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Boomerang Guy

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Everything posted by Boomerang Guy

  1. Was one of the secret projects featuring Hoid? 

    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      featuring Hoid or the main character is Hoid? what do you mean?

    2. Boomerang Guy
    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Hoid is in two of them. he is mentioned in the other one

  2. So I am back-ish now. I have finals tomorrow but I'll be here after. *sigh*

    I am SO done with school and ready for summer. 

    What I miss?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      Nothing too important besides I am a gyorn of chortlism now.

    3. Mystic Syn

      Mystic Syn

      I joined the COVID gang, we solved world hunger, Gandalf asked Percy Jackson if he wanted to board his boat to save the family miracle, something strange happened with Kyoshi and murder which I'm sure will be fine, Fadran is being Fadran again, and there was some thing going on about Disney villains turning into anime dudes and then being put into a Hogwarts AU and I'm sure that'll be fine.

    4. Boomerang Guy
  3. So I said that I would be gone and I was….mostly. I was on here a little bit. 
    I am almost done with school. By Friday I should be done with my studies and I should actually be back. 


    1. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard


    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      chortle chortle chortle.

  4. Misspelling Chortle is not heresy. It IS shamed upon, and if it occurs in something important than there will be consequences that I will give out. I will be the judge of punishment of when chortle is misspelled.
  5. Okay I am going to try my best to stay off the shard so I can study for finals. Cuz the shard is making it SUPREMELY difficult to get my work done and I don’t want to flunk half my classes sooooo yeah. I’m going to be gone for a bit. 

    Loyal Chorts! Fill me in on who has sworn oaths and everything else y’all have been doing while I’m gone. But don’t make any major decisions without me! 

    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      alright, who should be in command of the chorts? I nominate a council of me, wizard and Nameless where we need atleast two of us to make a major decision.

    2. Boomerang Guy

      Boomerang Guy

      Hmmm. Alright I approve this council. But remember. Only make decisions that I wouldn’t do. I am not accusing heresy upon anybody but just be wise.  

    3. Boomerang Guy

      Boomerang Guy

      That I WOULD DO. That was Typo. Definitely do NOT do things that i wouldn’t do. 

  6. Join The Way of The Chortle! Become a devoted Chort and spread Chorffles far and wiiiiiide!

    Come! Join our Ranks and eat waffles. Oh and there will also be chortling.

    A LOT of chortling.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      *chortle chortle* business is booming.

    3. Boomerang Guy

      Boomerang Guy

      Indeed. But we need MORE MEMBERS 


    4. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      quite, we have to expand to tlt so our empire will always exist.

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