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Everything posted by aneonfoxtribute

  1. I'm gonna have such a hard time tearing myself away from that book. I hear there's one supremely long chapter, and I very much plan to read that in one sitting. It's BAFFLING how much there is still to do, it feels like it's impossible to wrap up in one book. Especially the Seanchan attack on the Tower. There's no way we have time for that, right? That has to be called off, right? If the Seanchan just spend the whole book fighting the White Tower while TAR'MON LIGHT BURNING GAI'DAN is happening, I'm gonna declare that maybe they should all just burn.
  2. Brandon has done better at writing Mat than in GS but it still feels at times like Mat is Wayne Oh dear lord what's happening with the Aes Sedai in the Asha'man camp. Tarna and Javindhra are acting strangely. Maybe Taim is Compulsing them. And he somehow got one of the Dream Spikes. How the hell are we gonna have time to deal with Taim. We've made it to Moiraine. This has been such a long time coming HALF THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD! TO SAVE THE WORLD! GO, GAMBLER! GO, TRICKSTER! If you ever meet a Malkieri, you tell him Jain Farstrider died clean. I knew it If only Mat realized he could use the Ashandarei earlier, Noal could have lived :'( It looks like Taim is trying to turn everyone in the camp. God, Taimandred feels so true but I know it isn't. Rand has left Taim alone for FAR too long, now it's a genuine problem WAIT! OH GOD I JUST REALIZED WHAT'S HAPPENING! THE CHEKHOV'S NUKE HAS GONE OFF! TAIM IS FORCIBLY TURNING THEM TO THE SHADOW, WITH A GROUP OF 13! THAT'S ABSOLUTELY WHAT'S HAPPENING! Oh Olver's gonna read what Verin wrote. Good, I was so ready to finally read it OH MY GOD MAT NEARLY RUINED EVERYTHING! How was Verin planning to survive? OH NO MAT DID RUIN EVERYTHING! WHY ARE THINGS HAPPENING THIS IS THE EPILOGUE I WASN'T EXPECTING THINGS THIS BIG TO HAPPEN IN THE EPILOGUE WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT?! A RED HOODED AIEL WITH FILED TEETH WHAT IN THE GOOD GOD DAMN What the hell, why is Lanfear in Rand's dream? LAN RIDES! THE LAST CHARGE OF THE GOLDEN CRANE! Trying to figure out this prophecy. One Eyed Fool is Mat, and Fallen Blacksmith is Perrin, obviously. "One Eyed Fool traveling the hall of mourning" most certainly means Mat entering the Tower of Ghenjei. The First Among Vermin might be Rand? "Lifting his hand to bring freedom to Him who will Destroy" possibly being Rand breaking the seals? "The Broken Wolf whom Death has known", I don't know who that's supposed to be. I thought it was Hopper, but this prophecy seems like it's yet to happen. I don't think it's Perrin. Elyas? I feel like it's not Noam either. The End Of the Thirteenth Book of The Wheel of Time I'm ready for the end man.
