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Lopen Armblessed

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Posts posted by Lopen Armblessed

  1. My new characters mind can't remember anything so any new skill he learns he will forget, his missing arm makes him virtually unable to function properly in any situation, and he can't focus his eyes so it obscures his vision.  Since he is so OP I though making unable to remember how to use the weapons he has would bring his power down a bit @MacThorstenson. Forget the feruchemy, it was for another character I was working on and I typed it in this characters bio.

    Also @BookishOcelot thanks for the scoring!

  2. Here is my new character, tell me if he's a little OP.


    Name: Unknown

    Physical Characteristics: Tall, about 6 feet, lean, kind of skinny, dark brown eyes, his right arm is nonexistent, he always looks nervous and scared and his left eye is white, doesn't move that much and has a giant scar over it.

    Investiture: Awakener with about 2,000 breaths.

    Age: 23

    Skills: Very skilled at assassination from a distance, he mastered all ranged weapons, he's good at running long distances and short but better at long, not very good with awakening.

    Equipment: giant sniper rifle that can be broken down into a brief case, a powerful sidearm, dark clothing, 6 poisoned and possibly hemalurgic throwing daggers worn at the thigh, metal minds worn throughout the body mostly surgically implanted, a giant bag of coin usually stashed somewhere where it wouldn't get stolen, and a spike of larasuim.

    Weakness:  Missing arm, one eye that doesn't focus and doesn't see well in darkness, he can't figure out how to use his breaths, and he can't hold knowledge in his head for very long.

    Family: Unknown to him, probably dead

    Home planet: Unknown to him, Scadrial

    Backstory: When he was young he lived on Scadrial and when the skaa rose up he was thought to be a noble child and was slashed up pretty good and when his eye was slashed and almost stabbed out he couldn't remember world hopping to Nalthis with an unknown world hopper.  After that he collected breaths but couldn't remember how to use them after that he was dropped off at Allycity by the same world hopper who cared for him, taught him how to use his rifle, knifes and breaths.  He practiced so much with his weapons that they were muscle memory and reflex but he didn't practice with his breaths much so he can't remember how to use them.  Same with his feruchemy, he can't  remember how to use it.

    Guild: Unaffiliated 

    Personality:  jumps at everything, scared of everything he can't understand which is everything, can problem solve quickly and easily, doesn't engage in most any fights, very impulsive, does whatever his gut tells him, and can't remember much.

    Fighting style: Running away


  3. Zekuri ran his sharpening stone over the edge of his huge sword wiating for the meeting to be over.  He leaned against a tree and watched the mountain top warily, looking out for trouble. He watched Stormblunderer, or whatever he called himself these days, walk into the little hut followed by the Keeper ambassador, expecting at any moment for someone to pull a dagger.

  4. On 3/26/2019 at 4:57 PM, Karger said:

    Leverage. Long objects are very hard to hold(try hanging on to a thirty foot pole sometime).  Also if the enemy grabs the other end which you would have a hard time swinging quickly so lastclasp you are in trouble.

    The books say that a shardblade isn't that heavy but when it changes into a shield it is the same weight.  Now, shields are usually heavier than swords but in shard form they are equal.  When Kaladin changes Syl to a knife I don't think Brandon said anything about weight but with the sword shield ratio we can assume the knife was the same weight as the sword.  This would mean that you wouldn't need a lot of leverage with a 30 foot long sword as is weighs the same as a normal sword.  But this point is moot anyway since there is a limit on how large a shardblade can be.  (I actually haven't read the books in a long time so if you could come up with some text that would be great):P

  5. Zekuri threw his rope at a yeti's knee slicing the joint then embedding his massive sword in another's calf.  He sprinted to keep up along side Jacien to help cover the retreat  "So, why did these guys attack in the first place?" He said between sword strokes.

  6. Zekuri bursts out of the woods being chased by a smaller yeti and with a flick of his wrist his rope flew up and caught the yeti by the neck bringing him down where Zekuri could finish him off with his sword.  He then walks up to the line of space marines.  "Lord Ruler, your in a mess!  Need help?"


    Hey guys, can Zekuri join the fight?


  7. Here is my new character:


    Name: Zekuri

    Physical characteristics: Short, stocky build, broad, overly muscular but not so much that it hinders his movements, dark skin, deep voice, dark eyes, black hair and huge burn scars on his forearms.

    Investiture: None

    Age: 18

    Skills: Improvising, being scrappy, hand-to-hand and weapon combat, running and making himself very scarce.

    Equipment: ginormous sword usually strapped to his back, three glass knifes worn on his thighs and one in his boot, twenty-five foot rope with metal blade at one end usually worn as a belt, tattered looking clothing and cloak.

    Weakness: Hates fire and will stumble back and run from it, even the smell of smoke will send him running.

    Family: Dead.  Burned to death.

    Home planet: Scadrial

    Backstory: Was a somewhat rich and well off merchant and when the skaa rose up in one of the noblemen purges his family was tied to stakes in the ground and burned.  He only escaped because he was sneaking around in alleyways and was thought to be another skaa. 

    Guild: none yet.

    Personality: He does what he has to, even if he has to destroy a whole civilization. He is also determined to finish whatever he starts.  He likes a good challenge but will not hesitate to run if he is outmatched. 

    Fighting style: swings his huge sword in one hand while whipping his rope around.


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