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#1 Taln Fan

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Blog Entries posted by #1 Taln Fan

  1. #1 Taln Fan
    First off, some cute doggo pics.
    Such a cute lil boi.
    Ive Just recently realized that I have 35 Brando Sando books. Got me thinking. Reading is kind of weird. Fictional books, at least. In its essence, we’re staring at dead trees for hours on end, with squid blood splattered on them in specific patterns. These patterns describe nonsensical worlds in which we Invest ourselves, and devote hours of our time towards discussing. 
    One of my friends criticizes me heavily for spending a bunch of money on Sanderson collecting, saying its impractical. But in reality, all fiction is impractical. It doesn’t teach you anything that you couldn’t learn more efficiently from another source, they don’t affect the real world in any time. In a practical sense, reading novels is a complete waste of time and we should toss our books in the fire.
    HOWEVER. Humans are not purely practical creatures. We like art. We like reading novels. We like it when things look nice (and hence leatherbounds exist). 
    Am I completely rambling? Am I tired and trying to think deep thoughts and failing horribly? Who knows. Point is, do what you find fun, even if someone else tells you that practically speaking, there are better things for you to be doing. “Will, how bout instead of reading, you do your homework.” “Will, put your book down and unload the dishwasher.” “Will, you spend too much time reading.”

    Aiight, I’m heading to bed. Hope ya’ll have a delightful day/day tomorrow, and may your dreams be full of milk. Yummy milk. Maybe some cookies too.
  2. #1 Taln Fan
    Hello frens! I have returned with some random ponderings, a life update, and some cute doggo pictures. 
    Life update first! I turned in my research paper Thursday, and now I have free time! It feels slightly weird. I’ve been able to spend more time on discord, as well as more time writing and editing cytoverse articles on the coppermind. It’s been a crazy week, what with Brandon’s video. 
    Spoilers for Brandon’s announcement video, just in case 
    Doggos first!
    I also have this random poem that I found and enjoyed

    So now for some random thoughts:
    1) It’s better to puke in the sink than to sink in the puke.
    2) I find it strange how my opinion on sleep has changed as I’ve grown older. When I was a lil kid, I had plenty of opportunity to sleep, with an early bed time, but I didn’t want to sleep. When I was around 14 ish, I had time to sleep, and the desire to sleep a bunch, and was a typical early teen who slept a bunch. Nowadays, I’m 16, and I kind of want to sleep. However, I don’t have a bunch of time to sleep. Sometimes it’s that, or sometimes I just have a  bunch of stuff I want to get done. (Like editing on the coppermind, or writing, or reading). I kind of wish I did more with my time when I was like 10-14, and had a bunch more free time. Now I have tons of stuff I want to do, and not enough time to do it. 
    3) Gouda cheese is delicious, and goes good on ritz crackers
    4) Sardines are also delicious, and go amazingly with saltines. They may look gross, but they are delicious.
    Thanks for reading, and have a fantastic day!

  3. #1 Taln Fan
    I have no idea how blogs work, but I’ll mostly just put pictures of my doggo, and maybe my sluggo. 
    Anyway that’s my dog Samson, he’s a 7 year old Havanese, who likes to lay around and sunbathe, when he’s not following my ma around.
    And then we have my Doomslug, Pooky. I have another slug, Cuddles, but she’s more camera shy.
    Well hopefully you found these cute, or at least brought a smile to your face. Have a great day/evening!
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