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Posts posted by aneonfoxtribute

  1. 9 hours ago, Eluvianii said:

    Done with the demo! I had heard it included chapter 1 but, guess not? Still over 3 hours though.

    My boy Battler is Van! That's a nice surprise. I like how quick the story was to establish a sense of "home". The small office above the restaurant, whose owners you are friends with. Cozy. I like it.

    The battle system takes some getting used to but I like it already. It's pretty fast paced, even in command mode. Field mode is not quite as deep as I expected (hit, dodge, hit, dodge) but it helps with the pacing.

    The soundtrack has this jazzy feel to it that I'm enjoying a lot. The game as a whole is a lot more cinematic too. Very enjoyable.

    Going into slight spoilers

      Reveal hidden contents

    Based on the opening, I'm guessing Agnes is the president's daughter? She did talk about how he's really absorbed into his work, to the point he neglects her, and she had a bit of a reaction when talking about the president (can't remember his name atm).

    Renne is here! I mean we knew that, but it's good to see her! I don't know what she's doing here though. Maybe that last reverie will clear some things up.

    Agnes being hired at the end of the prologue only enhances the homey feeling of the office. Hope it's big because it looks like a hire at the end of each chapter will be the norm.

    Oh, and it surprised me. This looks and runs quite a bit better than Reverie on the Switch. The fps count is butter smooth now. So that's pretty cool.

    Overall very happy so far. Very excited for July 5th.

    Hell yeah, Daisuke Ono is Van. It's so peak. 

    I take it since you only did the prologue you're playing on Switch? On PS4, the demo has chapter 1 as well

  2. 6 hours ago, Briar King said:

    Engaging shortly 

    wtf I got smoked 42 seconds in full 4 ko one shot.

    omg this is some full on BS. I don’t believe for a second these people in guide are telling the truth about beating this guy. Especially on nightmare. I’m doing nothing to this guy and I can’t stop his 4 shot wipe less than a minute in

    holy hell im getting pissed off. I’m going to get no points. I’m not going back to before wetlands just to get the stuff that should have been mentioned prior to entering that massive freedom lock out. This is just insane 

    umm ok I somehow managed to tank the guy with luck from the order of turns. Tio was finally freed up for me to cast a full 200cp Zero Field letting me breathe for two full turns of his S craft. That made all the difference right there..

    Taking a break after that frustrating hell.

    Is that the Sigmund fight? 

  3. New trailer for Farewell O Zemuria. That was perfect. They condensed everything I ever wanted into less than a minute and I could not be happier. Unfortunately nobody here can watch it. I watched it because I decided that I don't think anything in Kai will hurt much of my experience with Kuro 2, and that is a risk I'm willing to take to have hype injected directly into my veins. 

  4. 15 hours ago, Eluvianii said:

    I didn't understand this with Natsuhi and I understand it even less with Kyrie. No matter how much you hate the parent, the kid is sinless and deserving of love.

    Kyrie and Natsuhi have two very different reasons for it. Kyrie sees it as proof of her failure in love, someone else stole her man first and Battler is the proof of that. Natsuhi sees it as proof of her failure as a woman, she couldn't get pregnant so she was just given a baby out of pity. Neither of them are very rational. Who'd have seen that one coming.

  5. The scene with Natsuhi and Beato is so WHOLESOME, it's one of my favorites!

    No, the scenes you get are the ones that are in between. The scenes with Natsuhi and Eva without Ange present are the scenes you can miss.

  6. The cake slice is always scripted to be the same thing.

    However, that's not the only gameplay in this Episode. You're going to be told to do some puzzles soon. It's IMPERITIVE that you get them all correct. You will miss scenes if you don't get the questions right.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Eluvianii said:

    Speaking of, wdym there was a Land of the Golden Witch? Nani nani, lost episode? Doko?

    That's the original Episode 3. I believe I told you about that. 

    Also, the thing about Kinzo is, we know next to nothing about the man himself. We literally only see him once outside of flashbacks to the PARENTS childhoods. For all we know, this IS what he was like in his older age. This is certainly consistent with how he acts in Confession of the Golden Witch. We never see the real him interact with the cousins. Never.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Eluvianii said:

    Seriously, I thought it was an exaggeration when you talked about how sad her backstory was given that the confession in the vn was rather tame. Then the manga made me eat my words. 

    Yeah, the things the VN hides from the backstory is brutal stuff. 

  9. 1 minute ago, Eluvianii said:

    I might go for Beatrice killing herself early from Episode 5 onwards, thus she becomes just a piece. Idk.

