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Spren of Kindness

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Status Replies posted by Spren of Kindness

  1. Tomorrow, three fragments of my skeleton shall be forcibly extracted from my flesh.


    Are you sufficiently disturbed? I don't think so. Let that stew for a bit longer.


    I'm getting my wisdom teeth out. Yes, I only have three of them. (Teeth are not bones but they're still considered part of your skeleton, hence my wording.)









  2. Man, I want it to be Christmas

    not just because I need the weather to finally take a chill pill, nor so I can snuggle up with a blanket and hot cocoa on windy nights. I don’t need the presents, the foods, the sights…

    I just need to play “It Feels Like Christmas” from the Muppet’s Christmas Carol on piano without being looked at funny because it’s a DAMN GOOD SONG and kicks you right in the Christmas Spirit. To this day, absolutely nothing ever encapsulates the feeling of Christmas more than that glorious film, and no holiday song will ever compete with this one

    1. Spren of Kindness

      Spren of Kindness

      You know, you're absolutely right.

      Christmas needs to get here sooner so I can play my Christmas music without earbuds.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  3. I could use a pick-me-up.

    What's something good happening in your life right now? Or something good that already happened in your life? Or just something you're grateful for?

    And if you're in the same boat as me, feel free to commiserate a bit.

    I guess I'll still say something good...I've been having a hard time getting into books lately (which sucks, since reading has been such a huge part of my personality since...forever), but I did just finish my reread of Mistborn Era 1!! And of course it was amazing.

    1. Spren of Kindness

      Spren of Kindness

      I bought a coffee table today!

      Also the hydrangeas are blooming right now, and they're really pretty.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  4. Watched J.J. Abram's Star Trek for the first time. I like the OGs better, but something about Chris Hemsworth being Chris Pines' dad is just hilarious to me.

    1. Spren of Kindness

      Spren of Kindness

      He did The Force Awakens and The Rise of Skywalker.

      Abram's Star Trek was the first Star Trek I saw, so I'm biased, but it's fun.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. On average, one Earth day is less than 24 hours

    1. Spren of Kindness

      Spren of Kindness

      Please elaborate, Fadran.  Don't keep the space knowledge to yourself!

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  6. New Interest: Formula One

    ...How did we get here.  I don't even like driving my own car (iPhone crylaugh emoji that the Shard doesn't have a sibling of)

    1. Spren of Kindness

      Spren of Kindness

      Great question.  Would you believe me if I said a roundabout journey from The Silmarillion?

      To be honest I have very little idea what's going on, but that's to be expected for being a week into an interest, for me at least.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. Some scientific facts:

    • Monty Python is the cinema equivalen of jazz.
    • The scariness of a spider is not proportional to the size of the spider, but rather to the length of the spider's legs. Tarantulas are awesome and everyone knows it, but black widows are the freakiest and most hideous creatures known to man.
    • When you're staring at the glowing red numbers on your alarm clock and all the shapes start to warp and corrupt, it is not your eyes playing tricks on you but rather your mind being suspended to the Plane of Dreams.
    • Right next door to that is the Plane of the Forgotten, which is where pencils go when you drop them behind the couch and can't find them again.
    • There was a little turtle tank in the nurse's office at my elementary school. This is not relevant but I just remembered that which I think is cool.
    • There are three types of Ghibli fans: The normie Howl's Moving Castle enjoyers, the inexperienced Spirited Away watchers, and the chad Nausicaa stans. I've yet to meet another soul whose favorite Ghibli is Castle in the Sky yet, which means that the Truth has yet to spread to the masses
    • Cool ranch doritos are meh at best and you know it.
    • The masses fear the weebs, for people fear what they cannot know - that is, they do not fear true weebs, but rather the Demon Slayer junkies who haven't the spine to watch or read anything longer or more braindead than that. In fact, true weebs fear these junkies as well.
    • People who ship Legolas and Gimli are stupid. People who ship Legolas and Aragorn are not. If you require an explanation for what happens with Arwen in this universe, simply leave it to Gimli to put on the charm because turns out he's really into elves.
    • People who ship Frodo and Sam are stupider, and anyone who says otherwise will taste my katana.
    • Before TotK came out, I considered BotW to be the best Zelda Game, and A Link to the Past to be the best Zelda Game. With this new addition to the cast, both those titles hang in the balance.
    • I will not read your writing if it's in Arial font. All good prose deserves serifs.
    • The Batman (2022) has no right being as good as it is.
    • If you put me in the trolley problem scenaro to gather data you'd have to rule me out as an anomaly because whatever I decide to do is ultimately at odds with my innate clumsiness.
    • I wonder if emptying your brain is a good way to knock yourself unconscious for the night? Or am I just forcing it to think harder about things that it really shouldn't when I'm trying to sleep?
    • That last one wasn't a fact.
    • It was a question.
    • Tamales are either gross or made by a bona fide mexican guy and there is no in-between.
    • It is impossible to make a good churro, which is the point.
    • Sheev Palpatine really needs to work on his branding. The "Tragedy" of Darth Plagueis the Wise is barely a few lines of dialogue long - that isn't a tragedy, that's a synopsis. Give me a remake where the opera Anakin meets him at is a three-act musical about the rise and fall of Darth Plagueis, complete with a greek chorus and dudes wearing coconuts.
    • Everyone says The Minish Cap is the most underrated Zelda game, which I think is ironic.
    • By cubic meter you're actually hotter than the sun. Light also escapes you much faster than it does the core of that thing.
    • I'm tired. I just yawned. What a day.
    • You're yawning too now.
    • Goodnight.
    1. Spren of Kindness

      Spren of Kindness


      They're...not...meh tho?

      The Cinnamon Toast Crunch churro cereal was pretty meh.  But as far as churros go, I've never really had a meh one either.  I am a bit of a churro snob/elitist, though.

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  8. So, I was browsing the library website, as one does.  And I was struck by a thought.

    Stated quickly, the most recent three trends in particularly YA literature (that I am aware of) have been paranormal romance, dystopia, and fae.  What do you think the next one will be?

    I'm getting the feeling it's going to be retellings of Greek mythology.  I've seen a surprising amount of those cropping up.  But what do y'all think?

    1. Spren of Kindness

      Spren of Kindness

      I was never big on Percy Jackson, so I can't be certain, but I was under the impression that PJ and Rick Riordan were more middle grade. (As Queen pointed out while I was writing this)  But that actually dovetails quite neatly into Fadran's point!  

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  9. Hey would anyone be interested in a brand-new RP outta flippin nowhere based on the weird magic system featured in a dream I had last night?

    Yes? No?

    Okay bye.

    1. Spren of Kindness

      Spren of Kindness

      I dunno about an RP, but you've got me curious, what is this magic system?

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  10. Give me ideas of things to draw.

    I usually draw people and animals, but other suggestions are welcome.

  11. Welcome to Episode 1 of Fadran's Thoughts at 1 AM:

    • If anyone ever refers to their dad as "my old man," do not befriend them. They're a government spy.
    • What's with this whole "dry cereal is disgusting" cult? Wet cereal is disgusting.
    • Songs I wish I could play on piano but would never be able to:
      • Puzzle Plank Galaxy theme from SMG II
      • Lookout Landing from Tears of the Kingdom
      • CROWNED from Kirby's Return to Dreamland
      • Coconut Mall from Mariokart Wii
      • Literally anything from Celeste
    • People flock to Chik Fil A religiously here and it's kind of worrying.
    • I find website algorithms to be fascinating. On the one hand they're great for giving me content that I like (HxH, Zelda, etc.), but them sometimes it just assertively plops other stuff in there? Like "and you're into music theory now!" and I was just "sure okay." Or reddit's figured out that I'm an INFP, probably autistic, into anime... but also has decided that I'm probably gay? Which I think is hilarious.
    • Pazu is a good boy
    1. Spren of Kindness

      Spren of Kindness

      My youtube algorithm is pretty funny - I'm good at manipulating it, but every now and then it decides I'm a thirty-something Hispanic man who's starting a family and needs insurance, and it's hilarious to me.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  12. Welcome to Episode 1 of Fadran's Thoughts at 1 AM:

    • If anyone ever refers to their dad as "my old man," do not befriend them. They're a government spy.
    • What's with this whole "dry cereal is disgusting" cult? Wet cereal is disgusting.
    • Songs I wish I could play on piano but would never be able to:
      • Puzzle Plank Galaxy theme from SMG II
      • Lookout Landing from Tears of the Kingdom
      • CROWNED from Kirby's Return to Dreamland
      • Coconut Mall from Mariokart Wii
      • Literally anything from Celeste
    • People flock to Chik Fil A religiously here and it's kind of worrying.
    • I find website algorithms to be fascinating. On the one hand they're great for giving me content that I like (HxH, Zelda, etc.), but them sometimes it just assertively plops other stuff in there? Like "and you're into music theory now!" and I was just "sure okay." Or reddit's figured out that I'm an INFP, probably autistic, into anime... but also has decided that I'm probably gay? Which I think is hilarious.
    • Pazu is a good boy
    1. Spren of Kindness

      Spren of Kindness

      Finally, someone says it!  Wet cereal is so bad, I don't understand how people tolerate the texture of it.  Blech!

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  13. Prom poetry?  Nah, pickup poetry.  A collection of poems about roadside frustrations.  Selections include:

    A Roundabout Would Really Improve This Intersection, Do You Really Need That Big A Truck?, and Please Don't Let My Manual Roll Back On This Hill Into The Guy Tailgating Me.

    Coming soon, to an esoteric cashless inner-city bookstore two hundred miles from you.

    1. Spren of Kindness

      Spren of Kindness

      If I Can Hear The Plastic Parts Of Your Car Rattling, Your Bass Is Too Much

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  14. Prom poetry?  Nah, pickup poetry.  A collection of poems about roadside frustrations.  Selections include:

    A Roundabout Would Really Improve This Intersection, Do You Really Need That Big A Truck?, and Please Don't Let My Manual Roll Back On This Hill Into The Guy Tailgating Me.

    Coming soon, to an esoteric cashless inner-city bookstore two hundred miles from you.

    1. Spren of Kindness

      Spren of Kindness

      Don't Honk At Me When I'm Slowing Down For A Roundabout, Thanks

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  15. Prom poetry?  Nah, pickup poetry.  A collection of poems about roadside frustrations.  Selections include:

    A Roundabout Would Really Improve This Intersection, Do You Really Need That Big A Truck?, and Please Don't Let My Manual Roll Back On This Hill Into The Guy Tailgating Me.

    Coming soon, to an esoteric cashless inner-city bookstore two hundred miles from you.

    1. Spren of Kindness

      Spren of Kindness

      Who Needs Air Conditioning?  (Me, I Would Like Some)

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  16. Prom poetry?  Nah, pickup poetry.  A collection of poems about roadside frustrations.  Selections include:

    A Roundabout Would Really Improve This Intersection, Do You Really Need That Big A Truck?, and Please Don't Let My Manual Roll Back On This Hill Into The Guy Tailgating Me.

    Coming soon, to an esoteric cashless inner-city bookstore two hundred miles from you.

    1. Spren of Kindness

      Spren of Kindness

      Why Are Your Headlights So Bright I Can't See And Don't Want To Crash

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  17. Prom poetry?  Nah, pickup poetry.  A collection of poems about roadside frustrations.  Selections include:

    A Roundabout Would Really Improve This Intersection, Do You Really Need That Big A Truck?, and Please Don't Let My Manual Roll Back On This Hill Into The Guy Tailgating Me.

    Coming soon, to an esoteric cashless inner-city bookstore two hundred miles from you.

    1. Spren of Kindness

      Spren of Kindness

      My Windshield Wipers Have Two Speeds, And Neither Of Them Are Good Right Now

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  18. Prom poetry?  Nah, pickup poetry.  A collection of poems about roadside frustrations.  Selections include:

    A Roundabout Would Really Improve This Intersection, Do You Really Need That Big A Truck?, and Please Don't Let My Manual Roll Back On This Hill Into The Guy Tailgating Me.

