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The Ward's Guard

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Status Updates posted by The Ward's Guard

  1. A few things have happened recently, so I figured I should update y'all, given that it concerns you.

    The first of all is that I've received my Mission Call. For those of you who don't know what that means, I'll basically be inactive for roughly two years starting the latter end of this upcoming March. For that time, I'll be serving others in areas that my church sees that's in need.

    Now, there has been a bit of unfortunate timing on my part, but little can be done about that. I had a fascinating idea for a Role play thread. Recently I delved into the lore of the Fallout franchise, and thought "What if this, but magic fantasy?" There will be more details to come.

    On a smaller note, I have gotten back into arting. I am nowhere as good as some of my friends on the Shard- *Cough Cough* @Mystic Syn, @revelryintheart and @Zephrun's Imperium are all incredible artists, check them out *Cough Cough* but I can scratch out a few lines on a piece of paper. I don't do character work, mainly just cartography. I've been obsessed with Geography forever, and I started getting into it as I made custom settings for whenever I played the Table-top RPG game, D&D. Since then, my skills at making the squiggly lines fancy have sort of improved a little bit over time. It's still not all that good, as I am trying to figure out my "style," but I appreciate any and all constructive feedback. I don't know if I will, though . . .

    Minor beat compared to the first bomb shell, but something very important to me; I feel that I might have overstepped a few boundaries in some areas. If I have, then contact me personally, and I will do all that i can to correct this. The last thing I ever want to do is make anyone feel unsafe, uncomfortable, or unimportant. You all matter to me, and I could never forgive myself if I did anything wrong to you.

    On a more whimsical bit, I found out that there are Bacon flavored Cheez-Its, and I've decided that I'll never buy them again. 

    What else . . . Oh yeah, I should be getting a Lightsaber in the mail, soon. That will be fun.

    A tiny little baby thing, my brother is returning from his own mission a few weeks before I leave, so that's very fortunate timing on that side of things. He has an account on the Shard, and was very active back before I joined up. I'm interested to se how he'll handle his return. 

    I think that's enough from me. Take care of yourself, 'kay?

    1. Experience


      Congrats on the mission call! If you're comfortable with it, I'd love to be on your email list!

    2. The Ward's Guard

      The Ward's Guard

      Of course. Just send me the appropriate information.

  2. You know that moment when you start doing something, like say a video game, and you're just like "Oh, I'll just do this minor task, it will only be a few minutes." Then, it escalates to something like trying to stop a galactic scale genocide, or finish writing/reading a scene, and then you do it. But then something else happens, and you're like "well, I would just hate to leave this unfinished." And then boom, it's midnight, and you wanted to be in bed by 9.

    No one? Just me?



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Ward's Guard

      The Ward's Guard

      Did I mention the galactic genocide thing? Because I might have been misleading when I said I was "stopping" it.

      The word I was looking for was probably "causing."

    3. Quivil
    4. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Me too, and it's usually the Shard that causes it.

  3. I wonder how many people actually read these.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. The Ward's Guard

      The Ward's Guard

      Let them. I'll give them a piece of my mind.

      Although if I suddenly disappear, y'all know why

    3. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      I read them (& I want big pockets too. I love pockets! Now I just buy men's jeans.)

    4. Experience


      I use to have a pair of shorts that had like fifteen pockets. I'm still sad I grew out of them, they were so useful. 

  4. Quick question.

    I've been reviewing a lot of old notes from stuff that I've worked on in the past, and I could make a Role Play Thread based off of one or two of them.

    Is there an interest in new role plays, or are y'all good with what you have?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The Ward's Guard

      The Ward's Guard

      So throw out 50 RPs and see how many stick to the ceiling.


    3. Mystic Syn

      Mystic Syn

      See? You get it :DD

    4. The Ward's Guard
  5. Just a real quick Happy Holidays to you all.
    I had a moment where I might have been exposed to the thing, but I got test results today, and I'm negative. So, crisis averted.


    1. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Happy holidays! And phew. ^_^

  6. Y'all ever just get in a mood that can only be satisfied by music from "Over the Garden Wall," or is it just me?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. The Ward's Guard

      The Ward's Guard

      I have now started to wonder what wasp's nest I have struck

    3. DramaQueen



    4. Condensation



      What wasp's nest, Guard? ;)

  7. Good news.

    My desktop computer is now functioning as intended.

  8. Have you guys ever listened to a parody of a song without listening to the original, and then you hear the original and it sounds weird?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Chasmgoat


      what stick said. Weird al's songs are the true ones to me.

    3. The Ward's Guard

      The Ward's Guard

      And they always will be.

      ("I have my heart set on you" or whatever came on a radio once, and all I could think of was the parody. This Song's Just Six Words Long, I think)

    4. Orlion Blight

      Orlion Blight

      Doctor Zaius from the Simpsons is apparently a parody of Rock Me Amadeus. I can't stand the original. 

      This is a bonus, because I saw the episode before I saw Planet of the Apes, so I thought it weird that in the movie, Doctor Zaius is a huge jerk/ antagonist. 

  9. Huh, so I'm an Arbitor now.

    Well, to quote the legendary Keith Davis (2003), "What would you have your Arbitor do?"



    Halo 2 [Video game]. (2003). Bellevue Washington, Bungie Studios.

