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Posts posted by Syborae

  1. Wee, I can finally post! I have this weird thing where I have to read all the posts that come before, before I post even if it's 9 pages in already. (Alright yes, I confess, I also read the first WAYR topic >.> )

    Actually I just finished a book and a few graphic novels that I was halfway through because they were all overdue at the library. I've read 70 novels and graphic novs so far this year. I like to squash a few graphic novels together to count as a book so I'd say I'm at about 55 books for the year towards my goal of at least 100. I got some catching up to do!

    So at the moment I'm reading: The Angel of Darkness by Caleb Carr (I loved the first book, The Alienist and I'm sad to know Carr hasn't written any other novels with these characters :( )Think Sherlock Homes...kinda. It's set just before the turn of the century when psychologists were called Alienists and both novels follow the same Alienist and his friends as they track down Serial Killers in NYC. I'm also reading Wise Man's Fear on my Kindle, Way of Kings (I had to restart it since it's been so long since I started it) and Infidel by Kameron Hurley which I was lucky enough to receive an ARC of...it just arrived in the mail! I did a happy dance FOR SURE. I loved the first novel God's War and if you're interested you can find my review of it here! I don't do reviews very often because it makes me more critical of my reading than I like to be. I'd rather enjoy it than try and find things to dislike.

    I'm so excited because I'm taking a bunch of books back to the library and it will put me back under 10 books! I went a little crazy and at my craziest had about...35 books from the library and of course couldn't get to all of them in time. I had to reign myself in!

  2. My parents are huge fantasy readers and the reason I read fantasy. They actually started reading the Wheel of Time which is how I came to start reading it as well. The first time I only read through the first 3 books before moving on. Then I joined a Wheel of Time site many years later and had to read the entire series. I wouldn't say RJ is one of my favorite authors, I think there are too many little things that annoy me about his writing but I do love the story and would always have continued. It was through this WoT forum that I learned who would be continuing the series and unlike a lot of other fans, I wasn't worried either way. It wasn't until some of my friends checked out his books and loved them that I decided to pick 'em up. I started with Mistborn and was hooked! I didn't like Elantris nearly as much but it was quite soon that I decided that Brandon was one of my favorite authors. I think half the reason I haven't finished Way of Kings yet is because I don't want to have to suffer the wait until the next book!

  3. Well I'm a wee bit of an Alt-oholic but my main is a Night Elf Hunter on Draka. My Dad, brother and I have a Guild called the Bridgeburners. My main alt atm is a Dwarf Paladin, also on Draka. Um um, I also have alts on Turalyon, Bloodhoof and Silvermoon. My main is named Syborae and she's only level 58 or so and is my highest. I just recently started doing some PvP and loved it! I also rolled my first DK (a gnome because I couldn't resist) but other than playing through the first few levels I haven't touched it since, I'd rather do it when I have time to focus and learn and all that jazz. I would love to get involved in a Guild where I could learn from more experienced players and get to know people but no luck yet.

    Thank you for the welcomes! :D

  4. Syb is fine! I hadn't really thought of nicknames when I chose a display name so it's all good.

    I know I know, I can be so long winded and all over the place. I'm not always though, promise! I'm sure I'll get to lurking soon enough.

    It's only been recent that I started counting my books (yay Goodreads!) and I know in highschool I read a lot less so it's a rather recent phenomenon for me :D There is so much out there I want to read though! I'll never get to it all!

  5. Is it considered necroing if it's only been a month or so? If so, sorry! Not trying to break the rules in my first 3 hours!

    I graduated in 2005 from a boarding academy and went straight to a private christian college that was way too expensive for me so I could take Theology. Then I wasn't able to afford to return and that combined with hella other things made me very depressed. I returned home and tried to do community college but my grades went way down, I skipped classes and didn't do homework and basically just screwed myself (because i really didn't care). Now I just want to hit my old self upside the head and say...snap out of it! Regrets, regrets.

    I want to return but I'm nervous that I'll fail like before. I graduated with honors from highschool but totally failed at college and I keep thinking I'll do it again. That and I have to cough up the money myself until I get my GPA up (It's a 1. something). But lately I've been fed up with not pursuing anything. I'm gong to start checking out all those free cool things that colleges put up on iTunes and stuff and start teaching myself some things but I'm also going to start saving up to return. I'm thinking about pursuing History bu I'm still debating on things. I do not want to live a stagnant life anymore, where one day bleeds into the next!

