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Immortal Platypus

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Everything posted by Immortal Platypus

  1. Um... I wasn't the person who got asked someone out. That was actually @Shining Silhouette. Thanks for the poem though. I liked both of them.
  2. Thank ya'll so much for being so supportive and special thanks to @Szeth's Facepalm and @The Wandering Wizard. those pictures are amazing and helped cheer me up from my leg cramping fight before my 100 meter butterfly race yesterday and still hurting today. Thank everyone SO MUCH!! Ya'll are freaking awesome.
  3. *hugs* I'm so sorry. I've never had that experience, but it sounds horrible. I hope you have an amazing rest of the day/week/month/year to make up for it. Please remember that there are people who love you!!!
  4. No, it was good advice, it has worked in a couple other scenarios, just not this one. Nothing to be sorry about. It could have worked, I think everyone just kept distracting each other and so it didn't. I hope the respected person gets back tomorrow.
  5. I wish. Believe me, I tried. Almost worked a couple times, but never actually worked, plus I hate being in charge. I prefer to be the "power behind the throne" if you will.
  6. He's just busy instructing the normal group and the catch-up group. Plus, we're usually really good, and he doesn't have much time for us.
  7. The respected person was a student, the teacher usually just pokes his head in every once in a while, we mostly run ourselves in the "advanced" group. Don't worry, it wasn't hard, it was just me somewhat faking and somewhat trying to get them to actually do stuff. It didn't hurt.
  8. Can a radiant (some non-windrunner/skybreaker) absorb the stormlight that they are being lashed with? Relatedly, can a non-lightweaver/elsecaller absorb the lightweaving stormlight?
  9. I see. I don't need a tin mind. Also, only one spike. All rights reserved, terms may change at any point in time. If they do, blame my lawyer. Also, what spike will I be getting? This is necessary knowledge before I agree. Other than that, you should be fine. Also, I want a continuous supply of COOOKKIESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. I just had another of the most trying experiences in my life. I now hate a lot of violins and a cello. (Not quite hate, but I'm definitely not happy with them.) I was in the "advanced" group in my school orchestra but apparently, people only respect one person in the group, who was gone today. I spent most of the period banging my head against a wall. Literally. Not even joking. I would try to play and then the rest of the group would be like, "Everybody stop playing and talking, we're going to play together." So we would all stop and then we would play the first three measures, someone would mess up, and they would go back to talking. Over and over and over and over and over and over again. The only good part was that I'm really good at the first couple measures of Scheherazade.
  11. COOKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wait? a Dark Alley? That sounds suspiciously like asking to get spiked in the back... Ok, I'll come, but only if I have a guarantee that the spike won't be painful, and you have to go in front.
  12. Oh yeah, sorry, I mostly hang out with guys and so I just assumed, if I knew the person, they would be a he. Thanks for the correction. I haven't been to FSY, but I hope to eventually. I probably don't know her anyway. Utah is kinda big Oh well.
  13. So all I'm hearing is that I now have different (probably better) "powers" (and I use this term in a very general sense) than ya'll. Also, you now have one less cookie. Ha! I don't know what will happen to me I'm sure I'll be fine..... right?
  14. Do they live there, or are they on vacation, or what? If they live there, I might know the one in Utah, depending on how old he is. I also probably shouldn't be writing this in the middle of AP human geography, but who really cares? Oh well.
  15. I have never liked her, but some people do.
  16. yeah, it's a really bad idea to get your hemalurgic spikes stolen. #Stop_the_robbery!!!
  17. Me not knowing what the cookie was, stole it from @Thaidakar the Ghostblood it. Me, being an allomancer, burns the spikes away. Got em. I got cookie and I didn't need to be hemalurgically spiked. Success!!!! FREE COOKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. I'm eating ice cream and reading a book right now. Slowly but surely, the day is getting better. Plus, I can almost go to bed!!! EDIT: I thought I could almost go to bed instead, there was something else I was supposed to do, that I blew off so I could cuddle with my puppy. Totally worth it!!!
  19. If you hemelurgically steal tin so you can burn it and you flare it so much you become a savant like spook, and someone steals the spike back or you take it out, do you keep the enhanced senses? I think yes, but I'm very curious what ya'll think.
  20. I'm having probably the worst day I've had in a long time. First, I had a swim meet. In that swim meet, some of my friends basically just decided that I wasn't allowed to know things and weren't super nice, so that's great. Then I had a ballroom competition. That was super stressful and hard because I had two partners instead of just one, on the very first dance competition of my entire life, so that's not a good combination. Also, you basically have to conceal everything you're feeling (at this point the list is angry, annoyed, struggling, angry, and upset) to look happy while you're dancing, so I did. We won an award as a team, so it must have worked, but concealing it made me feel worse. After that, I had to wait in the car for about 30 minutes total while mom was in a few different stores. Then I start my work and get told that instead of cleaning up just Shadow's (my dog's) poop for the pooper-scooper job, I have to do all the deer poop too. Then my sister put Shadow outside, exactly where she shouldn't be because she's going to eat all the deer poop. I tell her just that and she decides that that is my problem now. Then, when I finally get done with the lawn, after dealing with the puppy, and come inside and I'm about to vacuum, mom tells me that I have to do the rocks too, which we haven't had to do before. Then while I'm feeling all these emotions (see prior list and ignored, plus a couple more without names or something like that), my dad yells at me. So now I'm here. I have pretty much all of my chores to do and it's pretty much 7:30 pm. Anybody want to challenge the fact that I've had the worst day at the moment? Nobody? Going once, going twice, sold! First prize to me. I apparently had the worst day. Yay.
  21. *Gives emotional support* You'll get through it. Sorry you don't understand it. To be entirely fair, x= (-b plus or minus the square root of b^2-4ac) all divided by 2a hurts anyone's brain.
  22. It's okay, you're probably more sick than me. I didn't take medicine and I've mostly been moderately okay... mostly.
  23. I'm also sick @Szeth's Facepalm. It happens every year. I also couldn't sleep the past couple nights and so when I did sleep I slept in a bad position so now I have back and neck pain. *sarcastic thumbs up* Gotta love it.
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