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Posts posted by Celairiel

  1. My sister is so much smarter than I am. She has figured out that spren become shardblades. Jasnah's ship just sank. Shallan is stranded. And she's decided that not only is Jasnah not really dead because the scene was too short, she's also figured out that spren become blades. She has also developed the theory that the Stormfather was Kaladin's father, but she's debating that with herself because she thinks that all Radiants are kids of gods. She compares it to Heracles. Which of course makes me think of the ongoing discussion about "Son of Tanavast." Seriously, I think she can't be following along that well because she's listening and I don't get as much detail when I listen instead of read, but she just soaks it all up. It's insane.

    Apologies again for the double-post, but I wanted to start fresh for the new book. Here's my screenshots so far:


    She told me she thinks Shallan and Adolin will either be totally perfect for each other, or they will be absolutely explosive in the worst possible way. Nothing in between. Though she's also excited for our two baby Radiants to meet and start discovering their shared stories. I can't wait for her to read the chasm scene!!!


    She's thinking the right way. But I really don't doubt that anymore.


    I remember feeling that way about Elhokar. I wonder if her feelings will shift like mine did eventually. Also, this is where she started wondering about spren-blades, I believe. 


    After this we got on a video call together to do some work and instead spent the first 30 minutes talking about her theories and I had to just sit there and try really hard not to give anything away by my face. Because she was spot on or on the same track as the rest of us the whole time.

    ETA: Oh, and I forgot her other theory. That the place Jasnah was looking for (Urithiru) is the shattered plains. Because how better to hide a landmark than smash it to oblivion? This one isn't as big of a leap, but that's where she's at on theories.

    Edit 2 - more reactions!


    I had to edit her opinion of Amaram for forum rules. ;) She's a good judge of character.



    In addition to her anthropology/art history background, she's also an equestrian. She asked if Brandon has ever read a horse because she found that scene pretty cringe-worthy, aside from the rock throwing at Adolin. :)


    Her figuring out the shard blades is pretty interesting watching her now. I don't remember when I put it together. When did you guys figure it out?

    And I'm really amused that even though every time she suspects someone is a world hopper, she asks if it's Vasher, she still hasn't noticed that Zahel is familiar. I know it took me a while to realize he was Vasher, but even though it had been a long time since I'd read Warbreaker, I knew something about his pattern of speech was familiar.

  2. Hi @AquaRegia and @Frustration, yes. Avoiding spoilers. I thought I responded to your question saying that. But apparently not.... I'm now confused about this thread and what is happening. Apologies. :)

    Previously, I was able to correct her spelling of in-world names (she's on audio book) if she said something I couldn't really respond to without spoilers. But she's just been avoiding using names to try to provoke a response from me. She even admitted it.

    Sadly, her reaction to discovering the girth was indeed cut happened in a video chat. Her vindication was delightful. I told her how pleased Elhokar would be and she volunteered herself to be his "excellent spymaster."

    She is also happily looking for worldhoppers. She knows from prior books who the major worldhoppers are and is especially looking for Nightblood, since I promised her every worldhopper she knows will show up in this series. Basically every sword that is mentioned she asked if it's him. It took her a bit to recognize Hoid. She gets him and Vasher confused. Not just names, but personality and character. So I hope this series can make them more distinct. 60ac54d92b0f3_HoidandDalinar.thumb.png.ac65fc768d133bc4fdf8e7da1bb60d2e.png

    She's also asking really good questions about investiture. One question that I tried to explain but is frankly just confusing was god-Shards vs shard blades and plate. Then when she was clarifying how spheres worked, it got her paying attention to on Bridge Boy's unusual appetite for the light.



    ***** Edit to add the end of the book. I'll do a new post for the start of WoR. Sorry for the double post in advance. And for the delay. She visited again, so reactions for part of this were all in person. And then she took a well-earned break between books. They may be slightly out of order, but this is the rest of her reactions to Way of Kings. :)


    She's looking for Nightblood everywhere. I cannot wait for her to find him next. :D:D :D 


    I forget how disconnected the different plot lines seem this early in the story. The Jasnah/Dalinar connection surprising her reminded me.


    I like the theories she's coming up with for how inter-Cosmere travel could work. I'm trying to strike a balance between steering her in the correct direction and letting her enjoy uncovering it herself. 


    It's really fun watching her discover how radiant powers work. And seeing how much she connects with Shallan. 


    Moments like this are why she needed a break between books.


    So for a bit of context, my sister studied Anthropology and Art History. Shalash's destruction was upsetting to her. 


    This all happened on her 2 1/2 hour flight home. Pretty exciting flight if you ask me. 


    I think it's interesting that she's started calling the soul caster the "soul stone." She has read Emperor's Soul, and she's subconsciously connecting the two concepts. 


