't there.

  9.   Hide contents

    1. @Devotary of Spontaneity has kindly agreed to be my IM for this game. Purely theoretically, my co-GM will be @Wyrmhero in the same spirit as the ancient Egyptians deifying Sobek in the hopes that the crocodiles wouldn't wreck their day while they were doing stuff around the Nile. Please don't expect him to actually do anything :P 

    Now this is the kind of co-GMing I can get behind. Though I thought you had a better opinion of me, of course I'll do something. Even if that something is just reminding players that there is an award this game for the player who tells Kas to go to sleep the most.

  10. 42 minutes ago, Quintessential said:

    I... had a thought about this, kind of. As uncontestably the most active player in this game while I was alive, I am at least somewhat (probably more than somewhat) to blame for the threads being so long and hard to read through. Mostly because I have so much time that I can spend on this each day, and not much else to do in that time, but I get that it's not like that for a lot of people, and I was thinking about how I could help with... this? I mean, obviously I can try to post less, or at least more consciously (less fluffposting, putting more thoughts in the same post, trying to condense posts a bit by editing them before posting so that they're more concise). But I was also thinking...

    This isn't really a solution to the problem, exactly, but I was wondering if it would help people to keep up if I went through each cycle or turn after it's over (which yes, I have the time to do : P) and summarized all the important things that happened. Not commenting on them, just picking out and either quoting or summarizing (probably both, in separate spoiler boxes) everything that was serious discussion or voting or whatnot, and posted that at the start of the next turn? I guess I was wondering if that would help, to have a concise(ish) reference of what happened and not have to wade through pages and pages of text, not all of which is important?

    Now we get to talk about bias and how it's impossible to avoid in the media :P.

    Essentially, by choosing what to avoid and what to include, you are editorialising what you are summarising. By making any decision on this, you (in general, not you specifically) are letting your own bias enter in - Are you saying it because it's important, or because you think it's important? Would someone on the Eliminator team consider things the same way? Would there be a temptation to leave stuff out, and omit important details? Maybe not, but can people take the chance? I think all you'd end up doing is creating another post which people need to use to analyse. A summary would probably be useful for people to glance at, and to know what you think, but I don't think it would do quite what you want here.

    An idea I had in the spec/dead doc was to scrap our current ideas of LG/MR/QF, as they're really old and probably not fit for purpose as descriptions anymore? It would probably be better to redesign these games in terms of both complexity and expected level of activity needed to keep up, though that's hard to enforce. The other issue would be it increases stratification of players, and would lead to smaller games most likely. You might need to somehow restrict people from posting so much or such long comments, but again, hard to do. We can't approach this from a single point, I think, it's a wider discussion within the community. But it does need addressing, as I think you basically need to build in the Village being 10% smaller than you would otherwise think. But then if people don't, it unbalances the game, so should you make that assumption? Again, I don't know, I'm stream-of-consciousness spouting ideas here.

    An idea for a game I suggested to Kas in the dead/spec doc was for a game in which you essentially have a set number of posts you can make, with either criteria to earn extra, or an automatic 'right-of-reply' if a vote is placed on you. Again, this has its own problems if new information enters the thread later on (a day in, someone confirms they'd Seeked someone, but everyone's used their posts), but perhaps if it's the rules of the game it would be approached differently. Food for thought perhaps!

    Another idea I had within the spead doc was to make myself and Kas a new subforum role, the IH, or Impartial Hecklers, free to comment on any game without any of the knowledge of either players, speculators or the dead. This is unrelated to the inactive point, it just feels right. I can't see it going badly. :P

  11. 4 hours ago, Burnt Spaghetti said:

    And finally, @Kasimir. Dude. Great game. There are reasons i will sign up to any game you run if i have the chance :P You are a really engaging gm and you pour your heart into these games and the writeups and it shows. You did a fantastic job even with all the pressures you are dealing with. I am proud of you. You got through it! NOW YOU BETTER MAKE USE OF THE NEWLY FREED TIME TO GET SOME SLEEP BETWEEN YOUR WORK CASES OKAY??? AND DONT FORGET TO HYDRATE.


    Also @Wyrmhero it was great to see you again. Has been a long time, and I hope you've been well.  Thank you for the cycles of entertainment of pestering our gm so we didn't have to and risk suffering consequences :P 

    Kas can't sleep, I've given him 100s hours of shows to watch and games to play :P.

    Nice to pop in a little, though Kas is no doubt very glad I didn't sign up - Not because I was going through stuff with him first and therefore knew what was happening, not because I would have signed up at 2 minutes before game start, but because I was considering doing the game as a parody of Garth Marenghi's Darkplace. My RP would have been Wyl (author, actor, director) and Kast (second main character) giving interviews about the game. But Kas ruined that idea by being so damned good at writeups that parodying them would have been an insult :P.

  12. 12 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

    1. Time-check: you have slightly around twenty-one and a half hours left in the cycle. Get those votes and orders in!


      Reveal hidden contents


    We had a slight weapons malfunction, but everything's perfectly all right now. For any dead player or spectator who has been ejected from the dead doc and requires another link to access it, you may obtain it from me, from Dead Doc #1 (I've updated the link), or from any dead player. (Dead players, please help me out here, and also please be responsible and not hand it to anyone who shouldn't have it. Thank you.)

    If you're Wyrm, you're not getting the link. That simple. :P 

    I'm sure someone will give me the link. I know some people.

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