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Posts posted by Zrogezrg

  1. *** Not confirmed *** Feruchemy can be also be gained in another way, other than hereditary and hemalergy. Hoid somehow gained access to it in Era 1, while he is not spiked and from different planet.

    On 3/11/2024 at 5:12 PM, robardin said:

    You touch on one interesting question we have no answer to: why is/was Feruchemy specifically linked with the Terrisfolk?

    Warbreaker content


    This could be similar to how Royal Locks, there is genetic and social standing required to having access to the ability.  

  2. Thanks for your predictions, entertaining read.

    Before my personal opinions, one point worth mentioning is that the quote regarding "4 we watch" comes from sleepless:

    On 3/3/2024 at 6:48 PM, Honors_Gun said:

    One of them may redeem us.
    And one of them will destroy us.

    This may not mean "us" by all Rosharians, but maybe just sleepless. What do they need to be redeem from? To what degree can they be destroy? Just some food for thought ;).

    I really like your points on Shallan. Connecting loose threads of Heleran, her Mother sound like something Brandon would do.

    Regarding Kaladin, I like him more as Jezrien 2.0, but him ascending seems like something that could fill similar role, moving Kal into more of a background, without killing him. 

    Dalinar is problematic, because there is no reader's consensus on what is really going on. What is Unity (Dawnshard, shard reIntended)? What does "We killed you!" precisely means? BondSmith unchained is one thing, but being bonded to largest piece of dead shard is something extra on top of it. What does ascending to Honor look like in this scenerio? Is there some pool somewhere? somebody like semi dead Leras walking around? Can Dalinar just touch Kaladin chest and make him ascend? If you have device like the one in Secret History, can you just active it and ascend? Can somebody ascend without Dalinar help/agreement, or without killing him?

    Without assuming some answers to the questions above, it is hard to speculate. 

    On 3/3/2024 at 6:48 PM, Honors_Gun said:

    So Dalinar will somehow end up breaking the contract. It wont turn the Stormfather into deadeyes but it will let Odium to corrupt the Stormfather, potentially ending his ability to supply Stormlight.

    The idea of ending supply Stormlight seems interesting, and something that could be left as a cliff-hanger, for Radians to learn to cope with during time skip.

    I would describe Szeth more in light of working to regain faith in his own judgement, he is the one that treats it most sacred in his family in his flashback from book 5, but in the end, He is the one to go with his convictions, questioning stone shamans, making him Truthless.

    Also, I the 4th ideal crusade is weird, as it works differently than other oaths, as it said before knight does anything, other that picking a goal. I would assume, that perks from 4th ideal, would only kick in, once the crusade is completed ( or bit by bit as it is being completed). Hence, I do not see Szeth pretty much doing 2 oaths in 1 book, especially, the ones that are said to be the hardest.

    21 hours ago, alder24 said:

    The biggest problem with this is for Odium to do stuff like we see in the prologue, Odium needs a really, really strong Connection to that person and Gavilar had no way of gaining that Connection. It took Odium decades to establish this proper Connection to Dalinar. Odium can't just show himself to anyone, he needs that Connection - that's why he couldn't directly influence Kaladin in RoW, he did this using Moash's Connection. How would Gavilar gain that Connection to Odium in the first place? 

    Not sure about rest of the theory but Galivar 100% has some connection to Odium. Ulim (a voidspren) is delivered by Axindweth who is close to Galivar, Eshonai says she seems like his once mate (they seem to be close). So by some simple networking, there is connection. Not sure how strong though.

    Galivar also has some access to voidlight spheres, which points to some contact with Braise/Odium.

  4. 48 minutes ago, alder24 said:

    That's actually a good question. Would Abrasion cancel out the force of lift? I think not, lift is generated by the pressure difference between the upper and lower surfaces of the wings, not by friction itself. This pressure difference is created by the shape of the wings and the angle of attack. Thus the plane would not drop out of the sky, because Abrasion doesn't change the pressure distribution. You would have a perfect glider, it would speed up, but as mentioned by Quantus, the inertial drag force would eventually stop it from accelerating too much.