  6. Wee, I love instruments! I would love to learn to play the cello...I agree, the timbre is just gorgeous!

    I play the Sax. I picked it up because my school didn't have strings (I'd always wanted to play the violin at the time because I loved classical music) and Lisa Simpson played the Sax. Haha. It actually turned out to be a pretty good fit for me! I picked it up easily. My 5th grade band (the year we all started) was better than the 6th grade band that year and from there it only went up! In highschool I was first and I started playing on the Soprano as well as the Alto. When I did my one year of college (eek, private college is expeeensive) I started playing the Bari too and loooved it. I really really miss being in a band! I would still be playing my sax if I could have gotten into a band. I find playing on my boring and I never practiced (which is probably why I was never better than I was). Once I hit college I learned I'd been playing the sax wrong the entire time too...I guess my tongue doesn't hit the same place as other saxophonists. It hits the top of my mouth and not the reed.

    I was also in choir and I could have gotten into the "special" choir if they didn't meet at the same time as band, which I preferred. They also did their tours at the same time.

    Me in, well I forget what it was called actually, a mini group within the larger band. We were playing at a basketball game looks like.


  7. I love Gplus! Circles are <3 as long as I remember to use them. I quite forgot I know some people outside of my larger circles so they probably thought I never posted! I freakin love Hangouts too. I would love to do one sometime since I haven't seen any information about irc or a chatroom.

  8. Welllll...hi. I'm never quite sure what to say in these things...

    Hi, my name is Syborae (well not really but I don't know y'all well enough to throw about the real name yet!) and I'm a Sanderson fangirl (I'm also a Rothfuss fangirl, just sayin'). Except I haven't finished reading Way of Kings yet and I preordered it...oops. Well I'll just throw out random things so y'all can get to know me a bit...that's the point of an introduction right? Also check out my interests and about me page I'm wonderfully succinct there as well *coughs*

    Right, focus brain...

    I used to be able to stay up until 4 am in the morning before my sister had kids and needed my help. Now I find myself getting sleepy by 11...how lame! I'm a bit delirious because it's OHMYGOSH 1 am. I'm so going to regret this in the morning but I can't help checking out a site throughly when I join it and I knew I'd forget to join by morning.

    So I joined because Brandon commented about moving his official forums here. I actually used to belong to another fansite that was started a wee bit before or just at the same time as this one and didn't join on purpose, other than checking it out. But as I do my attention eventually flitted away to another interest and eventually it closed down.

    Um...I've met Brandon twice. Once when I wasn't able to attend a signing of his over in California (my car got a flat, I went the wrong way on the highway for an hour because I didn't bring directions) but ran into him when a few friends and I went to a restaurant and he was there too. I was really nervous and just shook his hand. He asked if I had any questions but I didn't really because I'd been reading everything on his website and around the 'net.

    I also met him this previous March when I went to an Annual party for the Wheel of Time forum I'm on and he was attending. It was pretty awesome. I got to tour RJ's house and sit in his chair. I actually like Sanderson's writing much better but it was still really cool!

    I live about 40 minutes from where WorldCon just took place but I was down in Vegas visiting my brother and some WoT friends and I missed it. It was worth seeing my brother but OMG Sanderson and Rothfuss in one place! Oiy oiy oy.

    I like to read as I'm sure others do. Last year I had a goal of 100 and beat it at 111 (seriously, urban fantasy novels are so easy and quick to get through!). This year I decided to be all complicated and such (re: INFJ) and attached different genres I read to each month of the year and then plan out books from those genres from my huge to-read list as well as the books from the Women of Science Fiction, Women of Fantasy and Alphabet Soup reading groups. I have some serious catching up to do!

    I play WoW, I started to spend time with my brother and Dad but I've really gotten into it lately. I'm also super interested in GW2 and can't wait to check it out.

    I would try to list out favorite shows and movies but oh my gosh I know I would forget things and it would take forever. It's like asking for favorite books, eek! Or favorite music! My brain would overload. And now I just need to shut up since this is already long so...

    TL;DR: Hi, I am a huge geek with a short attention span who loves almost everything! Especially exclamation points!

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