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  1. A very uneventful followup that I have had in my folders for the last couple years, figured I might as well post it.


    A man met us on the other side of the door. Taller even than Hearth, with a nose that looked like it was broken as much as Blitzen’s. He watched us with piercing blue eyes that made it seem like he could read my innermost thoughts. Behind him sat a couple women at a table, talking quietly over some papers, and around them stood even more men in blue uniforms. They reminded me of TJ, constantly wearing his old uniform, though the differences were great. Thinking about TJ brought back memories making me even more anxious to get back. Around the room were some more of those magic lightbulb lanterns, which despite being magic, seemed to be doing nothing to help Hearthstone, who had started to look worse the deeper we got into the tower. There were windows in this room, but the sun was almost down.

    Everyone standing in the room was so tall, I felt like I was back on Jotunheim or...maybe Alfheim. Except for the fact that the people here didn’t look as willowy, and didn’t have names like ‘sunspot’ or ‘wildflower.’ At least, I hoped. If this man in front of them introduced himself as Daisystem or Skippingstone-

    “Welcome, come on in.” The words implied an option of not going in, which is what I would have preferred right then, but the tone, although not rude, implied a demand. Not wanting to anger anyone so soon, I walked a bit further in, and the man nodded his head to the guards behind us, signalling them to close the door. “I am Brightlord Dalinar, High King of Urithiru” Dalinar looked us over again, eyes lingering on my ‘Hotel Valhalla’ t-shirt and Jack around my neck, then led us to a different part of the room-not right in front of the door. That would make it harder to leave in a hurry, but I doubt we’d be able to get far in any direction without having to fight anyone.

    “Um, Hi. I’m…” I didn’t know what to tell him, my real name? There didn’t seem to be any way for them to figure out who he was here, so at least there wouldn’t be anyone to say ‘wait, Magnus Chase? Aren’t you supposed to be dead?’ “I’m Magnus and this is Hearthstone.” Dalinar seemed to be trying their names out in his mouth. He looked over to the table, where the women were watching us now.

    “What do you keep doing with your hands?” 

    “Translating. He’s deaf.” Dalinar nodded and turned back to Hearthstone. 

    “Ah, so the boy is your translator?”

    I didn’t appreciate that much, but Seemed to find it amusing.

    Dalinar seemed to be looking over Hearthstone more intently now. I also realized how different our clothes must look, especially Hearthstone, with his leather jacket and pants, pink and green scarf, and rune pouch hanging off of his belt.

    I wanted to say that I wasn’t a boy, but whether or not I was an ‘undead Enheirjar who was fated to live indefinitely or until Ragnarok’ probably wasn’t a possibility that crossed this man’s mind. “Uh...If by ‘the boy’ you mean me? Not really? I mean, kind of-right now-but not usually. Usually he’s fine on his own-” I stopped. “No, not his translator. He doesn’t know…” I tried to remember the name of the language. “Your language, so he can’t lipread.” \

    Dalinar nodded again. He seemed to be very good at that. “I see, apologies.  But if not Shinovar where are you from? And what brings you here?” His voice was tight as he spoke

    “Well, we kind of just-ended up here. Still not quite sure where ‘here’ is-

    There was a knock on the door as someone else walked into the room. A bald man with eyes an unnatural shade of purple, wearing a giant sword on his back in a metal sheath. Though bald, he didn’t look that old, maybe in his 30’s. Of course, time at Hotel Valhalla had definitely impacted my ability to tell people’s ages. The jury was still out on if it was for better or worse. Jack hummed around my neck, probably wanting to meet the sword, his missed date apparently forgotten for now. The man suddenly stopped and muttered under his breath, then looked towards me, glaring, seemingly searching for something, unsettling me. I instinctively put my hand over Jack’s rune. As I moved he immediately narrowed his eyes and reached for his sword in turn. Dalinar noticed the movement and quickly looked from the bald man to me before saying anything. 