    I think that the pressure distribution would definitely change as the fluid pressure is function of flow speed, which would be different without friction. I would presume, that the flow over the wing would be faster relative to the flow below it, than normally, reducing the lifting force. The angle of attack would be more relevant, and the plane would most like need to increase it to maintain altitude.

    2 hours ago, Quantus said:

    It goes faster due to the elimination of friction, but it still faces inertial drag forces from the mass of air that is getting shoved out of the way as if goes by.  As it speeds up and approaches the Speed of Sound (for Roshar's atmosphere), the friction matters less and the inertial forces become more prominent.  

    I agree with first sentence, but why does the speed of sound matter here? You mean by moving toward turbulent flow? I would argue that removing friction would allow to maintain laminar flow for higher speeds.


    Not sure whether it is the best place to continue discussion, and if not, is there some option to moving this thread if I want to engage with the answers?

  5. Lift sits in a plane. After not too appetizing meal she coats the plane in slickness. What happens?

    a) plane speeds up as drag force is neglected. (glider could fly indefinutely)

    b) plane starts to follow parabolic trajectory as aerodynamical forces are both neglected.

    c) something else.

    Any ideas?

  6. The thing is that we do not have a single entry regarding any specific skybreaker action prior to Shallan.

    From what I gathered:

    1. Honorspren seem all to be against bonding and only after Syl bonds Kaladin there is some change there.

    2. Cryptics decide to start bonding and Shallan seems to be first one they try.

    3. Stormfather Bonds Dalinar and maybe also a bit of something with somebody else shortly before (Stormlight 5 prologue), Simbling "sleeping", Nightwatcher playing with boons.

    4. Inkspren think of bonding similar to assassination, Adolin hears in Lasting Integrity that the solution is to try to kill human prior to bond forming (kind of similar to what skybreakers were doing)

    5. Cultivationspren similar to cryptics, decide (Ring) to bond Lift only after Cryptics and Honorspren.

    6. Ashspren do not like humans.

    7. Mistspren, some shananigans with Sja-anat but also no information.

    8. Lightspren (Reachers) - no information to anything prior True desolation.

    9. Peakspren - no relevant information

    To me it is not obvious why there should be any rouge spren trying to bond prior to coming of true desolation. We know that they were as that was what Nale was dealing with. One incident per month, year, decade? No idea, we have records of only what happened near True Desolation which is when things accelerated.

    Presumably, the individual spren would remember that Nale did play spoiler in their bonding, but we have no mention of that. Maybe Syl for hundreds of years was bonding humans but before she could gain more sapiens in PR her bonding target was killed and she has no recollection of that. Just a happy speculation ;).

  7. So to summarize:

     - investiture in perpendicularity comes from spiritual realm (most likely)

     - it can be open by accumulating ton of investiture or some form of invested art (bondsmithing, elsecalling)

    So to answer the question:

    On 1/9/2024 at 10:59 PM, Oltux72 said:

    If, theoretically, he were to do so on Braize, would it change?

    I would say that this would most likely be stormlight, Braize is in Rosharian planetary system so Connection to Honor investiture should not be an issue.

    But if it was done on Scadrial, there could be some connection stuff happening to planet or/and it's CR and it could be filled with something like invested mist (Preservation/Harmony light)? Or could Ishar possible do some more bondsmithing and get light connected to any shard if he had some connection to it previously?

    There is also an issue with Herald leaving the system so it might be even less straight forward...

  8. 4 hours ago, The Sibling said:

    Is this possible? I assume you could only heal the magical Heraldic Madness, not all the trauma and ptsd that the heralds have. Either way though, having Taln back would be sick, although I'm not sure how that relates the to the name "Warbreaker the Peaceful".

    Warbreaker the Peaceful is one of Vasher names, the first one he got after his return. Maybe it was unnecessary confusing to use 3 different names of the same character in title and first post... ;)

    Whether it is 100% possible, it is hard to say. The healing is greater than surge of regrowth, as it restores Susebron's tongue which was cut off ~50 years prior. So it involves some shenanigans with spirit web. Most likely, the effect could depend on command used, but that should not be an issue, as Vasher seems to be one of the best at this, and he should have understanding of the issue.