    No, there's 16 people on the island at the start of every Episode. Beatrice is someone who is on the island.

    Also, they don't answer the question of who Yasu is. That's reserved for the manga, the VN never says it outright.

  10. 14 minutes ago, Eluvianii said:

    That's a huge help. I think I'm just too hung up on the bit about it actually being 16 people so I forcefully want to remove one, or barring that, fusion two. And since they do say that the whole furniture thing was an inner conflict of Lion's, and the two people directly affected by it are Kanon and Shannon, they were too good a candidate.

    You could take it the opposite way to mean that Erika was already one of the people on the island but that is more difficult to see. She has a whole backstory about college, living alone, heartbreak, all in the outside world. A double life as a servant here would be reaaally stretching it.

    The meaning of the 16 people is that with Erika there is 17 people, so there is only 16 people on the island instead of the 18 we always believed. If you take out Erika, there's only 16, therefore it's not counting Erika. Kinzo is one, but that leaves one extra person. And trying to figure that out is one of the mysteries.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Eluvianii said:

    Ah I see. Sorry, I was going down a completely different line of thinking. At this point I was convinced the cast we're presented wasn't the actual cast. The whole "the witch's illusion can only kill illusions" at Kanon's death convinced me that he wasn't real, so I discarded him and Shannon along with him and decided that Lion was some severely injured mix of the two. Guess not then, back to the drawing board.

    Remember the Detective's Authority. Whatever is witnessed by the holder of the Authority is unquestionably correct, as well as any scene that takes place before everyone reaches the island, so long as its not being told to us by a character. So everything Battler and Erika sees are reality, and every flashback is real. So since both Battler and Erika see Shannon and Kanon, and since the objective flashbacks show both Shannon and Kanon, neither of them can be outright falsehoods.

    Also check out my comment, I updated it cuz I posted too early by mistake, I got a lot more thoughts

    Oh yeah also, everything Will says is true. Will just outright gives you the solutions. The question is, what does it mean? That's what you must find out, what he's saying means. 

  12. 9 minutes ago, Eluvianii said:

    Now, I did think from time to time that maybe the reason we aren't shown a face beyond the various personas she creates was because she had scars on her face or something. I mean, thrown from a cliff as a newborn and makes a complete recovery? Unlikely. Not to mention that if we're already told that she's literally Lion, we pretty much know that they share a face, so why not just show it? That had to be it. And it was, but apparently there's more? "This body isn't even capable of love", and in red no less. You could argue that's a classical My face is destroyed, no one would love me, but I'm thinking more along the lines of her being paralyzed from the waist down. However it would be impossible for her to activate the  mechanism if that was the case so, probably not. Either way, if it was bad enough to make her want to die, well it has to  be bad.

    Her face is not destroyed. That doesn't make sense. We don't know anyone in the cast whose face is that badly ruined. Beatrice's certainly isn't. Additionally, nobody we know is paralyzed from the waist down, and certainly not Beatrice. That also does not make sense. Think carefully, consider what makes sense and what doesn't. 


    Ok, Kinzo apparently wanted to steal the gold. I'm not happy about that, but it's not too big a stain on his record compared to the rest. His apology to Lion probably included that.

    Honestly, that scene is kinda weird to me. You're not supposed to be able to lie to someone using the Theatergoing Authority on you, and what Kinzo said was a straight out lie.


    As a final note, Will told Lion that he was the one hope out of all the Lions and that he should seize it and be happy for their sake. I get that and I like it. But I would also like the other Lion to discover that there are ways to be happy for her even with whatever scars or disabilities the accident might have left her. Might sound irresponsible for a healthy dude to say that, but if this was like "Oh, she fell from the cliff so she had no chance since that point" it would be really depressing.

    Honestly, Yasu is so depressed that she would have a very hard time ever actually getting past it. It's not a matter of the reality, the reality is that if she just TOLD people they would still accept her, that's what Ryukishi said. It's a matter of her perception, and her perception is that she can't be loved because she believes she's ruined and she's too scared of rejection to tell anybody about it, so she just stews alone in her depression.

  13. 1 minute ago, Briar King said:

    Who is the 7th Anguis? Steel Maiden? I don’t really understand the ranking system of them if they even really have one. I know Vita/Misty is the 2nd Anguis. Who is the “she” that Campanella is referring too? He speaks of another she later in conversation but that’s in reference to the Grand. Seemed like to she’s being talked about but maybe I’m wrong idk.

    7th Anguis is Arianrhod. There's no real ranking in Ouroboros, number doesn't mean anything in regards to Anguis. The she Campanella mentions is probably Grandmaster.

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