    “Assassin?” Dalinar addressed him calmly, still watching us. The supposed assassin said something else under his breath, seemingly not to Dalinar. “Do you know these people?”

    Assassin? Hearth asked me. He wouldn’t be here to kill us, would he? 

    I sure hope not, but it wouldn’t be the first time. His hand reached to his side slightly, ready to summon his staff. A move that the man by Dalinar’s side seemed to be waiting for. Hearth was suddenly under swordpoint from the assassin’s sheathed sword. A surprisingly sharp looking sheath, so that I would have wanted a sheath for that sheath. It also seemed that I was momentarily forgotten. I felt the anger rising in me.

    “Whoa whoa whoa. Get off my elf.”

    The Assassin turned on me. “Your. Elf?” The strangely sheathed sword was now pointed at me, and felt…something coming from the sword inside. A feeling like it was alive, and wanted to be free. Jack was completely silent now. 

    “Uh- you’re” My voice may have gone up an octave or two, and I was glad Alex wasn’t here to laugh at me. “Uh, you’re not here to kill us, are you?”  I had a feeling that it would be hard to get back to Valhalla before I truly died if he were to kill me. The assassin ignored me and settled at Dalinar’s side. That was comforting.

    “So, as I was saying. You two aren’t from Shinovar. You said you were from somewhere called...Midgard? ...Or Boston?” I hadn’t told him, but I figured the woman we talked with earlier had called him or something before we got there. 

    “You aren’t from Shinovar?” The assassin was apparently surprised. “But you speak the Shin Language?” 

    The Shin language? Maybe I should ask Hearth to include some new programming the next time he needs to use this rune. Maybe something that prevents the user from automatically, accidentally switching languages. Or maybe something that at least alerted you somehow if you switched languages. For all I could hear, I was still speaking english.

    “Do you know these people? When did you hear them speak the Shin Language?”

    “Just now, they were speaking…” The assassin trailed off. “Did you not hear?”

    “He has been speaking perfect Alethi since he got here.” Dalinar was probably as confused as I was, though I was still very confused about how confused I thought myself to be.  but his face betrayed nothing. The assassin looked like he wanted to say something else, but he stopped himself. Dalinar turned back to us. “Tell me about where you come from. Where is it?”

    Maybe he didn’t trust the assassin enough to ask more, or maybe he was just ignoring the weirdness for now. Either way I was glad, because I had no explanation I could have given right then.

    “I think,” I looked at Hearthstone, hoping he had a better explanation than I had right now. Hoping he would give me some sign about how much or little to tell them. I didn’t like the idea of trying to tell them all about us while not knowing anything about them. But they had the Assassin and hundreds of guards, and I just had Jack. “Can I see a map of the world?” Thankfully they obliged. I just wanted to double check, but it still showed the same image Hearth and I saw before. A giant supercontinent surrounded by water. Nothing like what earth should look like. “So, I don’t think it’s on the map.”

    “Is it an Island we haven’t found? Or maybe we forgot about it, like Urithiru?” 

    “I…” I decided to take it. That seemed less confusing and Insane than saying we were from a different world.  “Kind of like that I guess, It’s far off this way.” I pointed towards one of the big oceans.

    Dalinar seemed to think on this for a minute. 

    “So then, why are you here?”

    I was probably as tired of answering this question as Dalinar was of asking it. “I said before, we were trying to get back home, when we got stuck here.” Dalinar looked out the window, where it was definitely night by now.

    “And how did you learn Alethi so well? They speak Alethi where you are from?” Dalinar spoke as if he didn’t completely believe that we weren’t from around here.

    “Yeah, among other languages.” I didn’t want to have to try and explain Hearth’s rune magic. It was getting late, I was getting tired, and my hunger was returning. I felt like I could eat an entire Saehrimnir. “You guys don’t happen to have any food we could eat do you? We haven’t eaten since this morning.” Dalinar nodded, and walked back to the table in the back. 

