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Zephrun’s Imperium

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Posts posted by Zephrun’s Imperium

  1. Quote

    So... I'm not sure. Because I don't really want Star to kill Xino, I'd rather she realize that she's become a monster only to hurt someone who actually still loved her the whole time. Basically, I want her to kill more people, and I want her to meet Xino, but I don't want her to kill him. 


  2. Hello, and welcome back citizens of the Capitol! How are you doing this Hunger Games season, Korro?

    I'm just swell, Zolver. What highlights do we have in the Games today that fans might want to hear about? Any winners in the making yet?

    Well, it's only been a day and a half since the Games began, but there are definitely some fan favorites and fun moments that will be put on the highlight reels this year. 

    Those poor lovers from District Three were certainly interesting. Didn't they get separated at the bloodbath? Hah. Not that it was much of a bloodbath this year, eh, Zolver? In fact, most of the players don't seem to be interested in violence at all. 

    That's right, although I have it on good authority that the gamemakers are going to be pushing for some more action as the Games continue. But for now, the most interesting story seems to be with the District Seven girl who nearly died at the bloodbath. 

    Footage of a short haired blonde girl getting cut down in the cornucopia while her back is turned is shown between the two TV hosts. 

    Ooof. What a hit. And she survived that? 

    She did indeed, thanks to some kindness from District Four's Tani! Normally that kind of kindness is frowned upon, but this time around, it seemed to be a real game changer, haha. And what's worse, the man who did that to her was her own district partner, the boy she volunteered seemingly to die alongside.

    A picture of District Seven's Xino shows up on the screen. He's a tan young man with short cropped dark hair and glasses.

    Why would she do that, Korro?

    Well, sources say she has severe depression, and it only got worse after her boyfriend passed away in a logging accident. But now, that depression seems to be turning into an unbridled murderous rage. 

    A video clip of Star brutally hacking apart a young boy plays. She doesn't stop hacking until long after the boy is dead and dismembered.

    That's right, and that's why fans have been flocking to Star as their new favorite. We have some fan art here of her from a young fan in District Nine. (spoilered for minor gore)



    Tell me more about that Xino boy, Zolver, what is he like?

    Well, Korro, not much is known about him, but the way he's been talking to little Vapor from District Ten, I don't think he's quiiiiiite right in the head, haha. And what's more - wow, I love this drama - it seems like cutting down Star was an accident. He feels genuinely horrible about what he did, but - get this - Star is on a revenge mission now. She doesn't care to win, she just wants her old partner dead. 

    Gosh, what a story. I guess the fans will just have to wait and see how it pans out, eh? Well, we're signing off, Panem. Have a nice night!

  3. Quote

    Count me in, Fadran, I feel the urge to write. I don't know whose boy Ari should be, but someone take him in as their son, please.

    Also... how do the withersquads tie into the coup?

    Ari could hardly see over the top of his stack of supplies, much less keep up with the much bigger men in front of him. Let's hope I didn't forget anything... he thought, half-running to keep pace. He'd never been allowed to come with his father before, but thankfully this time, his begging had gotten him a place in the fight. 

  4. Quote

    I will be so mad if the simulator doesn't let me and Xino interact with each other... 

    Star wandered until she found a stream she could wash herself in. She was a bloody mess, hair crusted over with gore. The metallic smell of blood filled her nostrils, her hands stained the rusty red color of dried blood. Her glasses for nearsightedness had gotten so fogged by carnage that she'd shed them at the sight of the district nine boy's murder. Maybe once she won, she'd be able to get new glasses. If not, then it didn't matter. She could see mostly fine without them.

    She pulled her shirt over her head, revealing a torso as well defined as her powerful arms. The cold, clear water ran around her plastic boots. "Where are you, Xino?" she said out loud, setting the hatchet on a mossy stone on the bank. It was one thing to clean herself, but the hatchet had become something of a symbol and she hesitated to desecrate it. When she killed Xino, she wanted him to know that she was his death. He'd tried to take her down the cowardly way, running, leaving her to die. Well, that wasn't her way of doing things. She was a showwoman, which would be in her favor. The sponsors would eat up her storyline and, hopefully, help her win. Maybe that would make up for her less-than-admirable performance in the pre-games. It almost seemed silly to her how unmotivated she'd been to kill and win. When she'd slammed the hatchet into that boy's chest... something had awoken inside of her. This was in her blood. All this time she'd been cutting trees when she should have been cutting bones.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Sequence said:

    ...Oh my god.



