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Channelknight Fadran

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Posts posted by Channelknight Fadran

  1. 10 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

    Reelwiron stares, grief stricken, before lashing out with the force, holding the sith up in the air with the force, anger fuelling his power, "What did you just do"

    Blood dripped from the stump where his arm had once been - and speckled over his face where Feisyyd's had spread.

    "Exactly what I'll do to everyone else," Krarik cackled, his grin as wild and maniacal as ever, "once I'm through with all of you."

  2. 1 hour ago, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

    “Aria!” Rajib cried. “Aria…no!” They stand up, igniting their lightsaber, and promptly fall back to the ground. 


    1 hour ago, Justice_Magician said:
      Reveal hidden contents


    Cloud was no stranger to the sight of death. 

    He continued moving, mind going numb. A familiar feeling, unfortunately.

    He swung at Krarik, who was now wide open. He didn't think, couldn't think, as he brought the blade down.


    What - it’s not like the mentor character was gonna survive

    A force - cold, powerful, unyielding - pushed the others away. It emanated from the severed arm; the flesh began to decay.

    Krarik switched his grip, then ripped the blade down through Feisyyd’s torso. The Voidsaber came out cleanly - almost ironically so. Blood did not follow.

    Whywhy couldn’t I have taught them more?

    Her lungs had all but given out, leaving not enough air even to grunt. She tried to break her fall, but… well, by now it didn’t really matter. If there was any pain, she wasn’t feeling it - or maybe her body just hadn’t caught up yet.

    All things considered, her last words shouldn’t have been spoken. No voice or sign or gaze should have been able to emanate from the limp, dying form. In fact, the only reason any message was portrayed at all was by pure, unrelenting need.

    ”Don’t… hold… back.”

  3. 11 hours ago, Shard_Blades said:



    it's all good - hop in at your leisure

    15 hours ago, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

    Rajib groans on the ground. There’s nothing they can do now, and they know it. All they can do is watch.

    15 hours ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

    Pucky snapped. He was spent. He suddenly ran out of energy. A dumb, limp body wobbled. He felt witching himself surly there was something. Anything. Then he found it. Deep within him. A small spark.

    14 hours ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

    Reelwiron, arms tired from swinging his ligthtsaber, tries to stay upright, but the sheer amount of concentration and fighting had left him both physically and mentally depleted. Falling into a trance almost he feels somewhat invigorated, and steps back into the fight, once again. 



    And so she held her own, and so those children found the strength to carry on - indeed, this wasn't going well for him. Krarik searched all the more diligently for even the tiniest of openings, but they weren't offering any. There wasn't any way to get out of this unscathed.

    In total, this Aria Feisyyd served as the source of at least half these Jedi's power. He'd hoped to pick off the little ones earlier on to eliminate any distractions, but they were far hardier than he'd anticipated; a change in tactics was required, it seemed.

    He was an Assassin, wasn't he? Death was his domain. Shaping it was his craft.


    Feisyyd was growing wearier by the minute, lungs and arms and legs burning hotter and brighter with every movement. She didn't have the liberty to slow the motions, but certainly couldn't continue on the same pace at this rate. Every swipe of the lightsaber seemed to bring another ache, every step sent another bead of sweat rolling down her face; and every second spent - without gaining the slightest iota of ground - placed the sun ever closer to returning the shadows.

    Red and black swiped up and about, flashing with unparalleled speed and accuracy. Krarik seemed to be growing weary as well, but his movements were far sharper than her own. Both were desperate: he had some room to breathe, while she had allies to fight alongside. With those factors combined, it would only take a single mistake from either side to lose the battle.

    Something in his stance changed. The momentum and trajectory his strikes had been following almost... flipped. It was jarring, but similarly unpracticed. Sloppy, even. Krarik had finally taken a risk, and for just a moment, it looked like there might be an opening.

    But it must be a trap, Aria figured. I don't... sense anything. He's got another Force Ability? A different Form?

    The red saber flipped about, but seemed ever so slightly... off. Was that his mistake? Was that her chance?

    If this is another Ability... then falling for this is almost certainly a trap. Maybe it's some kind of direct Counter, or even just an illusion of some sort.

    But she didn't have time to think it over. The moment was already fast dissolving, and there was no telling when (or even if) another would sometime present itself.

    The best decision I can make, Master Feisyyd concluded, bringing her blades about, is to strike now. 

    The instant arrived, and Krarik's blade flashed askew. The momentum had stagnated, and for just that moment he had a true weakness in his defenses. Feisyyd slashed up from underneath, focusing her entire attention to the attack. The white saber struck for the Assassin's heart.


    Black and white flashed at once, the speed so overwhelming it left spots in Nayla's vision. She blinked as the shockwave washed over her, wind from the impact carrying dust throughout the shrine.

    Something tossed through the air. It was long, thin - eerily familiar. Backlit by the sun right overhead, it was hard to tell.