  3. Every time I see the god damn a'dam chapter image, my heart rate spikes like ten times. Luckily it's a Faile chapter in Caemlyn so maybe it's just representative of something there (its not its absolutely not) Well it's official now. Seanchan have Traveling. May God have mercy WHY ARE THE SEANCHAN MAKING ANOTHER PLAN TO ATTACK THE TOWER HOW ARE WE GOING TO HAVE TIME FOR THIS?! Legitimately the only way this doesn't happen is if Rand manages to make peace with them before it happens but like god I genuinely don't know how it won't happen So I got tired of waiting for an answer and just looked it up, and apparently Nicola was actually killed, it wasn't a fake Nicola. And all I got to say to that is, what the hell. Why. And then I decided to check Areina as well, because she hasn't been mentioned and I was curious, and she just vanishes after KoD. She just doesn't exist anymore lmao. I can only imagine both of those were Brandon, and Jordan probably wouldn't have done that. Because with the knowledge that THAT is where their story ends, it makes them so pointless. We didn't need Nicola to build up Egwene to the novices, that part wasn't strictly necessary. That one is very frustrating to me. I was literally just starting to warm up to Nicola and then she dies in a dumb pointless way for no reason, and it's like.... Just why. Is Aviendha seeing the FUTURE of the Aiel? Good god, that's awful if it is. Yeah I figured that it was Seanchan attacking in the Tava memory. The Norlesh memory also mentioning the "Raven Empress" also painted a picture for Seanchan future. God DAMN that's rough. Why are the future Aiel shunned as they are? What grudge does the Seanchan hold against them? This feels like a deliberate act by them to destroy the Aiel, rather than just a normal Seanchan conquest Okay so from this I'm gathering that the Seanchan managed to take the Waste as well. And they also don't stop enslaving channelers, and they also learn how to capture men. That's just great. That's EXACTLY what I wanted to hear At this point I can only hope that this is the bad future, and only one of many possibilities, because Jesus CHRIST the future is bleak if this is to be expected. That. Was one of the hardest things I've read. Like it's not that the content is particularly brutal. I've read far worse than that content wise, scenes of abuse, sexual assault, the damane scenes. Stormlight alone has scenes that are far more heartbreaking in terms of content (honorchasm i mean honorchasm). But in terms of how bleak it is, and from an author like Brandon, who writes optimistic stories where good people succeed no matter what the world throws at them, it is the worst possible timeline and it's a BLESSING that we ONLY saw the Aiel viewpoint of that.
  4. Yeah in Gathering Storm he felt a bit off. It felt in character but in a not right way, if that makes sense. Like an exaggeration of his character. Towers of Midnight, though. Brandon got him down by then, now he feels like he's supposed to
  5. What in the good god damn was that. What in the hell is Nakomi?!?! That was god damn weird Perrin now has a Power-wrought hammer. I assumed a Power-wrought weapon was just a weapon created directly with the Power, not a weapon created by using specific weaves on the metal to make it stronger PERRIN AND GALAD FIGHTING TOGETHER LET'S GO! BYAR I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU TRY AND MESS THIS UP GALAD STOP BEING BASED YEAH GO DIE IN A FIRE BYAR! YOU SUCK! BORNHALD MVP! YEEEEEEEAH PERRIN AND MAT MET BACK UP! It wasn't very long but GOD it's good to see two of the Boys back together again.
  6. Same, it's a shame Perrin doesn't get to interact with anyone really in the dream before this. All he interacts with are wolves and Slayer
  7. Okay NOW Gawyn has done the big dumb. Learned exactly what was happening, and then instead of going back and telling Egwene, getting angry at a poorly timed letter telling him to come back Time for the Ace Attorney chapter (and yes I am playing AA music) The POV switched from Faile to Perrin to Faile with zero breaks in between them. That threw me off a bit lmao GALAD STOP BEING SO COOL! YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE COOL! PERRIN WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WHY ARE YOU TAKING THE PILLAR TO THE WHITE TOWER! THAT WILL END BADLY IN EVERY WAY DON'T YOU KNOW PEOPLE ARE TRAVELING THERE YOU COULD DO A LOT OF DAMAGE Okay Gawyn, at least you got over your dumb stupid problems on the same day and decided to go back. That's fine, you get a pass OH MY GOD GAWYN ACTUALLY GOT THROUGH, I WAS SO SURE HE WOULDN'T! I THOUGHT FOR SURE HE'D BE STUCK IN CAEMLYN, BUT HE JUST BARELY MADE IT PERRIN YOU IDIOOOOOOOOOOOT WHY DID YOU GO TO THE TOWER THAT WAS THE WORST PLACE IMAGINABLE (also unrelated, how the HELL has Mat not entered the Tower of Ghenjei we are almost 600 pages in) PERRIN MET EGWENE POG BRO DID PERRIN JUST STOP BALEFIRE THAT WAS SO RAW GAWYN GOT 'EM BASED I don't believe Nicola is dead, that was probably a fake AAAAAAAA MESAANA YOU SNEAKY DEVIL, YOU MADE KATERINE LOOK LIKE YOU THEN COLLARED EGWENE, THIS WILL NOT STAND! And then Egwene broke Mesaana, based af PERRIN THREW THE RING INTO MOUNT DOOM, wait something about that isn't right NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOPPER'S DEAD FOR REAL THIS TIME That whole battle was so raw
  8. Yes I finished Gathering a whole ago. I'm on Towers of Midnight now
  9. Perrin is currently witnessing Veins of Gold. Based That chapter hit hard. Almost as hard as the original chapter I'm sure Mat's dice are rolling also because he's nearing Veins of Gold, and something's gonna happen to make him aware of that as well. That might be this next chapter. Brandon you cheeky so and so. Mat goes to an inn called the Dusty Wheel, whose proprietor is a guy named Hatch. I see you Brandon. I see what you're doing THE GHOLAM IS GONE! That was so raw THE DRAGON REBORN COMES!