    I love, love, love writing violence, but I can't for the life of me write true action, so when I get a chance like this... *crackles knuckles* Oh boi.


  6. On 5/9/2022 at 6:41 AM, Tani said:

    Star convinces TalnFan to not kill her, only to kill him instead.

    On 5/9/2022 at 9:21 AM, Zephrun's Imperium said:

    Star angrily snatched the bloody hatchet that Xino had left on the ground after trying to kill her. It would be fitting, wouldn't it, to kill him with the same blade with which he had tried to vanquish her. She knew in the back of her mind that her plan was insane. Xino was still her best friend. He had only tried to kill her because of the game. But the game was very real, she knew that now. There were no misguided fantasies about somehow winning the game; she was wounded, and she hadn't joined to win anyway. She wanted to die. It just made it all the easier that someone else would be so inclined to do the deed instead of having to do it herself. 

    She chose a random direction and started walking. Each step hurt like Mal, but it only made her more angry. And angry Star was not something anyone wanted to deal with. Her blue eyes were fire, her steps were stealthy, and her intent was deadly. 

    When she heard a rustle in the leaves, she crouched, readying her weapon. 

    @#1 Taln Fan


    Okay, since Taln hasn't responded, I'm going to kill him on my own terms... It's more fun that way. >:)

    A tall man dressed in the black and red game uniform burst from the bushes. He had a bow and arrow trained on her. "Don't move," he said, sweat on his tanned brow. 

    Star froze immediately, gripping her hatchet. She cursed in her head. But she wasn't dead yet, oh no, and she had noticed him shaking when he'd notched his arrow; he hardly held the weapon straight. She hoped to her god that she could use that against him. District nine, Star remembered. Grain production, farmers. He was muscular, yes, but nothing close to the musculature required of a district seven logger. Star may have been short, but she clocked in at a good two hundred and twenty pounds and she was holding a bloody hatchet. She was not a force to be trifled with and this boy knew it.

    "Don't try it," Star growled. "You don't want to kill me." She held a hand out, inching forward slowly. Her boots crunched against sticks and leaves. The young man's eyes flicked to the ground for a moment and he bit his lip, clearly indecisive. If she could just get closer... "Run away before someone gets hurt. Don't lose your humanity."


    Star got closer. 

    "No! No, I have a family to get back to." He tightened his grip on the bow, the shaking growing worse.

    "You think your family wants to see you murder a girl in cold blood?"

    The farmer stepped backwards and tripped over something or other, landing in the bush he'd hopped out of. Branches snapped and he cried out, the fabric of his uniform ripping. His notched arrow flew upward into the distance, causing birds to fly out of the trees with a rustle of wings and leaves. Star readied her hatchet. The tables had turned in her favor. She'd survived her friend's betrayal, she was not about to let this man kill her once she'd turned her back. District nine's male tribute had the chance to scream and throw up his hands before Star slammed her axe into his chest. Blood flew. There was more of it than Star would have thought, even after the first blow. She hardly felt the pain any more, there was only blinding rage and tears.

    Bones broke.
    Drops of hot blood on her skin.
    The boy was long dead. 


    Fadran, Star takes Taln's bow, you could steal that. Otherwise, I dunno what she has that you'd want except for maybe the thread in her back and you definitely won't get close enough to get that. *shrug*


  7. Her face brightened. "Oh th-th-th-th-th-th-" She paused, screwing up her face in deep concentration to get the word out. "Thank you," she said slowly. Then, she proceeded to voraciously attack the sustenance. She shoved whatever she could into her mouth without care for how messy she got. When she was satisfied, she sat on the floor. "Said you needed help?"

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