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Status Updates posted by Regent

  1. Merry Christmas and happy holidays guys!


    next up: 2023...


    1. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Nooo I'm still getting used to 2022 :wacko:

      Happy holidays x

  2. I PASSED!!!!


    kind of.


    I'm qualified to enroll but since I might not be a good fit for the program I was trying to apply for, I'll have to be reassessed in an interview (aka I will be given other program options that might be better for me, or I can stick with my choice but have extra tutoring to help strengthen my weak points). But once that's over I can enroll.


    Tbf the test was fairly easy but I am glad I still studied because if I didn't my result probably would've been worse. I was hopeless at the computations though lol. 

  3. welp

    Registered in a school now (not the one in my last post though) and literally just told today that the entrance exam will be 2 days from now.
    I am scared out of my wits rn.
    It'll probably just be basic knowledge from all 4 yrs of high school but, like, I feel like I still know nothing hence why I am... Nervous. They didn't give the exam coverage (yet? idk they might later on but I am not sure) so yes I am very much just trying to review as much as I can (two days. Probably impossible but won't hurt to try) because virtually anything could be on it.
    ...I should probably stop overthinking about potential failure lol.
    But I am having a hard time keeping my hopes up at the same time.

    1. Ixthos


      It's going to be okay. Just breath, relax, and focus on getting ready and getting enough rest. You are just as prepared at this moment as you should be, you will be even more prepared in a bit, and all will be well. I'll be praying for you - it will be well.

    2. Regent


      Thanks lxthos, that means a lot :D 

  4. Somewhat rant:


    I'm blessed that I can afford to move to my (sort of) dream school but considering it's in the next city over and commuting will be too tiring and time consuming I can't really finalize my decision yet. Imagine, me, my introverted, cooped-up-at-home self who knows next to nothing about navigating a city suddenly having to move to the busy capital virtually alone for the next 6 years lol. I mean there are other options, but since it was my parents themselves who blatantly suggested it and I didn't actually think the stuff of my dreams will come true so now I'm even more conflicted about making a choice. On paper it sounds nice---yay, you can afford your dream school that's generally regarded as one of the best for your career of choice---but there are as many cons as there are pros and I only have such little time to consider, ouch.

    Long story short, decisions regarding school is hard.

    1. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Yeah, the pressure is intense. Good luck, whatever choice you make!

  5. Skating's fun, even though I think I busted my ankle

    : v

  6. Feeling a bit bummed and crappy today and I just had to let it out ://

    I think I broke my laptop. Last night it was in the middle of installing an update (the Lenovo Insyde one, I'll be honest the popup window design looked a bit suspcious but it was legit, I checked XD) when I accidentally hit the power button and resulted in the pc turning off...which is a big no no...escpecially in the middle of software-thingy installation where it said to NOT turn it off...Yeah so I panicked and when I tried turning it on again the lights still worked so I guess I did not completely fry the system (thank god), but the screen was just black :' D Good thing I'm already done with the school year so I won't need it for class any time soon. 

    So yeah my pc's dead-ish. Dad and I tried looking for ways to fix it but to no avail, so I'm going to get it fixed and hope that it could be fixed because I really don't want my parents to spend another fortune on a new laptop for me because of an idiot mistake that I made. 

    Sorry for the rant XD



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Aw, that is so frustrating :( Hope it gets fixed easily!

    3. Regent


      Ahh I see, also noted @Sequence I'll keep that in mind

      Anyway update: we took the laptop to get checked out today. Unfortunately they weren't able to repair it, but they did say there's a place that we could go to that could probably fix it since they have better experts for this kind of thing, but the area is soooo far from where I live so yeah this is going to take a while. But I do feel more at ease knowing that I could still get it sorted out. Laptop's still dead but fortunately I was able to recover most of my files—artworks included—so thank goodness :wub: 

    4. Ixthos


      Glad most of your work is safe :) hope the laptop itself gets fixed soon

  7. hm, should I open an AMA?


  8. Screenshot_20220327_162703.thumb.jpg.595754346791bcbf9efc718139ad88d3.jpg

    It was the only one left lol.

    I don't get hardcovers unless they're at booksales because they're twice the price of a paperback, and even more so for releases that are a few months old (esp for imported books) :' D

    1. #1 Taln Fan

      #1 Taln Fan

      Ooof. I’m not sure they have cytonic paperbacks yet? Maybe they do and I just haven’t seen any.

    2. Regent


      I just checked their site. They do have the Cytonic paperbacks, unfortunately their branch that I vistied yesterday only had that one hardback left XD I'll check again in a different store, maybe they'll have it.

  9. Dearest, comrades, I made a thing :P

    @#1 Taln Fan obligatory ping

  10. Name change time since I'd rather have the same online username across all my fandom-related socials rather than having multiple that I have to keep track of. If you guys are in the 17th shard discord server you'll probably recognize me haha, I hung around the Cytoverse and fanarts channels mostly.

    If you guys are wondering, my old username was caramel_

    1. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Lies. Who are you and what have you done with our good friend caramel_?

  11. Just thought about how people would watch shows/movies, notice some sort of super small and subtle detail, and then go on and on about how it's "super significant because blah blah, etc" in the comments.

    And the creators are just reading them like, "Ok that was actually unintentional but I'm glad you noticed"

    Same thing goes for books.

    *sips coffee*

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