    Darth Krarik's severed arm fell to the ground moments later, hand still gripping the hilt of his red lightsaber. Nayla's eyes followed it in horror - and yet it was still far too soon that they flickered back up to where it came, and the trail of blood it had left. A white blade had slashed all the way up in a wide arc, held in both hands right over Aria's head; but it held still, only wavering in an unsteady grasp. The hesitation seemed foolish, with neither of the Assassin's blades anywhere near enough to defend himself from the oncoming strike. The red end sat in a severed limb - but in the heat of the instance, Nayla hadn't seen the other.

    Because the Voidsaber burned Master Aria Feisyyd's chest; in the front, out the spine, and straight through her heart.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Violet said:

    Violet didn't know who "they" referred to here, and just ignored them.

    Violet looked at Fadran, then slapped him. "I don't want to be here. Let. Me. Leave."

    "Yeah, no duh."

    5 minutes ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

    The hooded figure grabbed him with a rope as well. “I give you the choice. Die and let your companions live, or see them die.”

    4 minutes ago, The Honorable One said:

    The Girl Who Fell coughed. "You forgot about me."

    "You are all subsidiaries under the classification of Everyone. Please shush for a bit."

  5. Quote

    :cracks knuckles:

    this is where the fun begins

    @ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ @Ancient Elantrian @Ravenclawjedi42 @Scars of Hathsin @Justice_Magician


    The exact time when the sun would come overhead was uncertain. "Five minutes" was a rough approximation even by his standards, and Krarik hadn't exactly counted out the seconds since then. However, a few quick glances at the sky definitely showed the sun nearing its apex - or close enough to it, at least, to make his power all but unusable for a few minutes at best. Shadowstepping had already grown far more taxing, and soon enough it would likely take more effort to wield the Technique than to simply fight fair - and usually that wouldn't even be a problem, considering the skill level of his regular targets, but with this ferricking Master Feisyyd in the way...

    He set an ultimatum: thirty seconds. If he couldn't kill her by then, he'd have to rework his strategy. A part of him was frustrated by the prospect - but this was what he'd been seeking, wasn't it? How many years had it been since anyone had put up a fight so fierce? Not since he'd killed his father, at the very least. Steadily, Krarik's grin returned as he became consumed by the sheer euphoria of this challenge.

    Nayla forced herself to stand, but only held to the simplest stance she could muster for a moment. Breathing still hurt as phantom pain burned through her face, but she'd begun to think clearly again. The Assassin seemed preocuppied enough at the moment to allow her a few moments of thought.

    This isn't working, she thought, and not for the first time today. He's getting tired, but so are we - there's no way we can beat him if we don't change tactics.

    His power came from decades of training. Nayla'd kept been forced to maintain Truesight just to keep up, and even that clearly hadn't been enough. No amount of planning or clever thinking could defeat this foe; not at this rate. Either Krarik would have to make a mistake, or the Jedi would have to pull something drastic.

    ...And he isn't making any mistakes, Feisyyd concluded. Not anytime soon.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

    Reelwiron grabs his lightsaber out of the air, rushing in with force empowered legs and arms, swinging with incredible speed at the Assassin, dancing aorund, looking for opportunities to strike.

    About half a minute left.

    The shadows were nearly gone.

    13 minutes ago, Justice_Magician said:

    "So, we should go help Feisydd! I can't loose you guys after just having met you!"

    He ignited his lightsaber, and rushed into the battle, swinging at Krarik.

    Nayla touched her cheek, drawing away blood - but it didn't hurt much anymore. It would probably scar over, sooner or later.

    There were some tears there, too. Where had those come from? Surely, she'd endured worse pain before... though it occurred to her that this was actually the very first time she'd been wounded by a lightsaber blade.

    There was Cloud, rushing back in... him, Reeli, Aria, Pucky. Fighting almost seemed second nature to them; like a tool in their belt, instead of a weapon locked away. She'd been told, of course, about the responsibilities that Jedi Knights held, but it had been so many years since the galaxy had seen war. Nayla had almost convinced herself that it wasn't something she'd ever see.

    Meanwhile, Krarik's movements whistled into near-incomprehensible speed. He barely hid his Intent at all anymore, opting instead to simply overwhelm his enemies with sheer force.

  7. "I think you're nice. I'm glad I met you."


    The Assassin was growing furious. Feisyyd could feel it now - somehow, he actually seemed a little unhinged. Weakness had crept into his mind.


    "And Aria is too."


    He thought he'd have defeated us by now... this wasn't a part of his plan.


    "She always said nobody should be lost; so she's happy you found us."


    Six strikes; both blades, thrice. A flurry of whirling light. Feisyyd matched with a cavalcade of her own, barely matching her breathing to the obscene ferocity of his movements. If his attacks stayed like this... no. They couldn't win. Not at this rate.

    Of course three days hadn't been enough. It could never have been enough.

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