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Everything posted by Gilphon

  1. I mean, I feel like if the Fused has Shardblades, we would've seen that by now. And Yelig-nar's hosts don't seem to get them either, but maybe that's just because they tend to die too quickly for that to be practical. And Renarin, meanwhile, definitely can summon a blade. But if assume none of those things are Voidbinders, when, then the question becomes really hard to answer because we first need to answer what exactly Voidbinding entails. If it's just forming a Nahel bond with a Voidspren, then it wouldn't be surprising to see a Blade from that, but if it's anything else, a Blade seems unlikely to me.
  2. I believe there's a WoB saying that Ishar would look Shin to them, but both Szeth and Jasnah describe Nale's companion as 'Alethi-Like'. So that strongly suggests that he's not Ishar. Which means that Kelek is easily the most likely candidate
  3. I mean, here's what I'm aware of that wouldn't be necessarily be obvious the first time you read them: Nale and Kelek are present, and Jasnah overhears them discussing Szeth. (Nale can be identified by the scar on his cheek, but I believe we only know that his companion is Kelek through elimination) Jezrien is hanging out near a statue of himself A Shalash statue is conspicuously absent, implying that she's personally visited in the recent past Gavilar assumed that the Ghostbloods hired Szeth. When told that they didn't, his next guess is that the Sons of Honor are behind it. I would guess that Jezrien was what Sanderson was referring to in the annotation, because that's the only hidden thing I could see somebody picking up on in their first read-through from the prologue alone.
  4. Hmm. This could explain why Nale was on-board. Like, for obvious reasons I can't imagine him being on-board with the 'bring back the Heralds' end goal of the Sons of Honor. But if Gavilar's plan was 'let's give the Parsh their planet back and find a new one for ourselves'? That's a possibility I could see him being willing to entertain.
  5. So a few things snapped into place for me when I read the transcript, and then this thread. I now feel fairly certain that the Black Sphere Gavilar gave Eshonai had Ulim inside. Like, he'd been handling those things a bit too casually for them to be Unmade, and they didn't seem to be the perfect gems you'd need to keep one of those imprisoned anyway. And we know that Ulim somehow managed to get off Braize years before the other Voidspren did, because he'd apparently been working Venli over for quite a while. And now we know that Gavilar was taking things off of Braize, but was treating it mostly as proof of concept, so he likely wasn't grabbing anything he consider to be too important. Like, maybe, one or two of the native spren. And I can't but think that Eshonai would've given the sphere to Venli for research purposes after receiving it.
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