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Posts posted by PyroPhile

  1. Quote

    Ooh, we’re all bumping into each other!

    As Ran’at traveled towards the two figures he saw earlier, he spotted another shape in the distance doing the same. Now that he was a bit closer, he could see that they were fellow acolytes. 
    “Hello there,” he called out.

  2. Ran’at stood at the foot of the Inverted Mountain. 

    Ran’at wasted no time to start climbing.

    He held his steel dagger in his main hand, with his prosthetic offhand at the ready, occasionally pushing down smaller crystalline protrusions blocking his path. 
    After swatting aside some kind of flying nuisance, he noticed a figure on his right.

    Another participant, perhaps? I would like some company.

  3. 16 minutes ago, Ookla the Perpetual said:

    Accuracy would be prefered. I'm having you calculate the dimensional structure of this part of the multiverse; we have time, and it's not like the Archive is going anywhere. I don't want to teleport us into a wall, or the center of a star, or something.

    Insanity Clinic: Library

    ”Okay, I’ll try to make it as accurate as I can.” Pyro starts working out the problem, then realizes that he needs to write down some things. “Could I have a piece of chalk?” he asks.

    @Ookla the Perpetual

  4. 35 minutes ago, Ookla the Perpetual said:

    "Hey, Pyro," Bookwyrm said as he continued to write, "Can you plug these numbers into the equation I'm writing right now? Let me know what you find."

    Insanity Clinic: Library

    “Certainly.” Pyro looks over the equation. “Looks like I’ll need to use an integral right here. Do you want the result to be more accurate, or do you want it faster?” Pyro asks.

    @Ookla the Crow @Ookla the Perpetual

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