    And some "bonus" reactions from my Dad completing Era 2: 60d765035f569_DadandEra2.png.68645bc2840191f9649a04848bcf0bd9.png

  3. On 5/20/2021 at 5:47 PM, Frustration said:

    Ah yes, why would priest be studing odly phrophetic words that dying people speak.

    You know better question.

    Why wouldn't people be studing it?

    That's my thought - she isn't quite there yet and goodness it's bothering her.

    Context for this next reaction: not only is my sister an art historian/anthropologist with a master's degree and a nerdy streak a mile wide. She has ridden horses since she was 10. So her geeky research brain is making her as paranoid as Elhokar.

    Stormlight 3.png

  4. @king of nowhere Wow. That response and admitting your former ignorance was really moving. Thank you.


    I just found this thread today and haven't read the whole thing (probably won't at this point - it got pretty circular there). But I wanted to chime in a couple of thoughts from another member of the LBGTQ+ community.

    First, a bit of context because I think when discussing this I want my story (in brief) out there so that my unique perspective can be seen as MY perspective, not a stand-in for all bi women. I didn't realize I was bi until partway through college. I'm LDS, so looking back I did have crushes on girls and women in high school, but didn't recognize them as such. Really just wasn't into guys for a long time, then went boy crazy my freshman year at BYU. Started realizing I wouldn't mind making out with some of my roommates a couple years later and went on some soul searching. Then decided to acknowledge, accept, and ignore that side of myself for another 8-10 years. I finally came out to my family shortly before the pandemic because I wanted to try dating women for the first time (yeah - that didn't happen. Thanks Covid). So I'm a bi woman who has never been on a date with another woman.

    On representation being made explicit: Because the default is hetero, mention must be made or else no one knows anything. And because of this, I do think that sometimes LBGTQ+ characters need to have it as a more foreword part of their character than a hetero character. However, I've for a long time felt that more stories can leave out as many relationships as they include. 

    On non-LBGTQ+ authors writing representative characters: In one of Brandon's Writing Excuses podcasts, they talked about representation by authors not of the community they are writing. A very good point was made. Those with the influence need to start the trend by writing these characters. And they also need to make room for "own voices" to share. The guest (I'm sorry I don't remember and I'm already up way too late to look up who it was) said that they will write a minority character and also promote authors of that minority group who are writing books that would be enjoyed by the same group of people. This helps get more diverse authors into the field. Also, the talked about how it shouldn't fall on minority authors to write only about their culture. They should also be able to "write the other" as much as a white/het/male/whatever "majority" author can.

    And on book suggestions: I saw one of her books on the list, but I want to give a major shout out to Sherwood Smith. Some of her shorter works feel like they didn't get sufficient editing, but on the whole she is one of my favorite authors. I was reading the Inda books at the time I was discovering my bi feelings and it was helpful seeing the wide variety of experience she represents. There is a major male gay character, a couple of bi characters, a couple in an open relationship, a short-term poly relationship, and I'm sure more I can't think of. But for those of you wanting ace characters, I would point you to Banner of the Damned where the main character (it's first person) is ace. And one of the most distinct voices I've ever read. I think you could actually call her ace and polyromantic. And then if you read basically any other of the adult novels in the same world (Sartorius Deles) you can find lots of other permutations of romantic and sexual relationships, most of which are healthy and positive.


    Edit to add: Ok, I skimmed the rest of the thread. I am so excited about Rlain and Renarin. I didn't pick up the hints of Renarin's crush, but when Rlain reflected on taking mate form I immediately assumed he had discovered he was gay and I was delighted. I imagine him with a femalen deciding to take mateform to have a child and then when they come out of the storm he completely ignores her and chases all the males. It just delighted me. Also, I know it was mentioned, but we actually see an instance of a couple who remain paired up romantically and emotionally in other forms. Can't remember the names right now, but Venli refers to them as "once mates." And they joke about taking mate form together again. 

  5. I bought my sister the Warbreaker audio book for Christmas. She's now listened to Mistborn (both eras), most of Arcanum Unbounded, and is starting on Stormlight. I documented her Mistborn journey here. Now she'll be reacting to the overlaps between the worlds as she explores Roshar (and eventually Sel with Elantris). I want to keep showing her reactions below since it's always fun to watch someone discover the Cosmere for the first time. She's also really excited to come and see people's reactions and thoughts about her journey once she's caught up. :) Thanks to everyone who followed along with the prior thread and I hope you enjoy this as well.

