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Posts posted by Chantara

  1. 4 minutes ago, Ookla the Remembered said:

    What're your thoughts on me then? :ph34r:

    Possibly elim just because Xino was super inactive, but also hard to say. You’re asking all the right questions to be V. You’re just trying to get your feet under you, so it’s understandable you would join the train, especially with the stakes being so high rn, you’d have to rely on others’ reads jumping into the game like you did. 

  2. So, I’m rereading this thread and I’m noticing that for Araris not having a lot of reasoning to vote for me, a lot of people jumped on that train really quick. I’m seeing a lot of sheeping. Even Archer who was dead set on voting Turtle or JNV jumped on this wagon, and by then, there were already plenty of people voting me that even with a vote manip it would have been difficult to save me. I understand why JNV is voting me, I did rb them.

    With me having Pailiah’s blade, I really just didn’t feel an urgency to use it. Even still I don’t feel like it was a productive use of storm light. This case being built against me is exactly why the elim did, and should have, skipped claiming the blade. If I was an elim I would have, just so I could use this exact argument: “Well, she has the blade, so obviously she did it.” 

    I suspect there is at least one elim voting for me, probably two. I’m thinking e!Araris could be a thing. And I still feel fairly certain about e!Turtle and e!JNV. I’m going to keep my vote on Turtle for now. They’ve been too quiet for my liking, especially since there was a solid train on them before Araris started the one on me. And assuming we’re still looking at a fairly inactive elim team they fit the bill. 

  3. 40 minutes ago, Ookla the Remembered said:

    Much appreciated o7

    TBH I wasn't convinced myself by Araris' initial presentation, just wanted to add some weight to his vote and see what shook out. Then the JNV claim thing happened. I guess the crux of my problem is using Illumination over Progression, if I disregard the one post that made my gut-bells jingle. I find it really hard to reconcile that with a Villager, but I guess if you're on the newer side it's not as damning as I initially perceived.

    I guess I have two questions (first for you, second for everyone else):

    1. What's your mafia experience like? Have you played a lot of games in the last 9 months or are you an expat from MU? If not, how many do you have under your belt?
    2. Would anyone have used Illumination over Progression in Chantara's shoes? @Ookla the Debonair @Araris Valerian @Ookla the Implosion @InfiniteInsanity @Elkanah


    I only play on SE. I’ve only played 3? games. And it’s been YEARS since I’ve played werewolf in person. 

    35 minutes ago, JNV said:

    Your blade is useless if you dont use it to help the village and nothing can steal your blade except murder youve made me feel a lot better about my vote thanks and it does matter who you picked it matters very much and your evasiveness on that is also very telling cause imagine this right imagine this youre a villager up on the chopping block you made a big mistake what do you do a hide information from the people you are allieed with  because it doesnt matter b dodge and evade all the questions or c share everything you can I think the answers a little obvious 


    I didn’t think who I picked would want to be associated with me at this point. Since it matters so much, it was Araris.  Obviously, they didn’t know or they wouldn’t have started this train. 

    As to why I am not forthcoming initially, it’s because the elims are still out there and I am trying to not give them any more information.

    10 minutes ago, Ookla the Remembered said:

    Too busy submitting kills, maybe? How does the action economy work in this game?


    I mentioned a while ago that I got super super sick and want on for a few days… 

    14 minutes ago, Ookla the Remembered said:

    Cause that's 4 turns Chantara went not using a power when they could have. Also 4 turns they could have asked others how the blade worked, including the GM.


    Let me rephrase: I didn’t understand the power that blade held. Roleblocking and protection isn’t usually an ability I give much credit to. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Ookla the Remembered said:

    I guess I don't exactly see the V!mindset behind looking at yourself from an outside perspective.  You know your alignment, no? Why give other people reasons to vote you and not defend yourself, especially with us being potentially close to exlo? Also, why did you "expect" there to be more substantial reasons for Araris to suspect you? If you're village, should you not expect to be village read (or expect nothing)?

    I guess I was trying to understand how/why Araris would see me as an elim when it hadn’t really been discussed before in thread. I had hoped if I became a target for an exe the accusers would have something more substantial and evidence they’d pull from thread. Idk why. I don’t usually put that much thought into my votes.

    Now that I’ve had a few minutes to step away and not just gut reacting, I realize putting out my thoughts as to why I was being read elim was probably not the smartest of moves, but it’s already done. Oh well. 

    59 minutes ago, Ookla the Paragrapher said:

    @Chantara who did you think was worth protecting from scans (but not from kills)?


    I just picked someone at random. It doesn’t really matter. And as to why Illumination, I wanted to make sure I was safe from attacks that would steal my blade, so the elim’s couldn’t get it. But I also didn’t know who else had a blade so I just hoped I would also protect a villager who had one. 

