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Status Updates posted by NattyBo

  1. I just did some retail therapy and finally built out my collection - all the cosmere cycle books that have been published in physical, hardback. Most weren’t too spendy, but White Sand and Elantris cost me a pretty penny. Still, I inherited a bookshelf my pop pop made, and it’s sure gonna look nice up there. That said, I won’t be getting myself anything around the holidays this year, lol!

  2. I JUST NEED TO BASH MY KEYBOARD EXCITEDLY ABOUT ALL THE CRAZY COSMERE CONNECTIONS FROM RoW! fjdksjfkdljgkf;djsgklfg;jkgf;ljskl;jkl;fejsk;gsjfkls;gjf1!!!jrklefdu9g0f90b,x.  ahh, that's better.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      Agh, I will start my second reread tonight to try to understand one sentence of that book. :)

    3. NattyBo


      'There's a lotta ins, a lotta outs, a lotta strands floatin' around ol' duders' head..."

    4. Bearer of all agonies
  3. New Tattoo Day!


    Next up is my Sanderson tattoo, subject matter and design...TBD. 

    image0 (2).jpeg


    1. Honorless


      That looks great, Nat! 

    2. NattyBo


      Thanks! I’m happy with how it came out! Really fine line work. 

  4. Never been this worried about the future of the USA. We are on the brink.

  5. New tattoo!!


    1. Honorless


      Looks cool! How many tattoos do you have? 

    2. NattyBo


      Let's see... this makes 5. I'm thinking of turning this arm into a full video game themed sleeve one day.  The other arm will probably be fantasy book stuff - been thinking about a Bridge 4 tattoo for a long while.

  6. I just ordered a bunch of cheese. I think I'm gonna try and make baguettes and do cheese, wine, grapes, olives, etc for dinner Friday. I *will* come out of this with cooking skills!

    1. Honorless


      Or summoning the Daedric Prince Sheogorath 

  7. Only  a couple hours 'til quitting time. Wonder what cocktail to make....

  8. 17th shard cocktail club? Would that be against the rules?

    I've been building a home bar and learning to become a (hopefully) consummate host, capable of whipping up a cocktail for whatever my guests tastes are. 

    Here's what I've made so far (not all in one night! LOL)







  9. Thank you for one of the most thoughtful posts I’ve ever seen on any fandom forum.

  10. Bravo for your opinion.

    1. Honorless


      Absolute mod lad! :lol: (seriously though, well said!)

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