    One of the women came forward with a guard and, after assuring us it was okay to sit down, questioned us about Boston. Mostly about the people, and what they were like, who ruled (I wasn’t sure if I should have said Odin or the President), All very boring questions. I answered as much as I could truthfully, but I hadn’t had time to really think about the mortal politics much. I figured she wouldn’t know better anyways. She seemed incredibly interested in all of it. About halfway through, someone approached with two plates of some sort of meat and grain. It had the consistency of chicken, but tasted like a chicken that was trying too hard to be tofu. It was no falafel, but my stomach was happy enough. Once she was satisfied with her answers, she returned to her companions and they talked, presumably about us.

    “I didn't have time to talk to you about this rune before.” I turned on hearthstone, now that we were alone. Or, as alone as we could be in a crowded room. With Guards watching us.

    I wasn’t sure it would work. It doesn’t change the language you speak, it changes what you and they hear. Hearthstone signed.

    I’m surprised that they haven’t noticed my mouth not matching my words then. Maybe it was some sort of glamour thing, If glamour worked the same here. I wondered what a normal practice sword would look like here, where everyone carried swords.

    Hearthstone shrugged and ate a bit more. He was looking worse, so I was thinking about asking about rooms or a bed if possible. I wondered if I could do the whole summoning summer thing here, and if that would help him at all. I didn’t even know if I could, even if i wanted to-who knows what these people would do- as I was getting pretty tired as well. We’d been through a lot before we accidentally ended up here on what seemed to be a different planet. The Nine Worlds I could handle. They were more different dimensions, but there was always the Worlds tree connecting back to Midgard and Valhalla. Here? It didn’t seem like it.

    After a while longer Dalinar approached us again with a guard at his side. Thankfully the assassin was still in the back of the room, slightly reassuring.

    “I apologize for the inconvenience. They will show you out.” Dalinar nodded to a woman and a guard, standing by the door. This one was more of a sharp nod, but I couldn’t help imagining him as a bobblehead.

    With the guard bringing up the end, the woman seemed to lead Hearth and me back down the path we followed on the way up, towards the strange elevator. She wore a green dress that went down to her feet, with some details on the end. Like the person, Brightlady, who talked to them on the way in, she had the weird long sleeve on her left arm that covered all the way down to her hand, but strangely her right shoulder was short-sleeved. A strange style, but what did I know about fashion, especially here. 


    What do we do now? I signed to Hearthstone as we entered the elevator and started back down the tower.

    I don’t know, you really think we’re not in the 9 worlds?

    Unless your runes can time travel. Did that map look like anything you know?

    Hearth shook his head weakly.
    This wasn’t in the 9 worlds. They couldn’t be. Nothing here was like anything he had been prepared to see before. Nothing from Stories or Myths, nothing that a textbook could teach you in school. But if Hearth’s magic could take them here, it could surely take them back. He just had to figure out how.

  2. There was a knock on the door, though no one had been expected here in a long time. She walked to the door and opened it a crack, just as much as the chain would allow.

    "Who is it?"

    "Just a messenger"

    The stranger pulled out a scroll from the bag at their hip, pushing it inside as the door began to close.

    "Wait, if you could just get this to-"

    "Yeah, Yeah."

    She pulled the scroll out and shut the door before they could say anything else.

    Double checking the contents, Illwei packed the scroll and a few more things up. Wondering why after all these years they hadn't found someone else to do their dirty work for them, she headed out. Returning to her home town.



    Ahoy there! :)

    I’m very excited to invite your community to participate in Season 11 of the Mafia Championship.

    The Mafia Championship is an annual forum-based tournament series that pits representatives from various online Mafia (aka Werewolf) communities against one another as they compete to determine the Internet’s greatest forum Mafia players. Each participating community democratically elects one person to represent them and be their “Champion”.

    The tournament first started back in 2013. Since then, 380+ different communities and 50+ different nationalities have been represented.

