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Posts posted by Violet

  1. 3 hours ago, Kasimir said:

    Karis made more notes in his ledger, to help him organise his thoughts:

    In summation, it was time to put thoughts to action:

    1. @Sart - "Sirta," Karis said, loudly. "What, exactly, is the basis of your read on Scarlet, to the point you consider them your most trusted Villager? Exactly what, in your view, has Scarlet done to deserve this read? Moreover, if you felt your accusation of Scarlet was mistaken, why not just admit you made a mistake upfront instead of claiming this was to stir engagement? Next, what do you hope to gain from viciously attacking those who are not present? Do you believe this is somehow going to translate into presence despite the weight of history showing this view doesn't work? Finally, there is a robust case, based on these strange flashbacks some of us have been having, that indicates that lack of engagement is a positive indicator that Jorrick is not Spiked. As many times as people have attempted to parlay these into suggestions Jorrick is changing their behaviour, it doesn't and hasn't borne out. I'm interested if you put any weight on these arguments, or remotely consider them factors that would influence your decision, here and now. My accusation of you is not locked in stone, and I am still willing to shift if I can see some indicator you are not Spiked."

    2. @Archer - "Wendawa," Karis said next, turning to Wendawa. CLINK! forgive him, but questions came before the baking meat pies this time. "You state after Violet immediately counter-accused you that it was immediate and a good look. What is your reasoning for this stance?"

    3. @Violet - "Violet," Karis ticked off the next name. "You insist you have a case on Wendawa but have not presented it. How do you expect any reaction, anything indicative, or, for that matter, any buy-in on a case you won't present? Moreover, if your suspicion is purely based on the fact it was an immediate, early accusation, then why do you not accuse everyone else who made early accusations? For that matter, how do you propose to get around the problem of everyone sitting down together and claiming there isn't enough information to make an accusation and waiting on each other?"

    He had some consulting of the village Archives to do in order to draw out a baseline of Sirta's behaviour.

    "A reminder to all," Karis said, with a touch of irony. "If I'm not around for the final stand against the Spiked, keep in mind you should have been doing association analysis. With eight of us in total, being able to rule out pairings to varying degrees will be helpful in solving for the last Spiked. Identifying those unable to give coherent pairings is also crucial. Of course, if there's just one, then we've got a problem. But we always plan for the worst case scenario."

    Edited to add:

    Karis added, as a note for himself:


    "So basically, what you're saying, is that anyone who defends or accuses Sirta is immediately S/S with them? A strange philosophy, maybe to go with your other ones, but I think you overlook the possibility of a Spiked not helping the other, since as you so kindly put it, the day isn't even over yet. That's not to say that one point undermines your entire list, but is worthy to consider. In fact, I would say it is very detrimental to those innocent who defend Sirta out of the goodness of their heart, as it gives the spiked a good target to get the village to execute, buying them time to do who knows what, however I would only suspect that to be the case if there were interlocking indicators from a multitude of people, showing clever work behind the scenes.

    Secondly, have you considered the Tineye messages that might be flying around between players? I personally would not mention their contents explicitly here, nor with a person I do not trust, but they would still hold true to my analysis. Perhaps another thing you overlooked.

    On another side note, my total SE playing time (a boardgame popular as of late) is little over 48 hours, and while I may have offered to fill in for a malaise player, that does not mean I completely followed the game, nor were knowledgeable gained experience from it, similar to how a poet wouldn't have experience so much as a worldbringer"

    As for the question.... "I don't expect everyone to take the same path as me, and to be honest, if they did deliberately, I'd be concerned. As for suspects, I wouldn't trust anyone, but my vote will stay on Wendawa, as I feel changing it would be both hypocritical of myself and would also be what the spiked want."

    Violet turned to address one last issue. "Doom is a word I used. Perhaps, in a language where your thoughts are clouded by your words and pretending, the true meaning gets lost along the way in favor for a more amiable word, traded off for expression."

  2. 45 minutes ago, Archer said:

    You couldn’t trust your emotions in a crowd. They always lead people to extremes.

    “We’re all going to die!” Wendawa flapped his arms, trying to fly away from the suffocating crush of humanity. “Some as soon as tonight!”

    It was best not to let emotions dictate your decisions, then. He would make his vote rationally. Based on vibes.

    “Violence has descended upon us. Violence sounds like Violet, Violet likes sounds of violence.”

    "Hi. Why are you accusing me so quickly? Violent and Violet are very different, just so you know. Has The Deepness gotten into your mind so quickly? Wendawa?"

  3. 3 hours ago, Being of Cacophony said:

    not really... they just think it's up to me how well I do

    eh, i would very much disagree.

    Yeah you have very big egos, understandable

    52 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

    I wouldn't say that girls are smarter, just that they become smarter in different ways than boys at different times. 

    That's a way to put it

    I still think I could outshine all of you in a bunch of things

    Although of course there will always be idiots

  4. 21 hours ago, Cash67 said:

    Agreed with BoC, height doesn't determine awesomeness


    6 hours ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

    not me just over here like "how do i talk to women" 

    ...help lol.

    You speak, ideally by utilizing the internal structures known as the vocal chords.

    5 hours ago, The Last Fæ said:

    They are probably also human, so bond over that, and if you are different ask about what not being human (or being human, not judging) is like. 


    5 hours ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

    fair honestly ^^"

    Are we making cute cat faces? Then ^-^ 

    1 hour ago, Edema Rue said:


    We’re very much human. Most of the time, we don’t want to hurt you anymore than you want to hurt us; but we’re scared (because you males are scary) so we make sure we’re rude first. If you act happy and nice we usually don’t bite :lol: 

    Correction: You're scared. I'm not scared, your scared. Most of the time, at least.

    Okay maybe more than I think.

    39 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

    i think im the least threatening boy alive. i could be wrong tho lol


    Then use that 

  5. 2 hours ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

    Ash smiled. "Great! So you'll just follow me around for a while ask me questions when you have them and if and when I think you're ready and extend a job offer. If you have anything to add on to what I'm saying when I'm talking to a patient address me first. RIght now I think we should go offer some of your freeze dried banana slices to Vyla."

    Ash turned and walked over to Vyla hoping jar man was following her.

    "Hey Vyla! How are you feeling?"


    "Confused? I feel like something's missing."

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