    So far, her favorite character is Shallan. My sister is an anthropologist, so she loves seeing an in-world scholar. She gave some reactions on a video call with me, highlights include "And his fairy brought him leaves and was trying to help!" and her utter and completely appropriate level of awe regarding Jasnah. She isn't loving Kaladin. When he's being epic, she likes him but she finds him a bit boring overall. But she holds out hope because she was quite impressed with his speech to Gaz about "I am already dead, there is nothing you can do to me."

    Stormlight 1.png

    Stormlight 2.png

  6. She loved Secret History, in all the right ways. She's said she now has so many more questions and I had to (gleefully) welcome her to where everyone is in regards to Kelsier. Just lots and lots of questions.

    I've compiled her best reactions for Secret History here and will start a new thread in the overall Cosmere forum so I can just lump everything from Arcanum Unbounded, Stormlight, and eventually Elantris all in one place. I'll toss a link here once I have reactions to share. Thank you for enjoying this with me. I can't wait for her to see the thread - I told her since this one is in an isolated, spoiler-free space, I may have her sign up and come meet everyone. :)

    Oh, and during all these reactions, she hadn't realized Drifter = Hoid yet. She was trying to figure out who he was because he seemed familiar. Sadly, that realization hit her while we were talking on the phone. But she now understands why I get so excited whenever Hoid shows up. Because he's amazing.

    Kel punched Fuzz.png


    Insult Battle.png

    Kel and Vin Farewell.png

    Sanderson Zombies.png

  7. Watching my sister respond to Wax and Steris reminded me of just how much is does develop. From the very formal, rigid first meeting, until the wedding night, they really grow and develop. And she's now on board with the relationship whole-heartedly, as you can see here. I got her reaction to the end of book two on the phone, so nothing to share for that. 

    Flooded Wedding.png

  8. On 3/29/2021 at 7:31 PM, AquaRegia said:

    Interesting, I always head-pronounced Cett as a hard C, like "Kett".  If it's a soft C - "Sett" - that WOULD really confuse listeners with regard to The Set.

    The party scene in BoM where Steris drinks ipecac (which of course she always carries, just in case of poisoning) and projectile vomits everywhere.  It will always make me laugh out loud, even the 7000th time I read it.

    MeLaan is also awesome.

    I deeply appreciate your choice of pronouncing the hard C. My screen name uses a hard C but it always get mispronounced with a soft C. But yes, the audiobooks pronounce with a soft C. So a spelling correction cleared up a lot.

    Steris is amazing. My favorite line is from the next book when she says "And I brought these because I'm neurotic!" 

  9. She also loves Steris. My favorite Steris quote is on the train when she says she brought extra metals for Wax "because I'm neurotic." Any other great Steris quotes?

    Now the library copy for Bands of Mourning has a hold and she wants to skip to another book. Based on the advice here, I'm making her wait, for maximum surprise value. However, once she's read BoM and Secret History, I would like to keep updating with her progress into Stormlight. She read Warbreaker first, before I started updating things. But I don't want to cause cross-series spoiler issues. Should I start a new thread, or see if a Mod can help me move this to a more appropriate forum?

    Initial Steris.png


    TenSoon and MeeLan.png

  10. I'm also curious what you thought when Kel died. 

    How did you come to read Era 2 first? Did it just catch your eye in the bookstore? I'm that sort of person that I assumed publication order was the best order and started with Elantris, and if my friend who encouraged me to try Sanderson didn't guarantee that Mistborn was more epic, I may have stopped there. So starting in the middle just confuses me.

    What was it like learning about mistborn vs. mistings after you had been used to the twinborn vs mistings of Era 2? Reading it in the published order, it was weird seeing that shift, and I'm curious how it felt going the other way.

  11. 20 hours ago, AquaRegia said:

    I'm so jealous that I can never again read Alloy of Law for the first time LOL

    There are so many juicy surprises in there... please keep us updated!

    I'm so glad people are enjoying watching her progress as much as I am! She's really excited to come back and see how the community reacted to her reactions once she's all caught up. :)

    2 hours ago, Frustration said:


    Agreed! I'll also be reading this. That's a unique starting place.

  12. After a week-long decompression from the end of HOA, she has now begun Era 2. I worried she wouldn't forgive me that so many people died, but she is willing to read onward. She was delighted by the place-names honoring the Era 1 heroes. Additionally, she has developed a healthy sense of skepticism from her reading so far. Denth and Tonk Fah really made an impression.

    Wax and Wayne 1.png

    Wax and Wayne 2.png

  13. 1 hour ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

    Kelsier did the actual French Revolution. Quellion is doing the Committee of Public Safety (best known for the Reign of Terror). Elend is doing Napoleon. Between them you have three different elements of that Revolution. 

    The French Revolution was not the Reign of Terror!!!! A lot more happened than just the guillotine!! 