  10. It is deeply funny to me that Gawyn cannot catch a SINGLE win. Even when he leaves the god damn Tower to go to Elayne, he's still ruining Egwene's plans because she needs him at the Tower. It's comical at this point
  11. Okay it seems that the assassin was indeed the Blood Knives, instead of Mesaana How in the hell has the Prince of Ravens thing ALREADY spread?! Wow, Noal knows what it's like to be known in every tavern and every city. Immediately after mentioning Jain Farstrider. Nope, definitely different people, for sure. Why do I have a very bad feeling. Mat going to Birgitte because she knows how to get into Ghenjei. Someone trying to sneak into the Palace, possibly Mat but maybe someone else. Birgitte carrying a sword. The title of the chapter, The End of a Legend. Birgitte reminiscing on her past lives as much as she is. Why do I feel like Birgitte isn't long for this world. Okay she's fine. Good.
  12. God Aes Sedai tests are awful, one and all. First you're made to live through AU lives that are specifically designed to keep you trapped there to become Accepted, and then to become Aes Sedai you have to be taught to ignore the pain and suffering of everyone around you to do the thing. No wonder they all suck. Okay so that was specifically very abnormal. That isn't what most people go through. Good. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! TRAGEDY OF TRAGEDIES! NYNAEVE'S BRAID IS GONE, SHE CAN'T TUG IT ANYMORE!
  13. That's fair, she just sort of gained the ability to see the corruption out of nowhere. But at the same time, I believe it, she's getting better at Healing, she's like the best Healer in the world and her skill could have just advanced enough to see maladies of the mind, which would have been progressed due to her learning about how to break Compulsion (and also likely Rand's ta'veren presence). From there, all she had to do was Delve into someone afflicted with madness on a whim and then try some stuff.
  14. MAT'S DOING SOMETHING AAAAAAAAA! I LOVE HIM! I still think he should have had a talk with Tuon about it BUT THIS IS PROGRESS!
