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Posts posted by Atusiff

  1. Hard to remember my story if most of the changes happened a while ago, but I'll try to remember (doesn't help that I'm still waking up).

    Was first diagnosed when I was 6 (17 now). I took medications for a bit, Tenex was the one that worked for me, until I started experimenting without it at around 13 years old.

    Attention - I usually play some sort of music or YouTube video to be background noise while I do work, etc. so my mind is occupied and doesn't wander while doing it. 

    Hyperactivity - I've managed to mature out of most of the more intense hyper states, but I do still experience intense emotions (good and bad included) regularly.

  2. Just now, SzethTheHonorblade said:

    Have you read Fablehaven? Also what coding language are you learning? Are you using an engine, if so which one? do you play on chess.com?

    1. No, I’m afraid I haven’t heard of it :/

    2. I’ve taken beginners classes on HTML/CSS and JS, and taught myself a bit of Python.

    3. Using what a measly chromebook can do, Caret for html, Repl.it for JS, Pydroid 3 for Python. I might get a MacBook soon so I will switch to vscode if I get it :D

    4. not really, I prefer lichess.org and real life chess

  3. 3 hours ago, Tani said:

    Hi. I'm the crazy Tvora kid. Who are you?

    Fadran explained what that was as I’ve no idea, and I just want to note I won’t be in the Fellowship of the Thing as I’m not into RP, but hi.

    I’m a dude who goes to the same school as Fadran and is friends with him. My name’s John btw, if you wanna call me that.

  4. I started out as an avid reader in middle school. I had finished the Hunger Games series, and asked my father for any suggestions. He recommended some of the young adult books from Sanderson. I read a few of them and then moved on, but they were still some of my favorite books. 
    About a month ago, I started reading Sanderson again since one of my friends @Channelknight Fadran was also an avid reader (I have a lot to catch up on as my dad has finished every non-young adult Sanderson book and my friend has finished almost all) so I decided to read some more of his works.

    As of now I’ve read The Rithmatist, Alcatraz and Evil Librarians (both around 2017) and Skyward (as of a few days ago) and want to finish this series and read a few more of Sanderson’s works, as they all sound so fun.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Not an Ookla said:

    Welcome to the Shard! Who's your least favorite and favorite characters?

    Oh, I don’t have a least favorite yet, I love them all!

    But my most favorite would be M-Bot from Skyward, I like the way Sanderson wrote him and the idea of an AI friend sounds awesome imo.

  6. Hello! I’ve read a few sci/fi and fantasy books, and they are my favorite genre by far. I’ve read epics such as The Odyssey and Iliad (I want to look into Gilgamesh), I’ve read series such as Harry Potter, Artemia Fowl, Percy Jackson, and a few more. But after reading a few of Sanderson’s books he has become my favorite writer. I’ve read The Rithmatist, and am starting the Skyward series.

    Apart from books, I enjoy spending time on the internet doing research on stuff, video editing, computer programming, and of course I do play videogames (but not too often). I also like to play board games (chess especially) and spend time with family and friends (including online friends).

    That’s about all I can think of about me for now, I think I can come up with more if I spent more time on this, but I won’t.

    So, I hope I will have a good time in the 17th Shard community!

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