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Canada Lover

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Everything posted by Canada Lover

  1. What is the General Conference? @shortcake @Lord Spirit @The Honorable One
  2. Ezrium raced after where Ninndle and Kaa had gone off to, hoping to survive the next few hours.
  3. Gtg, I should be back in about an hour or so.
  4. "I guess the only thing to do now is to find Kaa." Ezrium noted.
  5. Komadori runs after Ezrium, right off the cliff. Ezrium appears where Komadori was just standing, taking down his illusion. "Sorry it had to end like this." Ezrium sighed.
  6. Ezrium dashed off, Komadori right behind him. He climbed a little, and the cliff seemed to go on forever. It was life or death. Ezrium kept running.
  7. Ezrium quickly ran away as Sage and Komadori faced off. He wanted no part in the battle. He especially didn't want to die!
  8. "Komadori?" Ezrium was alarmed at what had come over his teammate.
  9. "Thanks," Ezrium seemed dazed, and healed his wound with some stormlight from the perpendicularity.
  10. Ezrium quickly dodges however, escaping only with a little wound.
  11. Ezrium watches blood spray all over him, and accidentally gets too close to Komadori's axe, and is cut in the arm by it.
  12. Ezrium, who was still in the battle, although being practically useless, was blinded by Komadori's spren. Quickly regaining eye-sight, Ezrium created an illusion that made it completely dark to Rolen and Cthaelth.
  13. Ezrium was unsure what to do, for the second time. He could stay here and fight the battle that he had started, which he seemed to be winning, or he could chase after Kaa and retrieve his item, so that he could survive the next few hours.
  14. @Edema Rue @Ancient Elantrian @SmilingPanda19
  15. Ezrium turned around to see Komadori charging towards them. "Nice of you to join the party,"
  16. Ezrium's illusions surrounded Sage and Rolen, encircling them. @Lightweaver2 @The Honorable One
  17. Ezrium summonned Vybre as a dagger, and made many illusions of himself, siphoning upon the Perpendicularity. @Lightweaver2 @The Honorable One
  18. "Farewell fellow competitor," Ezrium turned towards Rolen as well. "I'm afraid this is the end of the line for you." @Lightweaver2 @The Honorable One
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