    1 hour ago, Ookla the Paragrapher said:

    I thought I had a not e-e interaction between Stick and Chantara to share, but if you look at the end of D3 where Stick says (paraphrased) 'what if we instead vote Chantara' then Chantara says 'yada yada oh Stick's voting me? Forget this, Stick'. I remembered the vote having been edited in, but it wasn't. Making that interaction look more like a planned conversation to give Chantara a reason to vote Stick. 


    I realize now it wasn’t clear. I was in the middle of writing up the post when I saw Stick’s post. I didn’t want to delete everything I’d just written, so you got my raw reaction. Not sorry.


    there was something else I was going to respond to, but I can’t find it now. I’ll make another post if I find it again. 

  5. 1 minute ago, Ookla the Remembered said:

    First off, nice to meet you! Sorry it's not under better circumstances.

    Second off, this post kinda feels fabricated to me? Anyone else getting that vibe? Basically, I would expect a Villager to not say "It's possible I killed Illwei and claimed her blade, but it's also possible I got assigned it when the killer didn't claim it" and instead outright claim "RNGesus gave it to me, don't know what else to say." Why beat around the bush?

    Third off, why would a villager use Illumination over Progression last night? Why didn't you try to protect your top village read?

    Nice to meet you too! 

    I was trying to look at it from an outside perspective as if I was just reading my own alignment from another player POV. 

    tbh last night was the first night I used the blade. I wasn’t sure how it worked per se, and who’s to say I didn’t protect my top village read. I didn’t say anything about who else I protected. Just that I definitely shielded myself. It also just sounded more efficient to protect 2 people from potential scans than one person from getting killed when my chances of hitting the right person were extremely slim. 

  6. Just now, Araris Valerian said:

    On D4 Turtle made a play to save JNV. So if one of them is elim, they probably both are.

    That is…. Fair. I’d forgotten about that being part of the reason I’d suspected Turtle. I can’t vote both of them this turn. 

    3 minutes ago, JNV said:

    Which turn did you get the blade the day after Illwei died or a night a bit or so after basically Im asking if you got randomed it or got Shaman tossed it

    Night turn after Illwei died. I assumed it was random. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Araris Valerian said:

    I guess I should say something about this; I know via a PM with Kas (yeah, I had the third one and know a whole bunch of other stuff) that Chantara got Illwei's blade, and also is in the 5-person group of living players that didn't start with a blade. Presumably 3/5 elims didn't start with a blade, so Bob's your uncle and Chantara's elim.

    Wait… so all you have is that I got Illwei’s blade? I was expecting something more… substantial. Blades are randomly distributed if not claimed by the killer. 

    Let me help you with some reasons: 

    1. I’ve been fairly inactive. I did mention I got really sick, but with the inactive elim theory going around this is a pretty good indicator. 
    2. I didn’t have a blade, aand then I got Illwei’s. It is possible I killed Illwei and claimed her blade, but it’s also possible I got assigned it when the killer didn’t claim it. 
    3. Stick voted for me last second, to which I responded by making sure they were exed, even if there was a vote manip. Could be distancing, but even elk said it couldn’t really be alignment indicative because it’s too much of an ikyk, nevertheless, it could still be distancing between two elims. 
    4. JNV says they were roleblocked when they tried to scan me. I could have used Illwei’s blade to do that, protecting myself and a teammate.

    Anyway, I’m very interested in Turtle. I’ve been watching them for a couple cycles and I was trying to decide if I should vote for them or JNV. JNV is reading a little more villagery to me atm because of their blade claim. Turtle on the other hand still has yet to say something that makes me less suspicious of them. Everyone is guilty until proven innocent in this game :ph34r:  


  8. Hmm...  what an interesting thread. So, established now is that cash is most likely an elim. I can see that based on the evidence being presented and their own posts here. It seems, and there seems to be some evidence being discussed that supports it, that JNV is also an elim. Assuming those are true, who would be the other team member(s)? A lot of people are suggesting TUN and Tani. That's possible, but I'm not really getting elim vibes from either of them per se. I don't really have solid reads on either of them.

    If JNV is an elim, I would propose that turtle is on their team, based on turtle's plea for everyone to reconsider JNV votes.

    We could also consider elk as an elim, but I'm still waffling on that one.

    I think I'm going to place my vote on Cash for now. Many of the reasons Archer originally called cash out were what I was thinking, but I would like to add that Cash's original post (quoted below) sounded a little taunting to me? Like hey "I'm an elim but you'll never catch me." It could be just me reading things into it, but that's what it felt to me.

    21 hours ago, Cash67 said:

    RIP Kas, you served us well and we will prevail in your absence o7

    Alright, we gotta get on our game as villagers, Chana, take note of who is acting weird cause you got a fresh round of stormlight. Everyone else, note what chana does tonight. 

    @JNV If the elims get Jeziren, that's a lot of power the elims have with so few villages left.....

    I'm assuming we get knowledge of Blades from Kasimir's PM dumps to others

    So from numbers, we have 11 left. We eliminated one Raider, but as of right now, we still outnumber the Raiders. So there are at most 5 Elims left. I'd be willing to bet that we are dangerously close to losing right now, so again, whoever has Chana will NEED to take action against a known elim to keep us ahead. 

