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Andrew the Great

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Posts posted by Andrew the Great

  1. 1) My guess is that they've seen him in action before. It makes no sense for them to seek him out otherwise. As to what he can actually do (whether for them or not), that's an excellent question.

    2) Yeah, got nothing on this one. "We seem to have misplaced our Gods, could you help us find them? Aona! Aona?" *Looks under rock* - Seriously, it's not like they don't have quite a lot of problem solving ability of their own. It's got to be something Shard-related, though, or they wouldn't be asking.

    3) My guess would be something to do with the Shadesmar. It's apparently how Hoid planet hops, but there's nothing to say you can't be tracked through it. And it's not like there are a whole bunch of planet hoppers around too. So far we know of only Hoid and the 17th Shard.

    Actually, that might be why the 17th Shard is looking for Hoid. Randon planet-hopper not from your organization? Too big of a risk if we don't recruit him. Especially if they know anything at all about Hoid....

  2. And they can be injured and/or killed. They may or may not ever die of old age, though, so if they kept themselves in good health, it's theoretically possible that they could live forever.

    And following that same logic that leads us to declare the Elantrians aren't immortal, neither are the Shards..... after all, it appears they can be killed. Though again, that appears to be a HUGE difference from Elantrians.

    Come to think of it, if Elantrians do hold Splinters of Shards, as I'm now beginning to think, then it would actually make a lot of sense for their "immortality" to work the same way as that of Shards, just on a smaller scale. Hmmmm.....

  3. Well technically, it could be pretty much anything except for between the Mistborn books. For example, setting the start of Elantris as the year 0:

    Elantris: 0

    Final Empire: 6,387,298,305,934,820

    Well of Ascension: 6,387,298,305,934,822

    Hero of Ages: 6,387,298,305,934,824

    Warbreaker: 6,387,567,920,390,136

    Elantris 2: 10

    WoK:  6,387,567,920,390,136 (Yes this is the same year as Warbreaker.....so what?)

    Point being, it's really difficult to do anything useful with this until we know how long has passed between books. If we could get a straight answer out of Brandon about that, though, I can see this being interesting and fairly useful.

  4. Yup. Definately spriggan-like.

    On the off chance that trendkill is not, in fact,  Sprig come around just to make fun of us all, trendkill, Sprig is Brandon's brother, Jordan. He's one of the admins on TWG, though we don't tend to see much of him over there. He also happens to have the same avatar pic as you do.

  5. Well Elantris does happen after his visit. We just don't know for sure how long after.

    And Deano, we have assumed up until now that Splintering meant that the Shard was essentially destroyed, its power scattered. All we are told in WoK is that Aona and Skai's shards were Splintered. Recently people have begun to speculate that the Shard being Splintered doesn't necessarily mean that its power is no more - just that it's in pieces. My personal favorite is the idea that when those that hold Splinters (read: Returned, IMO Elantrians, possibly Allomancers) die, the Splinter is either lost or absorbed into the whole. I also like the idea that when the Elantrians die in the pool, the Splinter is returned to the Shard as a whole.

    If someone were to find Aona or Skai and take up their Shard (like Sazed and Vin did in Mistborn), they would become the Shardholder to a Shard with no real power. The pieces would be scattered all over the place, and until those pieces were gathered in again, the Shard wouldn't be able to do much.

    At least, that's the way I was thinking about it.

  6. Your theory is fairly clear, I think.

    I'm not buying it though. It's an interesting idea, but I just don't see any reason why the spren being controlled by recording information about them should work the other way. And it doesn't actually really make sense too (I'm controlling the Spren to make them record information....which I did by recording information to control the spren......)

    I can see how it might work, yes, but it just doesn't seem like the easiest explanation.

  7. It's possible that the lake is the source of power, though I see no reason to believe so.

    In fact, I'd say the mere fact that Elantrians were ever creepy deformed undead is a good indication that it isn't - if it were the pool that made the Aons more powerful, as opposed to Elantris, Raoden's completion of the Aon Rao formed by the four cities shouldn't have mattered.

  8. Brandon has directly confirmed that Sazed's not going to go insane. The Shards' influences cancel each other out. Eric gave the quotes on this one. There's a thread about it over on TWG (Started by myself, and yet I'm still to lazy to go look it up....). It's called something like Sazed, Odium, and the effects of holding two Shards. Eric gives relevant quotes on the second page. I think.

  9. I'll agree with you there. But then, that's kind of the point of finding information about the cosmere.

    It's difficult at this point to look at the universe as a whole and just logically piece things together. We don't have enough information to do that, at least completely. The idea is that we find the information by looking through the various books, then compare that to the information found in other books, and see what applies throughout the universe. Then we can work from there to piece the rest of the universe together.

    I agree that looking at the universe as a whole has merit. But it needs to be done along with looking at the individual books.

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