    It’s a super fun event that has created many new friendships and close bonds between communities. I hope that you would be interested in taking part :)

    The deadline for selecting your representative is April 20th, but the sooner the better.

    You may decide yourselves how you want to elect your representative, but we highly recommend some sort of democratic process (public nominations followed by a poll usually works out well).
    In addition to electing a representative, you should also name an alternate (a back-up) who will be asked to step in if the first choice needs to back out.
    Your representative should be prepared for having to read upwards of 600-700 posts per 24 hours during the early stages of the game. Additionally, there’s a requirement that each player must make at least 10 posts per Game Day. Only active players should apply/participate. I repeat: Your chosen player needs to be able to promise a good amount of activity on a daily basis!



    The semifinal/finale setups may be designed for more/fewer players than 15, in which case the amount of jury advances would be adjusted to match.

    The qualifier games will be played using the Matrix Mayhem 5x5 setup (see below for more details), and the semifinal/finale games will be played using a different setup(s). The semifinal/finale setup(s) will be finalized around the end of June



    This year’s qualifier setup: Matrix Mayhem 5x5








    Town 3-shot Tracker

    Mafia 2-shot Tracker

    Town Motion Detector

    Town Odd Night Doctor

    Mafia Roleblocker


    Mafia 2-shot Watcher

    Town 3-shot Tracker

    Town Inventor (1x Track, 1x Roleblock)

    Mafia Roleblocker

    Town Odd Night Doctor


    Town JOAT (1x Track, 1x Doctor, 1x Roleblock)

    Mafia Roleblocker

    Town Even Night Jailkeeper

    Town Motion Detector

    Mafia Odd Night Role Cop


    Mafia Roleblocker

    Town Inventor (1x Track, 1x Roleblock)

    Mafia Goon

    Town 3-shot Roleblocker

    Town Even Night Jailkeeper


    Town Odd Night Doctor

    Town 3-shot Roleblocker

    Mafia Roleblocker

    Mafia Goon

    Town JOAT (1x Track, 1x Doctor, 1x Roleblock)

    • The setup is determined by randomly selecting one row or column from the above matrix, and then adding 9 Vanilla Townies and 1 Mafia Goon. This will always result in 12 Town members (3 of which are Power Roles) and 3 Mafia members (1 or 2 of which are Power Roles).
    • For example, if Column A was randomly selected, the setup would be a Town 3-shot Tracker, Town JOAT, Town Odd Night Doctor, 9 Vanilla Townies, Mafia 2-shot Watcher, Mafia Roleblocker, and Mafia Goon.
    • Mafia flips will only reveal the alignment of the Mafia player, whereas Town flips will reveal the full role of the Town player.
    • The following roles are non-consecutive (cannot target the same player 2 nights in a row): Town 3-shot Roleblocker and Town Inventor (1x Track, 1x Roleblock).
    • Each of the Town JOAT's abilities may only be used once throughout the game.
    • Some alterations may be made to this setup before qualifiers start, but they will be minor if any


    • Day start.
    • Majority elimination will not be enabled during day 1 and is not required at any point for the elimination. Starting on Day 2 and until MYLO/LYLO, majority will be enabled at 12 hours after SoD (in 36/12s and 48/24s) OR at 24 hours after SoD (in 72/24s). MYLO/LYLOs are exceptions, during which majority will be enabled immediately.
    • Tied votes will result in a player being eliminated at random from among the tied players.
    • No outside communication. I.e. you may not contact the other players outside of the thread (unless you are Mafia and wish to speak with your teammates).
    • Phase Lengths and Deadlines will be up to the players themselves (I’ll organize your representative into a game with deadlines that suit their preferences).
    • Thread is locked during Night Phases.
    • Votes are automatically locked in at LYLO
    • Mafia share a factional Night Kill, which is a single standard shot for their faction. The mafia factional kill is mandatory.
    • Mafia may communicate at any time.
    • Each individual player may make a maximum of 125 posts per day phase (this restriction is lifted 1 hour before day end).
    • The game will have a host to oversee everything and make sure everyone’s following the code of conduct, but otherwise the game is completely automated (automatic votecounts, thread locks and reveals alignments automatically, the bot receives and processes actions, etc.).


