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Potato's Wit

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About Potato's Wit

  • Birthday September 16

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    I don't keep friends, I keep acquainted.
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    SPaCe aND tIMe MeAN NoThiNG To mE!!!
  • Interests
    Reading, and calling people my cousin when we're very distantly related just to annoy them. You know who you are, COuSiN.

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  1. @Ranryu found a rabbit burrow with two dead baby bunnies out side. After realizing that there were five alive bunnies in the burrow, we put them in a chocolate box and went out to a nature-y area in our neighborhood and dug them a new grave burrow. :( Them we just left them there. To die. We could not have taken care of them, and they were probably sick, but I still feel really bad. I got emotionally attached to them too fast. I'm going to go feel sad now. Bye.

    I hope the image works.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Potato's Wit

      Potato's Wit

      I didn't try and make you sound like a soulless villain. Sorry.

    3. Telrao


      I think you did what you could, and we all make mistakes! Bunnies are a pest in Australia and have murdered many native species so I've kinda lost a bit of my sympathy for them uhmmm

      Plus, you could never be sure how your cats would react to the bunnies. Not to mention the risk of zoological diseases... sorry, I'll stop. *hugs* Don't feel bad! It's okay.

    4. Potato's Wit

      Potato's Wit

      I don't have any cats(:(), but yeah, they're pests. I just have a waayyy too big soft spot for all things small and fluffy.

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