  10. Just for clarity for the few people who read the status updates I post or even notice me when I get on because all the threads I regularly visit are dying, things are hectic in my house.

    We're trying to get everything out so a contractor we hired out can do some renovations, and as such my access to the Shard will effectively be limited to my phone. Because of this, I'll be less active for usual in a general sense. Although I would absolutely love to see some of the threads that I'm invested in have a come back.


    As another incredibly large note, I'll be flying out to see @Zephrun's Imperium this Friday, and I'll stay over there for a few days. To say that I'm excited and insanely nervous at the same time would be an understatement. I've met her in person before, but that was technically before we were a thing and decided to date, so yeah. 

    It's so very exciting, as she has it all planned out, and I can't wait to see it all and to just be with her. 


    On a much smaller note, I having computer problems. I have been attempting to build a computer over the last several months or so, and it has been unsuccessful so far due to (probably) software issues. If anyone knows their way around computers and is patient enough to deal with my inability to explain issues in great detail through words instead of demonstrations, then I'm all ears.

    Let's see . . .

    House renovations, visiting my girlfriend, computer issues . . .

    I think that's everythi-

    Oh! I do wish I knew most of the people on the Shard better than I currently do, but I'm not sure where to go in order to do that. So I'm at a loss there.

    Anyhow, have an enjoyable harvest season, happy Halloween, and superb pandemic.

    1. Knight of Iron

      Knight of Iron

      Have fun! Sounds very busy!

    2. Zephrun’s Imperium
  11. Getting Some Enamel Based Stones Removed

    For all of those of you who care, I'm supposedly getting my wisdom teeth removed in a little over an hour. I'm told that I'll be out of commission for a while, and I'll be on painkillers for days. We'll see how this holds up in practice, eh?

    1. Knight of Iron

      Knight of Iron

      I can provide some excellent advice for post-care (I've dealt with this full-time for years, now) and have quite the word and studies to back some interesting claims, like how opioid prescriptions are not needed, like, at all for third molar extractions.

  12. Well, for all of those who doubted me, I finally got an actual profile picture instead of the default one. So of course everyone's gotta be super excited about that, since this is the first time I've changed it since I first joined the site.

    I can thank @Shard of Thought for sending me this amazing picture because according to her, it reminded her of me for some abstract reason. I might change it in the future, but I have found myself really liking the vibe of the character in the image, so it might be a while. Anyways, if anyone knows the original artist, then let me know so I can give credit where it's due.

    Thanks for spending your time to listen in/read up on this update, and have a great morn-after-eve!

    1. Experience


      Finally. That's all I have to say.

    2. The Ward's Guard

      The Ward's Guard

      I'm sure you're not the only one who feels that way.

  13. Oh hey, I'm getting close to 2,000 posts. Maybe I should do something special when I get there, unlike the nothing I did for my 1,000.

  14. So, the event is over (hopefully). We've been having a rough time here at my place, what with the power outage and then the internet failing. Although consider what day it is, I shouldn't be that surprised. I'm just mildly angered since I was pumped and ready to get involved involved in RPs that I had irrevocably gotten into.

  15. Hey y'all,

    Sorry about last week. I had absolutely no access to internet for the first half, and the second half of the week was just horrible emotionally, so I had little to no presence without the intent. However, even with school starting this week, I plan to be more active starting now, so we'll see how this commitment goes.

    I also notice that I turn to the Shard whenever I'm purposely trying to procrastinate doing schoolwork, so school starting up might be the reason that I'm more active.

    I know that I don't do these "status updates," ever, but I felt like this one was important to do for some reason that I honestly can't fathom.

    By the way, I hope y'all have a thoroughly boring and mundane new year, 'cause this whole "interesting" thing is overrated.

    1. Bearer of all agonies
    2. Condensation


      That's a shame, but I'm so glad that you're back!

  16. Just so y'all know, I'll be out of range for internet and service very soon until about Wednesday afternoon. I won't be able to respond to any threads until I get back, so have fun without me, but not too much fun. I also don't want to have to read through 50+ pages of new content, but I have no control over that.

  17. Just figured that I should let anyone know who cares. 


    Well, got that out of my system, go back to business as usual.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. The Ward's Guard

      The Ward's Guard

      Although I am curious, what are your favorite parts?

    3. Condensation


      Mmm... too many good ones.

    4. The Ward's Guard

      The Ward's Guard

      I'll start off then.


      Definitely one that moved me the most was Kaladin jumping off of the Tower. It did interest me that Brandon specifically mentioned that one in the Livestream.


  18. Guess what arrived in the mail today?

    I'm going to be devoting my life to this for the next week or so.

    1. Condensation


      AWESOME JOIN THE CLUB!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Spoiler

    This is my first time using this feature btw.

    Hey anyone who cares, it's time to address something that I feel that I have been lacking in.

    A Profile Picture

    Honestly, I have no real idea of what to do. I feel that it should correspond with my Username, but good luck finding something that does that on the internet. I myself am not that skilled at art, so no chance at that. I could do something as a joke, but I'm both unsure of what that would be, and how big of a joke it should be.

    Open to ideas, but this is more of a tiny rant. For now, I shall keep with the default Profile Picture.


    1. Condensation


      Um... no ideas, sorry. :)

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