    I would not be surprised if Vasher could help Taln without giving his Return Breath, using some weird "normal breath" mental commands as he did with little girl in Warbreaker. But this would set bad precedences as most mental issues could be solved that way. But this is just speculation as there is very little information on how this works. 

  9. Ishar's perpendicularity is kind of interesting in a way that, it is not clear to me, from where is investiture coming from. In case of Dalinar, it is most likely Stormfather's Investiture being concentrated to allow for 3 realms to collapse into one.

    Is it explained anywhere whether the source of investiture in spheres comes from spiritual realm or the Stormfather?

    Mantaining singularity is taxing on Dalinar, but this must be something that can not be fully-countered by stormlight, so it is propably something to do with Connection etc.

    Ishar singularity -  either:

    - Ishar has access to some being with large amount of investiture

    - Ishar himself is invested enough

    - Bondsmith honourblade is the source of investiture

    - Bondsmith singularities somehow work differently

    - Ishar is doing Bondsmith singularity differently

    or some combinations of those. Now depending on how it works, Ishar would or would not be able to open singularity somewhere else. If he is takes Investiture from Honor, not sure if he could do it on Scadrial. And if the investiture comes from spiritual realm and not from the source of investiture used to open it, then, we can only speculate to which shard would the Investuture be connected to. Maybe if you are humming properly, you can get anti-investiture singularity ;).

  10. I was wondering, what is the narative goal of having Vasher on Roshar. Based on his "Return Name", he might play a role in trying to secure a peaceful resolution in SA book 5 or later on. 

    He could give up his Return Breath to heal somebody (like Taln from his Heraldic Madness, to allow him to be chosen as Honor's champion). My issue with this is that if reader is not familiar with Warbreaker, this will be quite out of place. It is easier to understand that Nightblood is some sort of shardblade on steoroids and it could kill a shard's vessel, meanwhile some weird ardent swordman who commands clothing randomly having some magical healing ability seems much less reasonable (atleast to me, when I am trying to think what I would be thinking without reading Warbreaker if this hypothetical would happen).

    So maybe Zahel is just waiting for some other conflict later, drinking in sweet free stormlight instead of street urchin's Breath on Nalthis. His main role in SA was to transport Nightblood to Roshar.

    Any ideas?

  11. Another questions:

    Is giving access to surges the primary feature of honorblades?

    Maybe they were needed to form the Oathpact, and symbolise connection between Honor and Heralds, and the surgebinding is just a side effect?

    Somehow, killing one of the Heralds did not break the Oathpact.

    About Shardplate, It seems to me that it would be weird if 4th oath radiant would be better equipped than a Herald. Maybe Heralds could attract some spren to form plates. We seen this mechanic in terms of advancing in radiant oaths, but the exact mechanism of how it works is not explained. On the other hand, Syl says something about not being able to attract spren ( no spren-ception), so maybe this extents to Heralds as well.

  12. I like the bondsmith idea more that the CS one.

    Weirdest think about Lift, in my opinion, is that she can touch spren's manifestations in physical realm, like Windle's vines. Maybe this is some mumbo jumbo spiritual Cohesion. But I am not sure wether this consumes her awesomeness or not. To me it seems like a think she can just do. The only think I can compare it to is when Dalinar grabs realms prior to summoning perpendicularity.

    She also could speak with some girl in Edgedancer who was speaking some weird street dialect, maybe this is something similar to Dalinar connecting to Azish guard to speak Azish. But this could be explained by being edgedancer probably. 

    Idea about generating lifelight is cool, but why then she needs to metabolise food to get it? That seems much weaker that what Dalinar can do with stormlight. But again, this may be that this is just how bondsmith differ from each other.

    Another aspect that is crazy is that she can pop in and out off visions from Stormfather. The only other being that we see can do that is Odium... And Wit when he visits Kal in nightmare in RoW. This could be some bondsmith spiritual adhesion stuff.

