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Mushroom Catalog

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Posts posted by Mushroom Catalog

  1. 7 hours ago, FatherTiempo said:




    Hermitcraft is a real thing?














    ... You should watch it... :ph34r:

    also, *wins*

  2. 21 hours ago, Alvron said:

    What did the others bring?  Any other book references?  Also, if you only brought a Bead of Lerasium, how did you win?  Did someone bring pewter or iron filings?

    The other people brought the generic "invicible armor", "invisiblity cloak", "extra large tank"

    I could fly around and just push everybody over and dodge all of their missiles.

    I didn't think about the metals.... oops. Maybe I have a hidden pouch of various metals for fun.

    23 hours ago, Nameless said:

    I hereby nominate Mushroom catalog for the title of official reference-getter.

    Grian and Mumbo are the ones I watch, just because watching all of them would take quite a while. I am quite honestly debating it.

  3. Random thought just came to me for no reason:

    So I was in my class and we had a hypothetical battle where we chose one item to bring with us. I chose a bead of lerasium and I would have won. Nobody else understood the reference though. :( 

    I do this in various places, mention Cosmere stuff and just see if anybody reacts. And you know, just tell everybody to read Sanderson books. It's kind of fun :D 

  4. 14 hours ago, Blessing of Potency said:

    Mmmm satisfactory. It’s been a struggle to try and get my friends to switch off factorio but I’m slowly converting them!

    I understand their pain. I've made the switch and sometimes the messiness of the factory just bugs me so much to the point of mass deconstruct and then redoing the entire thing. Factorio is so much easier to keep organized if you know what you are doing.

  5. 17 hours ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

    It's a reference to a book. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

    Along with this, take the a=1, b=2, c=3 etc. MATH = 13+1+20+8 = 14+28 = 42

    That and the weird old typewriter thingy to type the asterisk. (Don't ask, I don't really know.)

    Math is the answer to the universe.

    Not to interrupt the theological conversation or anything. Carry on.

  6. 3 minutes ago, ToaCalune said:

    Sure. Your bane is that you now have two left feet. Literally and figuratively. 

    I wish for three extra hours in the day for two weeks.

    Granted, the world spins slower to lengthen the day out. Because of this, the calendar is thrown off and the entire system is disrupted. Ecosystems die off as internal clocks of various animals mess up and they get killed by other animals en masse. Businesses collapse as their shipping plans mess up, planes go miles off course as the planet spins slower. Around the world, people feel sudden lurches as the earth slows down beneath their feet. People fall off bridges, trip and break their necks, and construction workers get impaled on rebar. Your bane is that everybody gets mad at you and they force you to pay for your accidental murders and crimes.

    I wish for the ability to convince people of anything I choose.

  7. @AonEne, @Nathrangking, @The Awakened Salad, Thanks for the support! :D 

    I talked with my parents and brother over the weekend, and it was agreed that he would pay for half of the book, and he gets to keep the ruined copy. I'd rather he paid for all of it, but i'll take what I can get. I just went with the argument that he would end up spending more trying to fix it than just buying a new one.

    I may not win that one entirely, but I did just *win*

  8. On 2/26/2020 at 7:36 PM, Raphaborn said:

    “You just told me you liked me how I am.”

    “I do,” Elend said.

    “But I’d like you however you were, Vin. I love you. The question is, how do you like yourself?”


    “We assumed we could do a better job than the noblemen, but once we had the power, we put them back in charge. If we’d killed the whole lot, perhaps then we could have started fresh. Of course, that would have meant invading the other dominances—which would have meant sending Vin to take care of the most important, most problematic, noblemen. There would have been a slaughter like the Final Empire had never seen. And, if we’d done that…”
    If we’d done that,” Dockson said quietly, “we’d have been no better than beasts.”



    “Atium,” Elend whispered, tasting blood. “Where is the atium, Marsh? Where do you think we got the power to fight? You came for that atium? Well it’s gone. Tell your master that! You think my men and I expected to kill all of these koloss? There are tens of thousands of them! That wasn’t the point at all.”

    Elend’s smile widened. “Ruin’s body is gone, Marsh. We burned it all away, the others and I. You might be able to kill me, but you’ll never get what you came for. And that is why we win.”

    It's been a while, but I still get chills reading that last one.

  9. Small medium long excessive rant:

    So, I lend my books to my brother, who takes them to school and other places and reads them. Before he borrows them, I make him agree that if he damages it he has to pay for it in full. So, of course, he comes home one day with WoR, and the entire cover is torn off (Its a hardcover). So, I say he has to pay for it. Nope! He decides he's gonna glue the cover back on, which makes sense, but there are also big tears down the corners that he really can't glue back together and chances are the glue won't work nearly as well as the original. So I say no, but then my parents get all into the business and say that he will fix it and not have to pay. So now my WoR is missing a cover (He probably will never get around to fixing it) and the cover has some big tears. Even if by some miracle he attempts to fix it, it will still be in significantly worse condition than when I lended it to him.

    Pictures, spoilered for size



    The reasoning behind having him not pay for it is because I read it first so I put part of the wear onto it. He just got unlucky - it would have happened to me if I had read it. For example, he pointed out a tiny rip in the top of the binding that I put there. The tiny rip that is unconnected to the damaged parts. The tiny rip that literally didn't affect anything. He tore the entire cover off! How is that my fault? I actually took care of it, instead of just throwing it in my backpack! He just tosses it in there, then pulls it out without care. My guess is that he pulled it out by the pages and the cover got stuck behind in his backpack.

    He should at least have to pay for part of it, but no, if I want a book that is in the condition it was before, I need to buy another one and put a tiny rip on the corner. I have yet to approach my parents again (They are doing the arguing negotiating for him) to see if at least he will pay for part of a new copy and he can keep the book. It honestly wouldn't be that big of a deal for me to pay in full (I still have money from painting a neighbors house) but now I'm just mad at the stupidity of the argument and the fact that he is getting off easy. I can guarantee that if I ruined one of his books, then said I would just fix it, he would pitch a fit and I would have to pay for it. He agreed before he borrowed it to pay for it if it got ruined. Now he's not. I'm so mad. 

    Also, *wins with cathartic-ness*

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