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Everything posted by Vin_4_da_Win

  1. I think the reason why so many people agree with the "I cannot save everyone fourth oath theory", and why I subscribe to this theory, is because Kaladin swearing that oath forces Kaladin to confront one of his biggest remaining problems. That problem is that he desperately thinks he can save everyone, even though that is completely impossible in warfare. For gods sakes, in the Way of Kings, he actually proclaimed that if he was made bridge crew leader, than noone would die. That conclusion alone suggests that he is completely in denial, and that he puts far to much pressure on himself. He needs to accept that this isn't his fault. I also know that in the Urithiru gem archive, a novice Windrunner says that: "My spren claims that recording this will be good for me, so here I go. Everyone says I will swear the Fourth Ideal soon, and in so doing, earn my armor. I simply don't think that I can. Am I not supposed to want to help people?" This seems to indicate that the Fourth Ideal ostensibly involves "not helping people" which seems to fit the "I cannot save everyone fourth oath theory". You said you think evidence points against that theory. I am curious what you mean by that.
  2. Yes a "healthy level of antagonism" sums it up perfectly. I don’t understand why people want to muck up a perfectly interesting relationship. Why can’t two people just remain single? Why cant two people of the opposite sex form a relationship that doesn't involve romance?
  3. Alot of people say that Moash is beyond redemption, but I don't think that is true. There are certainly alot more people worse than Moash, like old Dalinar, and Dalinar is now in the process of being redeemed. However, I don't think he will have a redemption arc. His path seems to run intentionally parallel to Kaladin, who has been set on the path of improvement since Way of Kings. Both Moash and Kaladin are conscientious people who seek to help others. They are both incredibly gifted fighters with the passion to use their combat skills in defense of others. They were wronged in the past by high society and both are consumed by those past misdeeds. However Kaladin choose the path of honor. Moash allowed his thirst for vengeance to twist him, like Kaladin almost did. I think Moash's arc will emphasize what Kaladin would have become if he let his hatred consume him. While Kaladin rises, Moash will fall.
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