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Everything posted by Y F-N

  1. From the epigraph for chapter 36 The ability to store up healing power is feruchemical gold, which is a Hybrid feruchemical ability (along with electrum, cadmium, and bendalloy). Pewter spikes are supposed to steal Physical feruchemical abilities (iron, steel, pewter, or tin). Hybrid feruchemical abilities, such as the ability to store healing power, are stolen by gold spikes. My source for all of this is the coppermind.
  2. I think if any Shard is at play here, it's actually Preservation. An entire society, remaining stagnant, never changing, being forever Preserved in a state of the past. It's kind of Preservation taken to the extreme. I recall in one of Kelsier's conversations with Preservation in Secret History that Preservation says he admires what the Lord Ruler created.
  3. Interesting ideas! I personally believe that this particular instance has less to do with futuresight shenanigans and more to do with the fact that while Ruin has near-infinite power, his ability to pay attention to things is more finite. (Certainly far bigger than regular people, but he still can't consciously think about everything at once.) So, during the time in which Kelsier was interfering with Urteau, Ruin was far more focused on Vin. He wasn't paying attention to what was going on with Urteau in his futuresight because he simply didn't care as much about Urteau as he cared about the events in Fadrex City. These in particular are very intriguing. I'm sure those ideas and their connection to futuresight are going to be bouncing around in my head for a while. You might be on to something.
  4. So, we know that Kelsier was the one to give out the first Unsealed metalminds to the Southern Scadrians after the Ice Death, because Wax received an unsealed metalmind containing the memory. But we also know from the Lost Metal epilogue that he has no access to his allomancy, and therefore presumably couldn't have made the bands of mourning despite all the imagery associated with him. We do, however, know of one person who has access to most, if not all, allomantic and feruchemic abilities. And that person is Marsh. Did Marsh somehow work with Kelsier to create the Bands of Mourning? Perhaps Sazed helped give the idea of unsealed metalminds, because he noticed the Southern Scadrians dying and wanted to save them, and then Kelsier took the idea to its extreme (as he is wont to do)? If not Marsh, then maybe Spook for the allomancy (he would've still been around, and a full allomancer) and some unknown person for the feruchemy. If Sazed did indeed give Kelsier the unsealed metalminds idea, and that led to the Bands, then perhaps that's one of the reasons he doesn't trust the Ghostbloods and tell them what's going on with Autonomy-- he knows Kelsier will take whatever he says and make it dangerous. These are my current musings. But I'm curious to see if anyone has any others.
  5. I did not find any more missing passages, but I found one duplicated passage. The epigraph of Chapter 2 (pg. 28) is duplicated, likely because it appears both as the epigraph to Chapter 2 and as part of the section Vin reads in Chapter 29 (pg. 480), which is canonically the end of the logbook.
  6. I noticed that the wiki article for Alendi's logbook is missing the section that Vin reads at the beginning of Chapter 22 of Mistborn: The Final Empire (page 363-364). It contains the beginning of that section, which is also the epigraph of Chapter 3, but starting from "We picked up a group of Terris packmen...", it is missing. I would make an account to add it myself, but the "Known Text" section says "please do not alter without permission from the creator" because it is intellectual property. I might make an account anyway, but I don't want to make this edit myself. I only found this missing passage because I happened to be in the middle of looking through The Final Empire specifically for passages of the logbook. If I happen to stumble upon others which the wiki doesn't include, I will mention it in a reply here.
  7. Y F-N


    Ooh, that's a hard one. I don't think I can choose throughout all of the Cosmere, so I'll go with Words of Radiance since I finished it less than a week ago and it's fresh in my mind. Shallan and Hoid are probably my favorites, with Kaladin, Rock, Navani, and Adolin as close runners-up. As far as least favorites go, I'll say Sadeas (unless I want to say Rayse but that feels like cheating). Amaram and Taravangian are close, but they both truly believe that they are saving the world, and that makes them interesting. Perhaps tragic hero material. I'm really curious about where the next books take them.
  8. Hi! I'm new here, but not so new to Sanderson's works. I've read Elantris, Warbreaker, the first two Stormlight novels, all of Mistborn Era 1, Alloy of Law, and Secret History (not in that order). Seems like a lot tbh, but I'm not even halfway through everything that's out there. I may need to dedicate a second Sanderson shelf soon. As far as Sanderson's non-Cosmere works go, the Reckoners series was actually my introduction to his writing. Oathbringer, as well as most of Arcanum Unbounded (I'm saving Allomancer Jak for after Shadows of Self), are next on my list.
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