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Posts posted by Merlin

  1. Hello! I'll join!

    I like makeup when I have reason to wear it. Plays, church, girls'-night's-where-it's-me-alone-in-my-room-with-makeup-and-chocolate. To be honest, I haven't worn any makeup for about 4 months, since I only go out in public to get milk from Walmart. Speaking of pockets, does anyone else hate it when their jeans have frickin fake pockets sewn on? Maybe it's just me, but that's one of my biggest pet peeves.

  2. Just wondering, do y'all think it's wrong that every time I read the books I skip The Scouring of the Shire? I promise I don't skip anything else, it's just that chapter that I can't stand. Throughout the books, the Shire represents everything they're fighting for, the goodness and innocence. It just doesn't feel like a victory to me when they have to continue to get rid of the evil that's infected the land that has always been safe even after they've defeated Sauron. 

    2 hours ago, Elegy said:

    One thing I feel is worth bringing up is that in general, Tolkien never aimed at a cinematic/overly visual writing style like most modern authors do. That's because he was mostly inspired by actual works of mythology and conceptualized Middle-Earth as a whole as a fictional mythology rather than a fantasy universe - it's why most of his work is closer to Homer, the Bible, Beowulf, and the Kalevala (my personal favorite myth) than to, say, Brandon or Robert Jordan. Since such a piece of mythology could not really faithfully be reconstructed in film (especially since the people who would tell and write down these stories in-world do not have that technology, so the films would not be the "original documents" of their culture), they can't possibly win in the same game the books play. So they play their own game - grand scope blockbuster cinema - and master it in their own right. I think it's always important to make that distinction between the goals of both works, and recognize how confident they are in both. Tolkien has certainly achieved the more extraordinary goal, while the film trilogy is not as revolutionary, but has had more of an emotional impact on me personally - which is why I probably prefer it at the end of the day.

    I totally agree. Tolkien really just wanted to display his world, not tell a story. I think nowadays we're more used to fast-paced stories that don't go so deep into mythology, and that's why so many people get freaked out by the books.

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