    As you can see, I have... opinions on this subject. Mostly regarding the inadequacy of a lot of historical education...

    She's actually the sort of person who will appreciate that distinction. Once she's done with the book, I'll have to point it out. I hadn't drawn the Elend/Napoleon connection myself. Thanks!

  14. On 2/14/2021 at 2:19 PM, AquaRegia said:

    Same for me - I got it just slightly before Sazed gets it.  Kudos to your sis for her amazing SanderSkills!  It's gotta be frustrating to have another whole book to wait before you can really talk to her about how awesome she is LOL

    I'm looking forward to hearing how she does on Era 2 reveals... because some of those blew my rusting mind.

    Yes. And it just keeps getting more frustrating. She's a phenomenal sleuth. So much so I boasted to my mom about it - who doesn't read the Cosmere. And I'm glad someone else is interested in watching her progress. I love watching people discover things I like and I'm really excited once she's fully caught up to let her read over this thread. :)

    In her most recent update to me, she's drawn the connection between Kel and the mist spirit. And also misinterpreted Spook's extra powers. I corrected her when she later guessed Feruchemy and pointed out to her that he doesn't have to store power up. I'm very interested to see what she thinks of Hemalurgy. 

    Spook and Mist Spirit.png

  15. Pardon the spelling - she's listening to the audio books. She's at the end of WoA and she's determined that Sazed is the Hero of Ages. And I can't tell her how proud I am of her, because she has an entire book left. I definitely didn't catch on that quick on my first read. Looking back, the foreshadowing is all there. When did everyone else figure out who the real hero was? For me, it was somewhere midway in the third book. I figured it out before Sazed did, but not too terribly long before. Long enough that I was confused when Vin ascended and was worried that would mess things up, but not long enough that I was frustrated by NO ONE realizing the answer. 

    Sazed Guess.png

  16. Thanks for the suggestions! I had planned to have her wait Era 2 until the last book was out, but the point about finding out about Kel less immediately is smart. Plus, I'm introducing my dad at the same time since they share an Audible account, and I think he'll really like Era 2. :)

  17. The first half of this conversation happened Tuesday. After which I had to call her and get her to give me more context as to where she was so I knew whether or not Kelsier was going to die yet. The second half is from Friday. Moments like this are priceless. I then explained to her the concept of the Sandersavalanche and encouraged her to finish The Final Empire today. It's so amusing watching her react, I thought it would be fun to share some of the best here. 

    Now, opinion question. Should I take her straight to Stormlight next, or somehow get her a copy of Secret History before starting WOK? She read Warbreaker first, she's going to finish Era 1 next, and she's hungry for more explicit Cosmere stuff, so I'm planning Stormlight next of the major storylines. That way she'll have Era 2, Elantris, and the Arcanum Unbounded to enjoy once she's caught up on Stormlight. But I'm now debating whether it will be more fun to give her Secret History so she knows about Kelsier's cognitive shadow before reading Stormlight. 

    Kel is dead.png

  18. On 11/26/2020 at 5:41 PM, Starla said:

    Rlain/Thude. They each seemed quite excited to know the other was still alive. Ship name = Rude.

    And Rlain reflects that the one time he took mateform it went in a way no one expected, and he didn't see that as a positive. Since they were a society living on the edge and producing children was very important, I have wondered if this meant he took mateform and realized he's gay when he promptly swooned over every male he saw, and wasn't all that interested in the women. He entered mateform to make a child, but entering the form taught him something about himself that prevented the plans from going forward. So him and Thude would totally work with that theory.

  19. My sister is just starting reading the Cosmere books and I was explaining shards to her and she asked a question I don't know the answer to and can't find. How long can someone hold a shard before they are considered a Vessel? And how long can they hold it and still give it up (becoming a Sliver)? Can they give it up whenever? Or at some point does giving up the shard kill them? I know that holding the shard slowly changes and destroys the Vessel, so I assume as some point it is no longer possible to give it up.

  20. I was dating a huge Wheel of Time fan the year before Memory of Light was released, and they convinced me to binge the series to catch up and be able to enjoy the release. Reading WoT in a few short months left me needing something else. I didn't have any other books on the scale of WoT to put my attention to and knew a friend from college was a huge Sanderson fan, so I asked her if his other stuff would be a good next step after WoT and what his first book was (because I had heard something about a shared world and had grown up a total publication order purist). So she sent me to Elantris and it was a bit of a let-down after WoT. I told my friend who convinced me to try once more with Mistborn, which was her favorite. 

    And now I've read all the Cosmere works multiple times and am introducing my sister to the Cosmere as well. She likes intrigue, so I started her with Warbreaker and my dad with Mistborn. Since they share an Audible account, that makes a solid foundation before I send them to Stormlight. 

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