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Dark Aye

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  1. Aside from Gaz, because I think he's not really a significant character, I guess at this point it would have to be Sadeas. The suspense is pretty high right now whether or not he will attempt to destroy Dalinar, so he may end up being a good guy after all, but so far, he seems like a knucklehead.
  2. Hello, Just an old dude who was introduced to Epic Fantasy in high school during the early 1970's. I was as addicted to Tolkien when I was 16 years old as my daughters were with Harry Potter, and Wheel of Time fifteen years ago when they were in high school themselves. I was introduced to Brandon Sanderson through his effort in WoT (which I loved), but I just wasn't interested in starting another huge epic fantasy so I never read any of his other work. But recently, I decided to start reading Stormlight. I am just finishing up Part 2 of WoK (Illuninating Storms), and I'm absolutely hooked. I am so looking forward to continuing. I'm a total newb though... I don't understand the Cosmere, the Heralds, the Radiants, or much of anything else and I feel like I am missing something I should have figured out (e.g., I'm thinking Wit has to be one of the Heralds, but I can't figure out what he's up to)... Anyway, glad to be here with y'all. God bless.
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