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Everything posted by Atras

  1. Thanks everyone! I hadn't seen the WOB that Weltall had posted about Odium always having been Odium. That shoots a pretty large hole in the theory. I appreciate the insight everyone, thanks!
  2. We know that there are 16 shards in total, and we know that Odium has killed 4 of them (Ambition, Honor, Devotion, and Dominion). Devotion and Dominion have been left in the Cognitive Realm, and are the force of Dor . We know that Odium battled Ambition in the Threnodite system, and that Ambition was fatally wounded. We know Odium doesn't want to take up Honor's shard because taking on a Shard can change you (I can't find the reference for this, I think it was a WOB in the Skyward tour). I suspect that Odium is actually the power of at least 2 shards, possibly Hate and Ambition. Are there strong thoughts for or against this theory of mine?
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