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Everything posted by CoatRackHoid

  1. I would imagine that awakeners do get a buff to overall durability with enough breaths but it takes a lot of BEU's to get to that point and so for everyone other than the ones with upwards of 1500(8% skip capacity for Nomad) breaths, and even beyond that, it just doesn't do a whole lot to be noticeable. Plus most awakeners with a truly incredibly large amount of breaths(god kings and the like) do have more durability than normal humans. A breath is a relatively small amount of investiture and because everyone on Nalthis only starts with one it’s pretty difficult getting enough breaths to have an appreciable difference to one's healing and durability. As for the Awakened Steelmind I would imagine it doesn't matter a whole lot what type of metal it is because its not being tapped by anyone just sitting there being an AI. In my opinion the only effect the metal would have on the AI is it's personality and so maybe steel makes a more quick acting and fast obeying AI as opposed to a potentially quick-witted, smart aleck Zinc AI. Of course I'm probably wrong and Brandon it going to reveal something later on that answers both questions and makes me look like a fool.
  2. All Knight Radiant orders get a twinborn ability that I think fits their associated Essence and Divine Attributes. Windrunners- Sapphire: Protecting/Leading F-Electrum A-Pewter Skyreakers- Smokestone: Just/Confident F-Duralumin A-Bronze Dustbringers- Ruby: Brave/Obedient F-Steel A-Iron Edgedancers- Diamond: Loving/Healing F-Gold A-Brass Truthwatchers- Emerald: Learned/Giving F-Copper A-Electrum Lightweavers- Garnet: Creative/Honest F-Aluminum A-Gold Elsecallers- Zircon: Wise/Carful F-Zinc A-Bendalloy Willshapers- Amethyst: Resolute/Builder F-Pewter A-Pewter Stonewards- Topaz: Dependable/Resourceful F-Bronze A-Copper Bondsmiths- Heliodor: Pious/Guiding F-Nicrosil A-Gold There are a couple orders that I was stumped on for quite a bit (dustbringers) but for the most part I feel good about them.
  3. I think that every Dawnshard has a different effect on the user, just like how shards of Adonalsium effect the vessel. The effect of the Dawnshard Sigzil had may be different from the potential "Survive" Dawnshard and maybe the effects just aren't noticable from an outside perspective.
  4. I just completed my read of Yumi and when I say your post I knew that there was a line that said Something along the lines of “you on roshar” and here it is
  5. I am brand new to 17th shard but am very invested into Cosmere everything and have spend tons of time on the coppermind. My favorite Cosmere book is Tress of the Emerald Sea (Lost Metal is a close second though).
  6. I am brand new to 17th shard but am very invested into Cosmere everything and have spend tons of time on the coppermind. My favorite Cosmere book is Tress of the Emerald Sea (Lost Metal is a close second though).
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