    There will be 8 Qualifier Games, and your representative plays in just one of these. They will have start dates ranging from the end of April to mid-June. So in other words, as long as your representative can play sometime during that period, they should be good and I’ll make sure they get scheduled into a game that suits their schedule well. I.e. if your rep is busy until June, that isn’t a problem.

    The Semifinal Games will be played in July/August, and the Finale Game sometime in August/September (whenever we can work out something that suits everyone).

    If you want to get in contact with us ASAP, you can reach us on Discord at lissa2 (Lissa#8083) or Arapocalypse (Arapocalypse#0834).

    Kind regards,

  3. 5 minutes ago, Ookla the Bald said:

    Dear lord. GG, Neil et al. Thanks @Mat for excellent GMing and fun writeups, and @Elandera for what seems to have been a more difficult than normal game to IM.

    Maladroitly competent. I stand by it. Oh, and my theory holds true. TKN after an e!game is far more sussed than TKN after a v!game.

    Good job Kas, I figured you'd bluffed, but didn't know if you had it in you. 

    Also I didn't respond to your post after I voted you because I was trying to bait anything out of neil, and then i successfully convinced myself it was you for a minute so the only person i really baited was myself

  4. I'll make a post but i don't have much to say since i've said everything

    i think both you and tkn pushing the "keeping options open" is wild since it's e/lo and it's not like it's obvious. both you and tkn are pushing me and the one of the main reasons i was v!leaning tkn here was because he decided not to go for the easy push.

    I want to be right on neil simply because then I've had good reads this game. I was hoping that anyone would say anything more on me but neil not voting idk

  5. 5 minutes ago, neil the beguiled said:

    felt like a shruglunch and ash issnt baudib1. xD



    Another completely maybe not completely unrelated but it was weird to me how you never contradicted any comment on me knowing your meta better, with how you are more familiar with me simply because you've spec'd turbos I've played

    Also votes aren't locked, Neil. Try voting...just a little.


    Also hope the organizers know you're repping because ur not on the spreadsheet, but i guess neither is FoL and they're technically sending someone, even tho today is the last day to submit.

  6. 10 minutes ago, neil the beguiled said:

    i thought thered be enough people there to get a ravenclaw yeet instead  bc i thought raven had better chances as scum. its kinda that shrimple???

    About this part- you seemed to have a townread on both Archer and Aeoryi at the time you called out for people to break the (what i assume based on this votecount and the votes prior) 2/2/2 tie between archer/ash/Aeoryi (whats the deal with the a names i-)

    Why didn't you vote ash there when you didn't want to kill Archer and Aeoryi?

    also this is completely unrelated but wrt to the bucket strat neil I always saw that as a very MU champs season uhhhh 8? idk whatever season I played, no clue what we're on now. 10? i think? but it was specifically not to mass claim the prs so that doc could protect but to massclaim PRs (there were 3) so that we could have an immediate 3 confirmed towns on D1 which narrowed the pool immensely

  7. 11 hours ago, Ookla the Bald said:

    After how this cycle has progressed, I've been mostly convinced by Neil's utter lack of WiM (pretty sure that's a correct use of that), and by your first hedgy then opportunitistic voting. 

    So with this, who are you saying is the elim here? Because it can't be the both of us.

    @neil the beguiled care to join the fun?


    Oh also for anyone who reads this


    We were invited to play a discord mafia game, some sites are sending reps, its a kinda tournament- if anyone wants to rep us in it or wants more info on it lmk


    EDIT 2:

    One thing that made me want to kill neil was my vague NKA that I didn't post. The kills were awkward starting off obviously, targeting vaguely towny low posters that were being written offby really only the Elims as far as I could tell- not familiar with the new player's meta as I've been gone. Felt more like someone who wasn't familiar with the site meta making the kills.



