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SmilingPanda19 last won the day on January 10

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About SmilingPanda19

  • Birthday April 20

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  • Member Title
    He contributed kind words more than he hurt. This is injustice.
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  • Location
    Next to Just-A-Stick in a Walmart dumpster
  • Interests
    The Hunger Games
    Playing videogames
    Anything having to do with Studio C (OLD CAST) JK Studios, or Freelancers
    ✨ Musicals ✨
    Theatre is life!
    Annoying Thaidakar The Ghostblood
    Lore Olympus
    Overalls, Boots, and Flannel
    Sushi and Boba
    EPIC: the musical
    American Sign Language
    Middle Schoolers! (The funniest people alive)
    Role playing
    Rock and Pop music
    Small Artists
    The Wingfeather Saga
    Greek Myths

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  1. Hey everyone. I’m not dead, I’m very much alive.

    I won’t bore you with mental state, you already know how it is. Horrible and getting worse.

    I do have some really good news though. I’m getting tested for Anxiety, and I’m also going to sign up for counseling. My parents got really serious about my mental health cause of something that happened.

    Im glad that I’m here where they are now being serious, but im not proud of how I got here… you can ask questions if you’d like I guess. I’m okay with questions on what happened, I’m just…. Not proud and kind of scaring myself so…

    Im trying my best here guys, I really miss yall and uhm. It would mean the world to me if you reached out, definitely makes me feel less alone just to have people there. 

    Love you guys and im trying to keep up. ❤️

    Dont forget how wonderful you all are.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kajsa


      Oh, Panda, we love you ❤️❤️❤️

      I can say from experience that with the help of your parents and a counselor, things can get so much better. Those two things probably saved my life. Friends here on the shard and in person helped as well, but I’m so glad to hear that you’re getting professional support. If you ever need anything at all, don’t be afraid to reach out :) love you!!!

    3. The Aspiring Archivist

      The Aspiring Archivist

      *hugs* This goes for everyone: I'm here if you need anything or want to talk.

      I know it can get better, and I believe it will. Try to find pride in every accomplishment on the way, however small or seemingly insignificant. Know that just being here another day is an amazing and powerful thing and I am very glad that you are.

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