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Cosmical Existence

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Posts posted by Cosmical Existence

  1. So... my siblings just got me into ATLA, after years of me refusing to watch it because I don't like anime (It's my opinion and personal choice. Don't attack me.) 

    I'm at the end of book 2, so there's still a one more book to go, but I do not ship Aang and Katara. Their scenes with the soft light and blush cheeks are just way too pushy for me. And any chemistry they show in the series is way too forced. And (maybe another unpopular opinion) Aang is too immature for Katara. 

    But all in all the series is pretty good. I just wish there was more Zuko. He's the third best character, after Uncle Iroh and Chong. 

  2. 42 minutes ago, Condensation said:

    Ooh, sounds interesting. However, I'd wager you don't get much time to sit around.

    Not during the summer, we are on our feet all day during the summer. But during the winter it gets quite boring at work. 

  3. Things happened so quickly Chrys could barely keep track. The soldiers found Minuet, and then pretty much all hell broke loose. 

    The figurative turned into the literal as a wave of fear crashed into Chrys. She could barely stay up as she felt the largest amount of irrational fear she’d ever had. She started humming to calm herself down, trying to do anything to keep the fears away. The humming turned to soft singing as she looked up and saw the others in the group who were paralyzed with fear. Gathering up her courage she pushed through the fear, her instincts to protect overriding her negative emotions. I don’t know how well this will work against this, but I have to at least try. And so she sang to the young blonde who was close to tears. She sang a song of strength and courage, a song that would slowly work its way to a call to battle. Faro, let this work. 


    Two kinds of emotional manipulation in one day... I’m sorry Jester. 


  4. 4 minutes ago, Bearer of all agonies said:

    Yes, waterfalls. My favorite. They are amazing for cliff jumping, too.

    I don't do cliff jumping, I'm always afraid that I'm going to hit something at the bottom. 


    I have pretty good grammar, if I do say so myself. :P I even text with proper grammar, and get frustrated with my friends when they use improper grammar in their texts. Though I'm too awkward to tell them so. 


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