    Edit: I appreciate that me and Coffee pretty much keep ninja'ing each other saying roughly the same thing.

    Found this- his third post on p31, was my linking between him and coffee. for my reference. Note that i don't see it.

    6 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

    Do you have a reference for the JNV not in E!meta bit? Because I really recall just you saying JNV is off from E!JNV but also that you believe they tick classic Elim boxes.

    Really just this i suppose, perhaps I'm inflating it-


    I was really out of it that game, so I don't really remember. They generally are more active when evil but rl's gonna rl.

    TKN's only post on p35.

    7 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

    If TKN's a hit, you claim god status? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ To be clear, not advocating locking on TKN now. Would like to hear from TKN and Neil, and rereading Neil if you have the time is worth it. My thoughts largely as follows:

    I can't claim that, I called him likely village out of him/coffee before. ...in my defense coffee turned out to be sk but who could anticipate that. Could confbias into him calling out the connection between them is more e indicative because pocketing but that's irrelevant now because coffee's dead.

    Currently on a reread of neil but probably going to sleep soon. Maybe. Went to sleep yesterday at like 2am but i need to get back to my old lady sleep schedule for work.

    10 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

    -I...agree E!Neil is a possibility, but even then, two things in Neil's favour IMO - first, his behaviour this cycle. IMO when there's a rift between two possible Villagers, you always have two options - you can make it worse, or you can try to stop them and keep Village rolling forward. I agree Neil theoretically E!leans you but the fact he was trying to de-escalate is worth something in my view. Village-on-Village conflict is always a gift to the Elims. In contrast, TKN doubles down by joining my vote on you. I'd argue that given there was always an open possibility of V!Illwei, Neil's behaviour is more pro-Village here.

    I think my only counter to that is personally when I'm an elim i find doing things like that to be easy content to put out without content actually being put out. in his defense- this case is e/lo so more incentive to let things be, especially when my push was theoretically going to be on him, so why tell someone to try to hear me out.

    12 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

    -Unsure what Coffee's read is worth but if Coffee was pushing Neil last cycle, she clearly didn't believe E!Neil.

    that's something i noted as well


    Cmon TKN i saw you reading thread and now you just dip? smh

    14 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

    if he's setting us on two of our teammates

    i cc brandon time to jump on kas guys lets go lets go lets go /s


    33 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

    Does E!TKN really have options here? I feel like he could plausibly either drop a bussing vote or just hope to scare people off the JNV train in virtue of train size.

     E!TKN seems to just completely drop all suspicion on Aeyori with his teams post. Is it....silly idea, is it possible he mixed up Aeoryi and Araris somehow?? lol, anyways. 
    Idk if I was him there i would float the Aeoryi suspicion again and hope to get someone like Aman to hop on to that and then be the third vote. but this is all irrelevant really anyways, because he didn't.

    With JNV at three though, I don't see why someone wouldn't hop to Araris at that point, bringing it to 2. Ash wasn't a wagon at the time in your VC, but getting araris exed seems silly.

    Really anyways my points on TKN really boil down to

    - that random teams list that seemingly came out of nowhere with no previous suspicion on JNV until he was asked- at which point he said that JNV is NOT in his E!meta and then proceeded to vote JNV
    - his fixation on the SK and voting neil without any real evidence of thoughts or re-eval around that.

    Points for TKN are

    - Voting Neil here (tunneled villager, not coming out voting me despite me being the easy exe of the cycle)
    - Probably something earlier because in one of my first posts I said he was more villagery out of coffee/him but I didn't really see those interactions when i did my iso so I guess i saw something but i didn't see it on a second read through. Granted i was looking for mentions of JNV and Ash, and votes mostly.

    27 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

    JNV and Ash tie. Shortly after, Aeo and Aman swap to JNV and the Ash train dissolves, which is the point at which TKN enters with the post on JNV partners and votes JNV.

