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Posts posted by Negative_Null

  1. 2 hours ago, EchoOfThePlanes said:

    Oop, I should probably specify that Remembrance's abilities are not magical in nature, though I guess since Force immunities are usually biological processes, it would probably still effect Remembrance. Noted, thank you!


    It's something that could use some specifying, so if you want to discuss exactly how it works in a PM, I'm in. Otherwise, let's just go with that it mostly works, but Remembrance can get in a bit


  2. 4 hours ago, EchoOfThePlanes said:

    Remembrance's curiosity only increases, a noticeable tide of emotion that washes over anyone in the near vicinity. A questing thought enters the outer layer of Crimson's mind, seeking any knowledge he might be willing to give away, without actually probing his memories.


    "Might want to be careful with that."


    I'll say here that Crimson is from Myrkr, a planet in the Star Wars universe where many of the creatures are immune to the Force. As such, he's resistant to any direct magical effects, especially mental ones. The thoughts that Remembrance is able to read will likely be distorted or weakened, but they should be able to at least sense Crimson's mission, which is to investigate the Fellowship, and that begins with getting these two beings to give him information.


  3. 3 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    Janice squealed and dropped her book, running out the classroom and down the hall before jumping up and grabbing Jay in a great big hug. "JAY!"

    "Janice! You're ok!" He caught her and spun her around, feeling like a dad that just got home from a long time away

  4. Quote

    Well this seems fun. May I join? Are we escaping the SCP- I mean Acura labs right now or something?

    My first idea is a mage whose mind was broken enough to realize he's part of a story (and so could break the fourth wall in fun ways) but I understand if that's not the best idea


  5. 2 hours ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

    She nodded.  "Just as long as you and your team are sure of the risks.  I'll be in charge of the journey and ships."  She led him into the entrance of the hall, then towards the infirmary.

    Jay looked around the place, trying to get a sense of what was going on. It was certainly larger than he expected for a brand new academy

  6. 21 hours ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

    “If you’re legally responsible, you can withdraw them from this fight,” she informed slowly. “It’s... going to be dangerous.”

    Jay sighs. "They usually are. Hasn't stopped me before though"

  7. 44 minutes ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

    She shrugged.  "Suit yourself."  She led the way, shouldering the rifle.  "You got a story?"

    "Many, but most recently I seem to have dropped out of the one I'm supposed to be in. I was hired to protect Aryanna and things got... a little out of hand. You might know more than me judging by that news broadcast. At this point I just feel some measure of responsibility for them, especially Janice. She's still a little kid."

  8. 34 minutes ago, Mist said:

    As he watched Tvora, he was somber, feeling the significance of the moment, despite not knowing her.

    After a little while, he turned and went to his tent that he had set up, and laid down for a tired night's sleep.

    When he woke up, he started setting up a fire, but when he noticed no one else awake, he just created one. As he sat near it, he looked around and saw a scaly... something. "What are you?" He called as he lept up.

    "My name's Crimson. I'm told to look for a... Fadran. Do you know that name?"

    "As to what I am, worry not. Replicans are rare even where I come from. Think of me as just an oddity."

  9. Quote

    Well that's enough for me!

    Crimson Vaughn pressed a button on his wristband and stepped through a portal to... well he wasn't totally sure. But Chrysler had placed a tracking glyph on the girl Andante's person and he was able to track that. The portal should open a few feet behind the girl, and Crimson could hopefully introduce himself before getting shot. Scaly skin and yellow, reptilian eyes sometimes made people confuse him for a monster. Which he supposed he occasionally was, but not for those reasons.


  10. 28 minutes ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

    She took his hand firmly in calloused, weathered hands.  "Wren Clawthorne," she said, as though it was habitual.  "The small one was injured and should be in the infirmary.  I think her friend is in there with her as well."  Wren couldn't have known that Janice had left the infirmary, but at least it would get him to Cadenza.  "Are you looking to join the assault?"

    Jay smirked. Why was he not surprised that Janice was injured yet again? He hoped she was alright. And what was the assault  happening? "We'll have to see about that. I'm their friend."

  11. 8 minutes ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

    “Those two... an Ice girl and an explosive child?  They just showed up the other day and enrolled. I can take you to them.”

    Well that was easy. "Won't you please?" Remembering some of his manners, Jay held out a hand. "Jay Argentae."

  12. 46 minutes ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

    The woman sighed abruptly, then gave up any pretense of stealth.  "You, who is it you're looking for?!" she called after him.

    "Er..." Jay wasn't sure if they were trying to keep a low profile or not. Although, he considered, judging by the fact they were on the Scrynet and apparently running an academy, it was probably fine. "I'm looking for Cadenza and Aryanna." Who knew what situation Janice was in at this point.

  13. 2 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:



    Since you insist... we'll do it this way, for fun

    The god Null walked through his Nexus, if one could be said to walk within the boundaries of their own mind. He had been busy investigating into the strange new gods that seemed to be appearing, and oddly, had found whole sections of Existence that seemed to behave oddly compared to the ones he and the Council controlled.

    That was the main reason he had sent Foundations to investigate the Fellowship, but each had come back, defeated in their own way. Patch had lost the girl in that strange "mindscape," Chrysler had taken an arrow to the chest during some fool siege and was being healed, and Vale seemed to be under some kind of shell shock, which was odd for one who had seen as much as he had. 
    He had sent out a general summons to his Foundations for a new investigator for the Fellowship, at least until those two could return. Most were busy on other assignments they couldn't return from: Jay on Siren, Selia presumably in the Cosmere. He hesitated to send out those who had responded, unaware as he was of the situation. 
    Stasis was a young Foundation from a universe filled with superheroes, which is why they refused to give up the moniker. They had unique powers but were also the newest of Null's Foundations.

    Crimson was an assassin who for years had hunted extraplanar threats. He was skilled and crafty, but he was certainly less suited to investigation than to assassination.

    Moria Smedry was unpredictable at best, and far from the most observant of the Foundations. She was reliable, however, and perhaps the most likely to find herself within the group thanks to her charismatic personality.


    Choose your own adventure! Who joins the Fellowship?


  14. 12 hours ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

    The woman shouldered her rifle and raised her eyebrows at him.  She had hooded, brooding eyes that seemed to stare through him, as if he was made of glass.  "Are you alright, sir?" she asked.  "It's just up the street a few blocks.  Most of the students are helping clean up from the attack right now."

    Jay barely stayed long enough to mutter out a "Thanks" before dashing off in that direction. What was going on?

  15. 39 minutes ago, ProfetessaOscura said:

    There were passerbys, of course. In the distance, he could see rough pavement, where the surface had been damaged. 

    Jay rushed up to someone, knowing that his bleary eyed, unkempt, likely slightly crazed face probably didn't inspire too much confidence, but he didn't care. "This academy. Where is it?"

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