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Image Comments posted by Hyoukane

  1. 7 minutes ago, TheWanderer said:

    I am very curious where Winds of Truth will go after all the stuff that was found out in Rhythm of War. That book will be massive and I look forward to adding it to my library...then buying it again in the leatherbound version...I don't have a problem I swear.

    I pre-ordered the WaT digital ver. in March! I'm really looking forward to the book, it's very interesting what theories will be confirmed and what the culmination of the character arcs will be! Leatherbound versions are really great! 

  2. 22 minutes ago, TheWanderer said:

    Amazing art as always. Kaladin has had a complicated relationship with happiness for 4 books now. With any luck, by book 6 he will be in a much better place. Granted a recent revelation may give some hope for Winds of Truth showing some scenes of happy Kal.

    Thank you! Happy Kaladin is the only thing I hope for 🙏 I'm looking forward to previewing the chapters and the book itself, because I really hope that Wind and Truth will provide some calm and joyful moments for our boy Kal. And I hope Kaladin survives and gets a happy ending in the second half of the story 🥺

  3. 3 hours ago, alder24 said:

    It's beautiful! I'd love to see them both happy like this in SA5 ❤️ 

    Thank you! Whatever happens in the plot, I hope for warm and joyful moments for Kaladin in book 5 😭

  4. On 6/8/2024 at 12:56 AM, TheWanderer said:

    I need the book now!!! In all seriousness though I am quite hyped, particularly as I get more of my friends into the cosmere.

    I can't believe the book is coming very soon! 

    18 hours ago, Lighteyed Lieutenant said:

    This piece expresses the two sides of fans. One half are happy to have the book, the other half still want the book, but are scared of what will happen.

    Despite that, I think I'm #Team Syl on this one.

    Ahaha!! I am also #Team Syl 😄 Kaladin looks like this because he worries about the fate of his loved ones in this book! So yeah, he is kinda scared of what will happen 🥺

  5. 3 minutes ago, Aetherbound said:

    Kaladin does not look happy about Wind and Truth being done.

    Seems accurate.

    He is quite tense due to the fact that he does not know the exact fate of his loved ones in the fifth book. I understand his feelings 😭

  6. 11 hours ago, BlueWildRye said:

    See Moash, THIS is who you're hurting when you give him nightmares and kill his friends. Goodness, but Kaladin has to go through so much.

    He went through so much pain and loss! I'm glad that Kaladin dealt with all the difficulties (in a sense, dark moments will still happen, life is about trying to learn to live with everything). I hope to see him happy and at peace in the fifth book. And of course, meet Moash and defeat him 🙏

  7. 9 minutes ago, justice magician said:

    It's so beautiful as always! It really conveys the wonderful warm vibe of spring!

    Also, I didn't realize you had an Instagram, is your username the same as here on the shard?

    Thank you! Practically the same, its hyoukanee ☺️

  8. 3 hours ago, Lighteyed Lieutenant said:

    So pretty! What cultures were you inspired by?

    Thank you so much! Mostly Chinese, but I don’t pretend to be authentic 100%.

    I tried to make something bright following the description of Shallan's outfit in the book and my iiner thoughts ☺️

  9. 9 hours ago, TheWanderer said:

    Looks awesome, reminding me of a friend who has about 30 renditions of her D&D character in our wednesday game. I am always amazed how people can think of so many things for the same characters.

    This is amazing!! And thank you so much for liking!! 🥰

    8 hours ago, justice magician said:

    This is so beautiful! I love all the details! Adolin is always my favorite lol

    Thanks!! Adolin is one of my favorite character since the beginning!!

    7 hours ago, Experience said:

    Oh my storms this is beautiful

    💙 Thank you!

  10. On 4/19/2024 at 10:28 PM, BlueWildRye said:

    That is pretty much how I imagine Dabbid, thanks!

    Such a priceless comment! Thanks a lot! Coming up with a hairstyle is definitely hard. I thought that Dabbid, due to his condition, doesn’t care much about this, but in ROW because he helps, starts talking, etc. I think maybe he's cleaning himself up a little! And given his background and accusations, I imagine him to be a handsome young man. His chapter where he and the others rescued Kaladin brought me to tears! But I forgot if he also got a tattoo on his forehead! I need to re-read this in the book 😄

  11. On 3/29/2024 at 6:04 PM, Lighteyed Lieutenant said:

    Ah, Shinovar. Where grass and flowers actually exist. 😋

    Another great art piece! It's always wonderful to see what you'll do next!

    Thank you!

  12. On 4/9/2024 at 1:53 PM, TheWanderer said:

    Happy belated birthday, to paraphrase a certain liar, I am glad to hear you are warm again. Always delighted to see another piece from you, these all are so wholesome. 

    Thank you for your kind words, it's much appreciated! 😊

    On 4/9/2024 at 4:46 PM, justice magician said:

    Happy Birthday! The artwork is beautiful, I love the colors in this one!

    Thank you! Blue color is sometimes hard to play with, but I love designing dresses for Syl. Kaladin get a simpler outfit this time 🤗

    On 4/9/2024 at 6:27 PM, Trusk'our said:

    Happy birthday! Your art looks so good!


    On 4/13/2024 at 4:17 PM, Lighteyed Lieutenant said:

    Happy birthday! Have a wonderful and blessed day!

    Thank you~!! 

    On 4/13/2024 at 9:05 PM, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

    Amazing as always!

    💙 Thank you!

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