    Yeah generally I just find it a super strange assumption to make there that Ash and JNV are both evil and teamed when there's not a lot between them in terms of voting and there's nothing in terms of posts.

    The only thing potentially teaming them is assuming that the Elims are not voting most cycles because they are not in danger. fmpov this points to TKN, especially if he's making this assumption himself and still not pointing a finger at me when I'm the other non-voter. The other assumption is that at least /one/ teammate is voting, which would point to neil as the last elim and /not/ as the SK, which he pushes neil as.

    Bro voting TKN was just a rando whats gonna happen vote why am i convincing myself to stick with it i haven't even finished looking through neil's posts yet


    hi aman

    Actual Edit:

    I think the fixation on SK becomes a moot point when you look at neil and see his though, potentially.

  10. Just now, Kasimir said:

    Like look you know Neil better than I do. My problem here is always: isn't that like the world's worst CW. No one has voted you from the start of the cycle, and it came so late. If he himself has unvoted you, even while trying to FUD V!reads on you, does any reasonable Elim here imagine there's enough take-up? It's almost like if E!Neil, it's him being performative...but in a nonsensical way?

    I want to clarify that I really don't, I thought I said it before but you might have missed it- Neil has hosted and spec'd a few turbos I've played but I can't recall anything from the like, one turbo i've played with him. So I really don't know better on Neil than anyone else here.

    5 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

    How so?

    Joining a game at the end of a cycle, The next cycle it's a cc battle and it's inside that, and then it's lylo gives me very little interactions to work off of and all i can do is reread old cycles over and over again where the Elims were near inactive.

    9 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

    In what sense?

    Without TKN's thought process and only his conclusions posted, his reasoning for why Ash is an Elim with JNV is like, not there. and while I don't know why TKN would choose to double bus there, Ash seems to have come from nowhere in terms of fitting on a team with JNV. Meanwhile, he was being floated around as another option for the day (though i suppose not being voted yet?) I may have my timeline wrong.

    12 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

    Yeah it looks like it. Look, at endgame, I don't know if you can do TWTBAW with regard to SK focus anymore

    I don't really understand what you mean here, but personally I was saying his fixation on killing Neil while calling neil the SK was most likely an Elim trying to find something to push without pushing his teammates.

    I really would like TKN to weigh in here eventually

    @Ookla the Bald I would also like to know why you came in voting (not gonna say pushing) Neil when previously you had thought he was the SK candidate? How do you see him fitting in to the team? (fyi "i don't anymore" isn't really a valid answer to this since you obviously did at some time, even though your initial comment with the vote was about how you think I don't enter like I do as an Elim)

  11. 42 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

    So are you selecting B. Because I actually think the simplest answer is C.

    You think TKN is more likely to be evil than neil?

    I can see it it's just this cycle i find incredibly hard.

    TKN has focused on the SK a lot (it does seem like he thought you asked about the SK when you asked him about the NK though, unsure)



     I think Raven (new Raven that's been nked a lot) is pretty likely to be the SK kill. As for SK identity due to that kill choice, prob Wiz, Aeo, CC/Silber, Neil, and Cash. Putting Wiz and Cash lesser options because I have the least credences, Aeo as being slightly less credible cause I feel like it, Silber is protected. Remind me, Cash is newish or returning, right? A couple games in?

     It is seeming more likely that at least one of the trusted few is unworthy of trust. Neil also fits my model for an SK, so I think this a case where interests kind of overlap.


    I'd also be happy with Aeoryi, but I think she's slightly less likely to be SK, and either the same or less likely to be elim. Plus she's got a good number of votes already from what I've seen.

    Also the consistent push on Neil while calling him the SK, not an Elim.

    - Inability to find Elims so he turns to something he can find

    His JNV post i will say was kinda out of the blue while he was already a wagon and his vote meant almost nothing, and no one was biting neil.
    He also didn't really acknoledge any posts
    I also do find it strange that Ash was in his teams for JNV and that (almost unrelated but still disconcerting) almost no one (besides I think Aman did) commented on how the wagons weren't really ever competing at any point and were just sitting there almost the whole time.

