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Posts posted by Atusiff

  1. @ElfThis is going to have to work a bit differently than I planned.

    I'm not much of a literature writer, but I can definitely write decent code. So I thought I'd chop up a quick code document and host it on a website. But it turns out hosting a website from pure html/css/js code was harder than I thought, especially from a Chromebook.

    I've attached a file to this post (should have at least, should be a .html file). Go ahead and download it then you can open the file by double-clicking. It should open on your browser.

    P.S the pictures are supposed to be on the very left of each 'post' but I looked at it on a larger display and it was a bit broken. (That's because I used page width in order to fix another problem, but then creating another) It should look okay on monitors 1400px or less

    P.P.S this took a while because I was struggling to figure out website hosting, sorry

    P.P.P.S I use some computer-y words, just PM me if I confuse you


    Merry Belated Christmas!


  2. Just finished the book a few minutes ago. I really like the ending, wraps up the story wonderfully and introduces a mild cliffhanger for the next :P

    What should I read next? Is the third book published yet? If yes can I get it at the public library or will I need to buy it online? (Via Amazon prime for kindle)

  3. I've played a lot of games throughout my life, but I've grown bored of most of them. With the dawn of algorithms pretty much controlling us I thought that sharing the not-so-popular games we all play could let me explore more games. 

    These can include video games or real-life games that you guys like playing and think sharing would be fun.


    I'll start with a game I've been playing for a while. It's a video game called Super Mechs. It's a turn-taking game where you fight as a robot against other robots (however cartoony it looks). You upgrade items over time to get a stronger 'mech' which you can put in battle against many types of multiplayer and singleplayer opponents. (However, it is a big p2w game)


    Any games you guys think deserve more recognition?

  4. 4 hours ago, Shard of Reading said:

    I thought that it was called Detrius because of the space junk orbiting the planet. (Okay, not space junk, ruins of the planetary shield. Same difference.)

    Well, I thought about that, but (spoiler again) the junk used to be working machinery for another human civilization, until they were killed.

    But then again it was probably named that by the newer generation on that planet, to them it was always junk.

  5. I started a new term of classes today, and one of them is a class about trash.

    The teacher assigned some reading today, and as I was reading I noticed the word detritus.

    That sparked my attention as I’d heard of it in these books. So I looked it up out of curiosity since I didn’t already know it’s meaning. According to Google,

    waste or debris of any kind.
    I like the meaning behind this planet and how (possible spoiler, blurred)

    the Human race is seen as unnecessary and a waste to the Superiority.

    I like the use of this word, and just wanted to point it out. Touché, Sanderson.

  6. 13 minutes ago, Danex said:

    Exactly how much money would someone have to pay you for you to have to hold a live cockroach? (I wouldn't go less than 900$ myself.)

    I wouldn’t do it for too high a price, say $5, as I’m not too squeamish with bugs, but it would be nice to make a few thousand to help pay for college. (Future, not present)

    If you could prevent the invention of one thing, what would it be?

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