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Posts posted by SwiftSteel

  1. this is a really cool topic.




    3 points: Cadmium/Steel Twinborn.  This Twinborn can tap their speed to catch up to the assailant.  Once there, they can burn cadmium to slow time in the bubble, allowing for the other bounty-hunters to catch up.  If the assailant causes any trouble, the Twinborn could tap speed to keep them away from the edges of the bubble.

    3 points:  Chromium/Steel Twinborn.  This Twinborn can tap their speed to keep up with the Twinborn mentioned above.  If the assailant is an Allomancer, this Twinborn can wipe their stores.

    1 point: A Thug

    1 point:  A Windwhisperer

    1 point:  A Spinner

    1 point:  A Smoker

  2. So if I recall correctly, Kelsier passed OreSeur's services onto Vin.  Kelsier paid OreSeur beforehand with a (large?) amound of atium.


    What, exactly, would OreSeur have done with the atium?  Was his goal just to collect as much as possible and bring it to the First Generation to protect from Ruin or something?  Could he have used it for personal usage?  IDK, I just reread the second book and realized that part.

  3. How does burning aluminum work?  Does it burn away your metals without unleashing their effects, or does it burn away the ABILITY of the metal?


    Also, if an aluminum twinborn were to ingest an aluminummind and then burn aluminum, what would happen to the aluminummind?

  4. So TLR had expanded knowledge concerning the metals: he knew about aluminum, electrum, and probably duralumin.  It would make sense if he knew the Feruchemal uses of these metals as well.


    Feruchemal aluminum: Stores identity

    Feruchemal electrum: Stores determination

    Ferucehmal duralumin: Stores connection


    I think it would make sense that TLR had a few aluminumminds that he was constantly filling at an extremely high rate.  After all, why would he want to remember himself as Rashek the packman.

    Lately, I've been seing a lot of posts that say that filling identity also fills spiritual identity, theoretically allowing another Ferring or Feruchemist to tap the other's metalminds. 

    So can TLR's metalminds show up in the future and be able to be accessed?

  5. For tho


    Because no one stores enough to die, if you stored too much of either you would die, same with luck or strength to use one of Brandons examples. My point was more that it has very limited storage capacities, you couldn't store huge amounts of luck without running a large risk so you couldn't tap large enough amounts of luck.
    Useful? Definitely.
    Omnipotent it is not though, you could probably get a 20 or even 30x increase in luck once every now and then but you're not going to be winning the lottery every day.

    The more you compound it like this, the less effective it'll be, becoming twice as unlucky for an hour will not let you be 4x as lucky for half an hour, some of the investiture is lost in compounding it.


    A helpful way to store would be to just store 1% of your attribute at ALL times.  Let's say the storing rate is 1% of your attribute per second, and that you're awake for 6 hours a day.




    At the end of your storing, you would have 216% MORE of your attribute.  all you need is 1%, and then selected days where you can store more

  6. Duralumin the would not limit itself to metals but other functions of the body. Could duralumin enhance the bit of preservation in everyone? Emotional fortitude, mental abilities and natural physical abilities (though I think this one might just be related to pewter and tin). All we have seen of it outside of use with metals was a few moments when vin used it standing still. I think duralumin enhances the abilities of foreign substances personally. Such as medicine becoming stronger, drugs becoming more powerful, even maybe the effects of allowance on your emotions? Obviously duralumin allows you to choose which substance it enhances such as burning a metal in conjunction where as aluminum is against will power. This is my theories anyway

    There WAS a moment though when Vin was burning only duralumin and moving around to see if it affected her physically.  as far as we can tell, it didn't

  7. So a person in a bendalloy bubble would age 8 times faster than someone outside of one?


    An a person in a cadmium bubble would age 8 times slower...


    So what would that do to a person storing age?  Or any other attribute?  Would they also be store 8 times as quickly in a bendalloy bubble?




    Another thing is: I'm kind of expecting two more temporal metals.  Gold, atium, malatium, and electrum seemed to work well together as a quadrant because they all predicted something.  Bendalloy and cadmium actually affect time itself though...


    So am I just helplessly hoping, or does it make sense that there would be two more metals?

  8. I've always wondered if an aluminum gnat burned their metal while touching a Hemalurgically charged spike or while they were pierced with a Hemalurgically charged spike. If Brandon's statement can be believed, the spike's Hemalurgically charge would be eliminated, and I'd love to know what happens to that investiture when the spike discharges.

    Likewise, I've always wondered if an aluminum gnat could discharge a Feruchemist's metal minds by touching them while burning aluminum.


    This probably wouldn't work though, since aluminum is an internal metal.  Or is it?


    It's an interesting concept though.  Theoretically, would it work on a person who's been "spiked"?

  9. 1) Well, the cost of a metal that is alloyed from bendalloy and atium or from cadmium and atium would be EXTREMELY high.  Yes, the user would be overpowered, but they would also have to spend a lot of money getting their metal.


    Of course, if they don't mind stealing, then they would probably have no problem.


    2) Did you make these alloys up, or did Brandon hint at them?...

  10. I don't know about a main character but I'm sure we'll get one in a supporting role at some point, I imagine something kind of like Spooks progress from book 1 to 3, initially viewed as kind of useless and then finding a more useful way to use their abilities and becoming the survivor of something or other :P Scadrial needs more survivors.


    Yeah, this would definitely be something Sanderson would do.  We'd all be theorizing and thinking that we've thought up some pretty cool stuff that a Gnat would be able to do, then he'll just turn around and BOOM.  The Gnat is suddenly the next big badass.  We never saw it coming :)

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