    He's also hidden behind the exact same push this entire time, and doesn't really show why he thinks araris would be an elim besides trying to find someone besides neil to push because neil is...theoretically the SK to him?  idk

    This was a lot of nothing brb another post or edit coming depending on others posts


    this isn't the edit i was talking about, but

    @Kasimir are you saying that your comment earlier about TKN wasn't a point for why he's a villager? that's what I interpreted it as.
    If that was the point that he joined the JNV train then it could though be a point for why he's an Elim- Not wanting to pile on Aeo with a teammate even though if anyone did switch I feel like it would be aman, and then he woulda tied it with a villager. Not wanting to be the second vote because if he does and no one switches he'll look worse off of JNV's flip.
    I didn't really see him saying much about Aeo but I might have missed it.

    EDIT 2:

    ok wait did i misinterpret the ABC because I'm confused with your edit

    also can't believe it took me like 30 minutes to iso Ash and TKN

    EDIT 3:

    this is too many edits just i read it more and i see it now i was looking at the right ABC i just didn't read that most recent edit enough times to read it

  12. And I acknoledge that that post will probably cement Kas' vote on me but I simply do not care right now.

    9 hours ago, Kasimir said:

    I'm commenting about Neil, not you. I've just come off from reading C3 and think Neil looks a bit worse than you from it but both of you just look pretty negative from it.

    Noticed that this was a misunderstanding as well, I was also talking about neil, and was commenting on how his drop in activity is >rand!E because the vote being between two teammates in one day and then losing them both the next is hard and demotivating

  13. 19 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

    He shifted from saying he'd support an Aeo train to either Araris or JNV, but voted JNV as Araris was unlikely to be exed, which I think is reasonable. He earlier commented that he felt an Aeo exe was also unlikely given demonstrated unwillingness to actually commit to exeing her. Possible his view might've been different if Aman had stayed on Aeo.

    I like this point for tkn being village (at least what I see It as hinestly im not sure what youre saying it is) I also liked that he didn't vote me at sod as well since I'm the consensus vote right now or at least it seems, though I was hoping for him to try and engage more about it with you or Neil instead of just his interactions with me 

    19 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

    "I am so obviously Village that this should not be questioned and you're tilted if you sus me, go sleep because you're delusional."

    Again we have a miscommunication, like usual. That was not my statement, as I said it's normal for you to elim read me. 

    Your tone has completely changed in between the beginning of last cycle to now and if I were you I'd be drinking some tea and taking a nap, because how you still appear tilted off of last cycle and were funneling that energy at me and I was starting to get tilted. And it still remains in this current post, you can tell because of how you "paraphrased" my posts to you.

    And if you still don't understand me here /shrug wtv

    I find it ironic that you see me as the aggressive one here


    Edited to add 2: I'd add there's another layer here, which is the whole 'ah but you can't sus me without a Correct Case!' Yeah sorry, I find preoccupation with that more Elim than anything - see Biplet in LG83, or Mat in a bunch of games.

    Yeah, so. It's lylo. Don't know if you've noticed. So if you need more to townread someone I'm sorry that the player before me posted nothing. I can't help that. Sorry that I had work during the first cycle I repped in on. Sorry that you see even my posts with thoughts in them after I read through the thread as half-arsed. Sorry that you expect more from me than calling out an Elim on my first read through. Sorry that you don't like that I called out Aeo as town when she was suspected. Sorry that I commented on the JNV/Ash EoD being weird in a way you didn't like. Sorry for not being a player you want to play with regardless of how much I try.

    I'd post more real thoughts but the reason I'm not is because how you've interacted with me so far- I'm not going to put effort into a game just for the conftown to push me more because he sees everything as me grasping at straws to sway him to someone else.

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