    P.S. I am not sure, but Lift is most likely the last person we know of to visit Nightwatcher, so it could be that there is no more access to old magic in the valley, but instead, one must offer some food to little Reshi goddess to demand some boon ;)

  13. Thank you all for replying!

    Well, I did not think I would meet with such a strong opposition to this idea.

    Ok, let me have a last stand. So when looking at the timeline:

    -we see Helaram having the blade in Shallan flashback 5.5 years ago.

    -Kaladin killed Heralan in a flashback 1 year ago.

    This seems to me quite weird if he really was acolyte of skybreakers, at least 4.5 years of having shards without becoming at least a squire? Maybe he could be some sort of skybreaker free agent wield shards none of true skybreakers would want, but this does not convince me. He was not a fresh recruit, skybreakers require justification for killing and killing bystanders is not what they accept, as was in WoR lift interlude. This whole attack is most similar to assassination of Galivar, randomly appearing shardbearer killing bystanders to get to their target. 

    7 hours ago, Green Hoodie Mistborn said:

    Off the wall thought... what if he was a Shin agent somehow? There is a ton of missing shards out there...:D

    It could be, but we have close to no information what is going on in Shinovar...

    13 hours ago, the_archduke said:

    Bottom line, I don't see any reason to doubt Helaran was involved with the Skybreakers, and a huge reason to believe he was.

    Well, actually, the only reason one would believe so is the Mraize letter. And I would not call it a trustworthy source.

  14. While rereading stormlight archive I wondered about Helaran. 

    Mraize claims that Helaran is an acolyte of skybreakers. This seems fairly weird. Why would Nale give him shards to kill Amaram on the battlefield?

    -The only shard we see Nale giving to anyone is Nightblood (Skybreakers would probably not want to keep any dead shardblades as radiant spren do not like them).

    -Amaram belongs to Sons of honor who are lead by Kelek, Nale's buddy.

    -Amaram does not seem to attract any spren.

    -Skybreakers hopefuls seem to go on a mission with full skybreakers, while Helaran seemed to be alone.

    So who else could be responsible for sending Heralam to assassinate Amaram? Well, most of assassination attempts seem to come from ghostbloods, especially when trying to kill sons of honor. Amaram thinks that the ghostbloods have sent him. However, Helaran being a ghostblood does not add up either. He is in communication with Wit, who does not like ghostbloods too much. Lin is connected to ghostbloods and it does not seem like they are in the same organisation, he says "your knew friends" not "our". Weirdly, we do not see any ghostblood wielding shards.

    The one organisation with many shardbearers is Diagram. This also could make sense with his goals being noble as Wit claims. Maybe he was an independent agent similar to Graves and he read the diagram in a way that would push him towards this assassination. But I do not see much evidence to support this idea.

    Another question that arises, If Mraize did lie about Helaran allegiance, why did he? It would make sense if he was ghostblood as it could create some bad vibes between Shallan and him.  Maybe Mraize did not know for certain what Helaran was doing, but wanted to manipulate Shallan with presumed knowledge. 

    All we know is that Pattern did say that there are lies in the letter...

    Any ideas?


    I searched the Arcanum and I have not seen Brandon saying that Helaran indeed was a skybreaker acolyte, while the Coppermind treats Mraize's letter like some wisdom of heralds.

  15. 5 hours ago, cometaryorbit said:

    I think there's a WoB that this was Hoid checking to see if Dalinar knew about the greater cosmere (Hoid thought he was involved with various secret societies, like Gavilar, though he wasn't).

    the Adonalsium bit sure, but the bit about putting man together,  in this context,  sounds a lot like merging shards together to recreate Adonalsium. This is something that maybe a Bondsmith unchained or a Unity Dawnshard could do. Hoid could be seeing the proto-bond to Stormfather and refer to the Bondsmith abilities but who knows...

  16. I am on the fence with Dalinar being the unity Dawnshard.

    The thing with Dalinar that is strongest evidence to me that there is something more than bondsmith unbounded is quote from WoK by Hoid


    "Adonalsium." later "... If you do put a man together like that, Dalinar, be sure to name him Gibberish, after me. Or perhaps Gibletish."

    The weird thing is that this is fairly early, before 1st ideal and Urithiru. 

