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Everything posted by SovereignStormblessed

  1. I'd love to just take a moment to admire Lopen in general and how amazing a character he is
  2. I agree that that would be an interesting twist and a fun way to build on Lopen's character, but the fourth ideal is about accepting that there are some you cannot protect. I don't feel like there's a way to paraphrase that in the way you're thinking, but cool idea! Who knows? Maybe Sanderson will surprise us...
  3. I don't really know how much to say without giving stuff away for later in the book, but the Rosharian political system is one of the biggest, strictest, and most confusing in the Cosmere (at least in my opinion)! As you read more and more you really can see how the "formal" or "noble" thing to do plays a very big role in how the plot is developed. I won't say more for fear I'll give something away....
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