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Image Comments posted by Trusk'our

  1. 1 hour ago, Lego Mistborn said:

    How would you feel about your art going into the copper mind?

    Not saying I can get it in there, but if you're interested, I'm a part time editor.

    I mean, I'd be honored, but they already have some really good whitespine art (I actually used BenMcsweeny's depiction as a reference for my own).

    Thanks for the consideration though! :D

  2. 3 hours ago, Shaggybreeks said:

    This is great stuff, love the energy! The sense of purpose and movement is awesome! 
    I need to re-read mistborn again before I comment on anything else, but yeah, i love this ^^

    A drawing like this would be perfect to take into a digital painting tool and get it all coloured up. 

    Thanks! That means a lot, especially from someone who clearly knows how to draw very, very well :D

  3. 3 hours ago, Shaggybreeks said:

    Hey @Trusk'our Thanks for the kind words ^^ Its always great to be received so nicely. 
    You are right, it is digital. I used Procreate on the Ipad for this. As far as digital art tools go, ive found it to be the perfect balance of cost (*its quite cheap compared to adobe), Tradition (It emulates the traditional drawing feeling well) and depth (it can do a lot). 

    Tbh though the credit goes to my teachers and experience. I studied traditional hand drawn animation, like flipping actual pieces of paper, so drawing was always a massive thing for me.

    Awesome! Thanks for letting me know. Now I can someday look more into that and become a better artist :D

    3 hours ago, Shaggybreeks said:

    The main thing is to enjoy yourself and if you find a good tool to use... YAY! Drawing is no different to laughing, the beauty is in the experience, and anything afterwards (like nice feedback) is just an added bonus. If I was to share one piece of advice, don't be afraid of reference. If you like some art, copy it, re-draw it, play with the style, absorb it. Don't claim it as your own (of course) but just go deep. We stand on the shoulders of giants, and there are so many great inspirations to learn from. :)

    That's a really cool way to look at it. I've always had a little trouble motivating myself to draw; I really like it when I finish drawing something halfway decent (according to my own limited drawing ability, of course), but I often find it hard to start, particularly when I can't think up something to draw (and only 1 out of 5 of my drawings is even something I consider halfway decent).

    But perhaps you have a point, where I should use other's art as inspiration to draw some neat things for practice. Thank you for that :)

    3 hours ago, Shaggybreeks said:

    Do you have any art shared on here already? I would love to see it ^^

    Um. . . technically yes, but it's not very good. Just some pencil drawings in the Mistborn gallery.

  4. 2 hours ago, JustQuestin2004 said:

    He certainly doesn't look like a Hemalurgist, which I guess is the point, wouldn't want anyone asking too many questions about how you're not dead from being a pincushion.

    Exactly; Steel Inquisitor spikes are meant for intimidation, which is the primary reason they're so big. Having small spikes is also good if you want to be able to swap them out without dying too (and of course keeping people from asking too many questions).

  5. 17 hours ago, JustQuestin2004 said:

    Ah I see. Well maybe he will need to use a roundabout method. Or maybe I'll just have him be a decent detective. Or interrogator. Batman-style.

    Could pull a Wax and Wayne and tell half a man's life just from rummaging around his trashcan :D

    17 hours ago, JustQuestin2004 said:

    That would be an interesting story, until Ruin gets out and takes control of him anyway. Unless this takes place way before the first book.

    Yeah, it would have to take place either before TFE or somehow right after the Catecendre (with him somehow managing to avoid being killed by Vin, but that's a real stretch).

  6. 10 minutes ago, JustQuestin2004 said:

    The Hemalurgic properties of Copper states that it steals 'Intelligence, Mental Fortitude and Memories'. That's what I'm basing this off of. Though due to Hemalurgic Decay the memories are fuzzier and somewhat distorted.

    True, but Hemalurgy can't take Cognitive aspects from a donor, just the Spiritual aspects that then have an effect on the recipient's Cognitive aspect, such as having boosted memory or intelligence (WoB). Though the roundabout Feruchemy method should still work, I'd think.

    But on the other hand, it's still a cool idea and I'd just disregard what I say against it if you like the concept for your character :)

    18 minutes ago, JustQuestin2004 said:

    Nah he's just a dude who had a really sucky past, with the human attributes he just only uses a single Copper Spike at a time and only for a little while so he can write down the memories he takes. 

    You know, I wonder if I should make a post about that concept- it sounds somewhat plausible to me; you could give yourself an attribute spike and gain the magical boost it provides, though you'd have to quickly remove the spike (after writing down the memories inside, in this case) before it turned you into a monster. Also could make an interesting story point in a MAG setting.

    20 minutes ago, JustQuestin2004 said:

    Didn't think of that but yeah that would make sense, the fear of losing one's sense of self to the very criminals you kill to protect others, slowly being twisted into what you fight. Yeah that's some quality angst/horror material. Thanks.

    You're welcome- I can swing around to give you nightmares anytime ;)

    As a side note, I was thinking up of a character that followed a similar rout; they'd be a Steel Inquisitor that stole a Keeper's Copperminds and managed to access them with the Feruchemy stolen from that Keeper (possibly to get info necessary to hunt down the other Keepers). The memories they take would war within them and cause the Inquisitor to truly question their loyalty the TLR and his ministry.

  7. 1 hour ago, JustQuestin2004 said:

    Yeah, definitely not quite Batman.

    Yeah, sounds more like the Punisher. . .

    1 hour ago, JustQuestin2004 said:

    Thanks. He would also be a little bit of Jack the Ripper for the worst criminals.

    Using Copper Spikes to straight up rip out memories of members of criminal organizations to further his investigations.

    Interesting. I don't know if Hemalurgic copper would straight up work for that, but if you grafted on F-copper via Hemalurgy and forced them to store their memories (maybe by breaking into their Spiritweb via the Hemalurgic Flaw), then spiked them to get a sufficient Identity to draw those memories, that might be a more roundabout way of making such a tactic work. 

    Is he a Kandra that can avoid the physical warping of Hemalurgically added human attributes, or did he find another way to sidestep it?

    Also, does drawing those memories cause weird complications? Does he have personality alteration and whatnot that he has to fight against? Could be some interesting storytelling potential there.

  8. 4 hours ago, JustQuestin2004 said:

    I also had an idea for a story based on the premise of a vigilante using Hemalurgy for good.

    He'd have A-Iron and F-Steel, one of them being natural. Along with probably A-Bronze and A-Zinc.

    He'd be the Scadrian version of Batman. That's all I'll say.

    Sounds like a cool character :)

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