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Robin Sedai

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Posts posted by Robin Sedai

  1. On 12/16/2023 at 12:14 AM, Ookla the Categorized said:

    I saw the @ in this topic and was all "I'M NOT DEAD YET!!!" Phew πŸ˜…

    (I'm touched that you think of me as knowledgeable! It warms my heart.)

    I miss @Shining Silhouette. He's on his mission, so luckily it''s just a temporary absence! Really cool guy, smart, articulate, talented, and always so nice. I kinda look up to him ngl.

    @Cruciatus_heart - still lurking but not really on here any more. She's one of the only people active in my timezone, so we interacted a ton! I have so many great memories of just chatting about random subjects.

    @Szeth's Facepalm is genuinely so, so, funny - like I can't count the times their posts made me laugh out loud. A really sweet person too!

  2. 10 hours ago, Ookla the Ookla said:

    Hello there!

    I probably won't say much--I'm really just a lurker around here, because I enjoy reading everybody else's wacky theories more than I enjoy making my own. However, once I learned that Ookla Season was a thing... I felt a need to become an Ookla myself, and, more than that, Ookla the Ookla, the permanent Ookla, to save myself the hassle of changing my username twice a year. This tradition is way too hilarious to miss out on!

    I like you! Welcome :D

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