  17. 10 hours ago, Leuthie said:

    The Connection remains unless both Identities being Connected are removed. One side can be Connected to the no-longer-existing Identity, with the Connection instantly Connecting should the Identity return. I'm guessing these one-sided Connections are what Dalinar used to bring Tien in to talk to Kaladin, for instance. You can remove or change the Connection without otherwise affecting the Identities being Connected, also. So Identity and Connection are related but separate attributes.

    I would argue that death does not remove identity, it removes Connection between physical and cognitive, and then passing to beyond between cognitive and spiritual. I would assume that Dalinar Connects Kaladin to something that exist, spiritual or some sort of cognitive aspect of Tien.

    Not sure how memories work, but I would not be surprised if they are just encoded in Connections.

  18. Maybe I code too much, but what if the statement is not " ( none have ever died) and (returned to damnation)" but " none (have ever died and returned to damnation) "?

    the statement () and () is true only if both () are true, but second one is true if just one is false.

    Meaning that heralds may have died, but for some reason (shifting oathpact to just Taln) did not to return to damnation? or chose not to return

  19. To expand on idea of Dawnshard Stability, I gravitate towards this arrangement:

    Change: Ruin, Cultivation, Invention (this one seems standard)

    Stability: Preservation, Autonomy, Endowment (saving what ones has, being self-sufficient, inherited constant)

    Motivation: Odium, Ambition, Dominion, Devotion (why one does something -> because one hates, wants to becomes someone, wants to control, loves)

    Virtue: Honor, Valor, Mercy, Whimsy (ideals to uphold)

    So potential shard Wisdom could go to Stability.

    To comment a bit about my choices, Dawnshard Change would the means of action. Stability would be what the action should not affect. Motivation would give the reason for action. And lastly Virtue would how the action should be performed.

    So I guess that Dawnshard Stability was on lunch break when shattering happened.

  20. Well, I think the resulotion that no other memories of Hoid were erased other than his last few minutes is boring. Maybe it will be what really happened but I doubt it.

    In epilogue, Odium says that he can "see these" when refering to memories, so @Weltall you may be right.

    1 hour ago, Weltall said:

    Remember that the entire point of Odium messing with Hoid's memories is to try and hide the fact that he gave away that 'Odium' and 'Rayse' are no longer synonymous, while still allowing a do-over of the conversation to happen in order to reinforce the desired outcome.

    I would not presume that it was the only reason for his actions, but anyway, once he looks into those memories, why wouldn't Odium try to influnce Hoid in someway? Taravangian can plan long term and is resourceful, hence, I think he would try to use this opportunity.

    But still, in those Breaths were memories that Hoid chose to put there. So there is possibility that he could still manipulate Odium to delete some of them. As @Stefano mentioned, Design was sent away before their meeting, maybe allowing for sticking some Breath with other memories with him. That would explain why Hoid is having issues with his perfect pitch as he needs to reunite with those breath to reach necessary Heightening. The Breaths shouldn't be destroyed as when Vasher did this, the girls Breath just flickered.

  21. 8 minutes ago, Weltall said:

    remove those memories

    But do we know that Odium knows what was in the memories that he destroys?


    Katelyn Gigante

    After the epilogue, when Odium took Hoid's memories, did he gain them or just remove them?

    Brandon Sanderson

    He removed them, he did not gain them. He excised them, he performed a little surgery on the Breaths. You have seen this happen before in the books, though I will not give spoilers to another book. It happened on a different world.

    YouTube Livestream 23 (Dec. 17, 2020)

    It seems like to me that he does not know what was in the memories. I think that he had an option of "formating" Breaths that hold the memories without "reading the files" on them.

    The other possibility which supports your position is that Odium knew what he was erasing, but after he finished, he lost the memories. But we did not see memories work this way as far as I know. With copperminds, one loses the memories as one puts then in metal, but that seems different that erasing somebodies elses memories.

    In above WoB, Brandon mentions that the action was similar to one in the other book. That is most likely, Vasher in Warbreaker when he makes little girl forget her kidnapping. We do not know how that precisly works, but it seems that it was internal thing that happened in her mind. 

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