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  1. Thanks a lot for the thorough explanation!
  2. Thanks a lot for everyone who replied and thanks for putting spoiler warnings, I guess i should read this "secret history" that you guys mentioned. What you say makes a lot of sense. Is it mentioned anywhere that in Cosmere intent is vital? Or is it something that you generally pick up by reading the books?
  3. I have finished the mistborn trilogy, something doesn't make sense and I searched through the internet but couldn't find any answer. So these are the conditions for Vin to become a god: Vin can draw upon the mist's power whenever she doesn't have her earring. We also know that she can only ascend as preservation (and become a god) after encountering the well of ascension. That's why she didn't become a god when she drew upon the mists in the first book, she just got a little boost to help her kill Rakhek. That makes sense. But during the third book, when fighting Marsh in fadrex city, she can absord the power of mists for the second time. This time she meets the two conditions to become a god: doesn't have earring, check. Encountered well of ascension, check. So why didn't she become a god? What was different the third time that made her a god? Did she have to simply be "more desperate"? Why did she just get a little boost in fadrex city instead of absorbing all the mist's power?
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