  15. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! NYNAEVE JUST HEALED SAIDIN'S MADNESS! Sanderson stop being good at romance (things I never thought I'd accuse Sanderson of (I'm being unfair, he has very good romances, Steris my beloved). idk if it's just me, but I feel like I enjoyed Perrin/Faile's relationship in this one chapter more than I did in basically any other scene they were together in throughout the entire rest of the series
  16. Man, the timeline in this book is absolutely wild. We're jumping around in time so much. We get some Perrin well before the climax of the last book hit, then we get some Mat and Elayne around that time, and then we get some Egwene after the last book. It's kinda funny how insane the time in this book is
  17. Hopefully Galad will put to bed this absurd notion that Two Rivers is full of Darkfriends. The only Whitecloak with sense, I tell you. Not now, obviously, but when they talk to each other. First Mat chapter in Towers of Midnight, he feels a lot more natural now. I'll need to read more but it feels like Sando realized he went a bit too comic relief with Mat in the last book and is dialing it back It's wild that Mat has taken to being a leader of men far easier than Perrin has. Perrin is STILL trying to not be a leader, Mat's just accepted it at this point GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I LOVE MAT! Also, Teslyn and Silviana, carrying the entire decency of the Red Ajah all alone. Alright yeah, this is Mat. Sando got him pretty good this book
  18. The most TRUE thing Gawyn has ever said! I have NEVER seen a group of people seemingly so dedicated to putting themselves in danger for zero reason, always thinking they're immortal until it inevitably bites them in the ass I'm flip flopping between these murders being done by Mesaana or by the Bloodknives. I'm leaning very heavily to Mesaana, but I think the Bloodknives make sense as well. Biggest issues with the Bloodknives is A. idk how long the murders have been happening for, B. I don't know why they would go around sneakily killing people when they're doomed to die, I figured they would start a massacre, and C. I don't see why they would have waited so long. But also we haven't addressed them at ALL except for the one dude killed by Bryne, and it's bothering me. And it would make sense that they would kill with knives compared to Mesaana. I think Mesaana makes more sense for a lot of reasons, but the Bloodknives feels like a loose thread that hasn't been tied up. Gawyn's arguments also make it harder to think it's Mesaana, because he's not wrong. Channeling wouldn't be out of the ordinary in the Tower and other Black Ajah murderers used the Power without hesitation, even in places full of Aes Sedai Looking back, all of the Bloodknives wore black leather, not black silk. I'm flip flopping so much on this. The Bloodknives probably wouldn't know about Warders, or who did and did not have them. So they wouldn't target the ones without them, they'd be killing indiscriminately. But also the idea that they're able to sneak around the Tower without being spotted makes perfect sense, I don't think it's as simple as a Gray Man. I'm probably overthinking this, the simple answer is probably the correct one, it's probably just Mesaana.
  19. Ohhh yeah that's fair. That makes sense. I don't remember the numbers of the Forsaken so I forgot that. That makes more sense. I just thought, you know, black towers, Asha'man.
  20. Seems Egwene got some more visions. One of them is about Mesaana in the Tower still apparently. The one with Rand, I dunno what that's about. It can't be related to the fact that he almost destroyed the world because he just did that. And as for the one with the black towers, I think it's pretty obviously related to the Asha'man somehow, but idk how. There are 13 black towers, which is obviously significant, but I'm not sure what it could mean since Asha'man can't link. I don't know who the towers could represent other than Logain, Taim, and maybe Rand. The falling towers signifies Asha'man dying most likely. The one that falls and rises again is either Logain (because he is promised glory) or Rand. Other than that, I'm not sure what it means Ayo, Rand and Egwene finally meet again after so long That talk was interesting. Didn't go how I expected it to
  21. Galad when did you become so based. The only Whitecloak with sense. D-does Fain have control of Mashadar? Did Rand inadvertantly free that thing from its imprisonment at Shadar Logoth? Oh nooo
  22. I'm going to assume Bulen is a character from New Spring Oh boy, we about to see Graendal get nuked? Ooooh Graendal did a sneaky. Rand punched her as hard as he could, but he was still playing her game Well. There goes Aran'gar. Wasn't expecting that one
  23. I liked her. I had nothing against her really. Then these last two books went and made her the second best character and it was very sudden and unexpected. I go very monkey brain in situations like this. I see cool thing, I clap.
  24. Opened up the next book just to get to the prologue, and I'm so happy! A bit of Loial's book was put as the start of the book! Loial addressed the Great Stump! I'm happy for him!
  25. At the end of time, when the many become one, the last storm shall gather its angry winds to destroy a land already dying. And at its center, the blind man shall stand upon his own grave. There he shall see again, and weep for what has been wrought The End of the Twelfth Book of The Wheel of Time I bought Tower s of Midnight today. So I start that tomorrow.
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