    Coming soon, to an esoteric cashless inner-city bookstore two hundred miles from you.

    1. Spren of Kindness

      Spren of Kindness

      No Seriously, Child, You Can Cross The Street Now

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  19. Prom poetry?  Nah, pickup poetry.  A collection of poems about roadside frustrations.  Selections include:

    A Roundabout Would Really Improve This Intersection, Do You Really Need That Big A Truck?, and Please Don't Let My Manual Roll Back On This Hill Into The Guy Tailgating Me.

    Coming soon, to an esoteric cashless inner-city bookstore two hundred miles from you.

    1. Spren of Kindness

      Spren of Kindness

      Why Do You Need To Go Thirty Over And Pass Me Illegally To Boot?

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  20. Prom poetry?  Nah, pickup poetry.  A collection of poems about roadside frustrations.  Selections include:

    A Roundabout Would Really Improve This Intersection, Do You Really Need That Big A Truck?, and Please Don't Let My Manual Roll Back On This Hill Into The Guy Tailgating Me.

    Coming soon, to an esoteric cashless inner-city bookstore two hundred miles from you.

    1. Spren of Kindness

      Spren of Kindness

      My Dad Just Said The Neighbor Commented On My Driving, And The Neighbor Is A Cop

      I've Been Around This Block Four Times For Parking, I Hate This City

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  21. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_common_misconceptions


    Tag your favorites!

    Here are some of mine:

    • Ye is not pronounced ye. It's pronounced The. Because þ. (I knew this one neener-neener)
    • Violent video games do not cause violence (take that, karens)
    • Marco Polo did not import pasta from China (I didn't even know this was a thing people... like, thought about)
    • July 4 (we really oughtta pick... literally anytime else for this holiday)
    • Napoleon wasn't short (I like making fun of the people who argue that he was "average for his time")
    • The dark side of the moon is regularly about as lit as the side we usually see (it's just that only one side ever faces us earthlings)
    • When things reenter the atmosphere, they don't burn up because of friction (they burn by literally squishing the air molecules - kind of like Friction Plus)
    • Bats aren't blind (and several actually have really good night vision!)
    • Only one species of frog makes the ribbit noise (I looked it up on youtube to check)
    • Snake jaws don't unhinge (instead they have another bone that allows their jaws to extend, which I just think is neat)
    • Not all worms turn into two worms when cut in half (this one because THAT MEANS THERE ARE SOME THAT DO)
    • Preying mantis ladies don't always eat preying mantis men! (which means that SOMETIMES THEY DO)
    • Birds are dinosaurs! (Like, there isn't even any controversy on that)
    • Glass is not a slow-flowing liquid (you smart-alek)
    • Nuclear is one of the safest forms of energy (unless you're stupid and absorb neutrons with granite instead of water)
    • Leprosy as described in the bible was probably another disease entirely (huh)
    • Thomas Edison did NOT invent the light bulb (because  F - - -   THOMAS EDISON)
    • 0.999... is apparently equal to 1 (in base ten, anyways)
    • Vaccines don't cause autism (even though I vaccinate... and am probably autistic. Until I'm sure I'm going to assume that autism causes vaccines)
    • People do not "only use ten percent of the brain" (only around 10% of neurons will be firing at a time - and using 100% would likely result not in psychic powers, but in a fatal seizure)
    1. Spren of Kindness

      Spren of Kindness

      Human blood is not blue in veins.

      ...I will say, this one threw me for a loop.  I would have thought that one was obvious.

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  22. Screenshot_20230502_162345.thumb.jpg.a04305720f0fa1e36577a7e1de4361fc.jpg

    I sewed this chonker with my own two hands.

    ...and a sewing machine and a needle and thread and fabric and buttons and stuffing.

    But I created this.

    His name is Snoodles.

    That is all, thank you.

    1. Spren of Kindness

      Spren of Kindness

      I love him

      You just warned my tired heart so much.

      Did you use a pattern?

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

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