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Spencer Nightshade

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Everything posted by Spencer Nightshade

  1. Well, if you do want me to, I could send you the code and show you how to run it. It uses Python 3-something and pygame. For what it's worth, I won't send malware. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  2. Here is a new and improved version of a game I recently posted, now with a light-lance included! Here's a video of the gameplay. Not very high quality video, but it works. starsight2.mp4
  3. Here is a new and improved version of the game, now with a light-lance! Here's a video of the gameplay, again, not very high quality video, but it works. starsight2.mp4
  4. Not terribly set on this one, and it's for Starsight, not Skyward, but what if Anthony Daniels played Winzik?
  5. I've read Skyward, Starsight, Mistborn original trilogy and Alloy of Law, the Way of Kings, Elantris (mostly, I skipped some of the more boring parts), Reckoners, the Rithmatist, and the first four Alcatraz. My favorite was probably the Skyward series.
  6. A drawing by my sister of Spensa in the last chapter of Starsight with Doomslug and M-Bot. (after the epilogue, which is weird.)
  7. Here's a video of a little game I made based on Starsight. It's kind of like Asteroids, and it's not meant to be very textually accurate, just reminiscent of Starsight elements. (The ship, of course, is M-Bot.) Starsight.mp4
  8. I got a score of 33. Do I get any mushrooms as a reward?
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