    If we do think that we have an inactive Elim team, then the most inactive player has been Tani/Ookla the Implosion over the past few days in my opinion, so I'd be willing to flip them. 

    Other than that, Xino and Elk have had some weird behavior over the past days, so keep an eye on them unless we flip them



  9. Hey y’all, sorry for disappearing. I had a fever of 102 for three days (for those of you in Celsius-lands, that’s like 38-39ish). It wasn’t pretty. 

    I’m going to start with who is being voted rn:

    Stick: they’re not reading E to me, but I also haven’t read through D2 and N2 yet… no time now though since rollover is in a half hour. That said, they don’t read V to me either. I also had been low-key E reading Mat (no reason, just gut), and I was definitely wrong about that so I’m probably wrong here too. 

    Archer: I think they’re village. I haven’t seen anything from them that has stuck out to me as an elim-move. 

    Elk: mild E read… unsure though. In the games I’ve played with them it seems like they just like to be bringers of chaos so idk. 

    2 minutes ago, _Stick_ said:


    What if we all went Chantera


    Disregard everything I said. Stick

  10. 12 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

    Can everyone who put Kas as the strongest v try to convince me of that? Just checking that it isn’t an automatic effort clear.

    It’s just a gut feeling, and I enjoy his analysis. I don’t have a reason per se…. It’s really early in the game to have a solid read on anyone. I’ll come up with more concrete reason for everything as the game progresses. 


  11. 6 hours ago, Kasimir said:

     @Chantara choosing to slot onto a side-train is also a very safe choice. Why Mat? You could plausibly just go onto me, since you indicated you wanted to. I was more or less trying to get a pizza commission from me-voters anyway.

    5 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

    Chantara’s vote definitely makes me squint, but I totally could see newer me doing that, so who knows.

    I didn't really want to pick you, Kas, but I did want to give you pizza. I decided against it though.

    As to why Mat, I panicked. I didn't really want to vote someone out (feels bad to do that day 1), but I felt the need to vote because not voting looks really bad while voting for someone is less bad looking? And....

    5 hours ago, Archer said:

    My guess is that people who arbitrarily limit their options based on the VC are doing it because of thread fatigue, not malice. They figure votes have been cast for a reason, so it's easier to pick among three than twenty. 

    I didn't have words for it, but Archer nailed it for me. I'd rather have a vote in there, so as not to be accused of not participating, especially since I tend to hover over the thread, but I didn't really necessarily want someone to jump ship on a tie and have my vote be the one to vote someone out (or worse be the reason it's a tie and they have to RNG the sacrifice), so I picked someone already being voted for, but who wasn't in danger of being voted out.


    43 minutes ago, ookla the POKE VOTE said:

    wanna do a top read bottom read null read game?

    say who your top v read is, your top e read, and someone you read as null

    I'll play this game!

    V: Kas

    E: Szeth/Ookla the Omniscient- Feels sus their vote for Wiz then being so dramatic about the results at the beginning of the night.

    N: Stick- they could be elim, they could be village, they could just be busy. Hard to say.


    To everyone who has played more than I: Would a tie be a good way to confuse the villagers of who the elims might be? Or is it a good way to sus them out? Does it depend on the game? I'd like your opinions.

    Edit: Dessert: atm frozen bananas and nutella

  12. Alrighty, I came back to four pages of unread posts, and while I was catching up, a fifth one came along. It took a while to get through all of them, but I did it. There's a lot to unpack here and I have no idea where to start.

    PIZZA! That's a good place to start! Good bribe. 10/10 approve of this method of persuasion (as long as 9 of them are me) :) Unfortunately, my general fear of angering Kas twice in three days, and thus getting under his microscope, is preventing me from joining you, so, you can keep your pizza. ;P

    After scrolling and scrolling and scrolling, then forgetting everything, I'm here to vote.... Mat. By reason of Insanity's vote looking lonely.

  13. Does anyone have the current VC? I can’t find the previous one. 

    Okay, wow guys, so many posts so little time. I’m only able to read one or two at a time throughout the day (especially the analyzing posts), and I’m on mobile, so forgive my shortcomings here. 

    Sorry, Archer, I didn’t see your post until waaaaaaaay too late. Guess we will never know if I would have joined you or not. ;)

    Kas…. Why me? 


    PS. Loving the in thread PMs. You all are geniuses. And speaking of in-thread PMs….

    Did no one else think it would actually be really clever of the elims to do an in-thread PM and pretend it was a joke? Just because I feel like it’s something that could be a rouse to direct suspicion elsewhere TUN

  14. Kas just to even it back out. Someone else can be the tie breaker between Xino and Kas. 

    “I don’t think anyone expected a death so quickly.” Tara thought. She was both impressed and twice as scared as she had been upon entering the games. Though, it hadn’t been a Training Dummy, which meant they were going to be harder to find than she’d thought.

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