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Deano Stormblessed

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Posts posted by Deano Stormblessed

  1. Just did Pits of Hathsin wiki page, and mentioned it as location for Ruin's lake/pool/liquid form. Not to sure of the reference for it, but I know from Chaos that he has gotten confirmation from Brandon of that is where it is. If someone knows a specific reference, please fill it in.

  2. I think they need to be a bit spoilerish. It helps not only for a reference guide for those who already read the series, but can't remember which chapter something happened, it also allows for people to pick up on small things they may have missed. However it is still a summary.

    Anyway, doing chapter summaries for WoA, check it out. Some are long, some are short. I've included all epigraphs for chapters, and am checking to see if there is anything in the annotations to help support the chapters. I have put a warning at the beginning for spoilers so people will be warned.

  3. hmm, could be problematic as my scanner isn't really working. Well, if anyone knows a way to get the images from the book headings to the computer an easier way, or knows a place they are already uploaded, this could help, otherwise I'll tackle this obstacle at the end.

  4. Awesome starting with WoA since I just started reading it yesterday and only at end of part 1.

    EDIT: How would I put pictures in (for the chapter headings)? Andrew, I think that the WoK will need the picture headings for each chapter. They seem to have some sort of importance.

  5. Hey guys,

    I would like to help out with the wiki. I don't mind making summary pages of each chapter for all Brandon's books, with link to the annotations, as well as updating character pages and such.

    The only problem is I don't know how to use the wiki pages. If someone helps me out, I wouldn't mind helping out.

  6. I don't think Jaddeth is a shard, or in fact related to any shard on Sel (basically Skai or Aona, though it may be related to another shard but I don't have any evidence of that). Jaddeth has been around for a very long time, while the monks of Dahkor are fairly knew. The monks are in fact nothing like most of the other Derethi priests. Derethi priests are logical and structured, reflecting the Derethi philosophy of unity of order/structure. The Dahkor monks are ruled by strong emotions, such as hate and passion. The shard that gives the Dahkor monks their power would likely to be very different from Jaddeth, if in fact Jaddeth is even based on a shard.

  7. Was Fedik as Terrisman, or one of Alendi's friends?

    Also, I think that's interesting with the Alternate ending. Probably better not having Ruin's pool nearby, just incase someone stepped into it (in case the LR died, as he did). And the Pits of Hathsin are the best place to have it, since no one would go down there willingly.

  8. If we associate Aona's splintering with Rayse's visit (from the reading of Hoid's letter) and we associate Rayse's visit with the Roed, then I don't know if the lake is a shadow of Aona, as it existed before her death. I just don't know that much about the splintering process of a shard. Can they do it while still alive? Do they have to be dead? Can they reclaim the splinter at a later date and make themselves whole?

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