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Posts posted by Jaywalk

  1. Quote

    Me over here about to do somethin’

    It took Denton three hours to polish every bottle in the wine cellar. He still wasn’t sure why he had to do this every single night, but he did it nonetheless. It was therapeutic. It let him think, let him plan, and let him sneak a few drinks under the nose of the mistress.

    This night, however, he felt uneasy. Like he wasn’t the only one there.

    He went to remove the final bottle, just as he did every night. The glass of the bottle had a blue tint, turning the liquid inside a lovely azure—almost as lovely as Savi’s eyes, but not quite. He still hadn’t tasted this one. He slid it from its place on the shelf and began to polish it gently.

    Just one sip couldn’t hurt, Denton thought. He glanced towards the stairwell, and figuring he was alone still, moved his thumb to remove the cork.

    And then he saw the bunny.

  2. 14 hours ago, Tani said:


    It’s a term used in improv comedy, meaning that you build off of the thing the last person said instead of going “The End.”


    13 hours ago, Doomstick said:

    The Voidapple has returned, terrifying all with the threat of disintegration. Had those who summoned it known its history and the risks associated with it?

    The American Puppy People of Long Existentiality (or APPLE) had seeked to experiment on the legendary ship.

  3. Hoo, boy, here we go.

    To say that the last year has changed me profoundly would be an understatement. This year brought some of my darkest moments, but also some of my brightest.

    I’ve yet to be officially diagnosed with anxiety, but I don’t think you need a diagnosis to know that something is very, very wrong. Like with a physical ailment, you see the signs, deal with the pain, all before you see the diagnosis. I had my first major anxiety attack in November of 2019, and both before and after, I’ve had this weight on my mind. It never leaves, and at this point, I don’t expect it to. I almost can’t imagine my life without anxiety.

    A year ago, I was stuck in my house, seeing pretty much nobody but my family save for over video call. I felt so alone at so many points. That didn’t change when I was able to see people again either. I can feel alone in a group of people, even if they are my best friends. My anxiety whispers that there is nothing but loneliness. The first day of school came, finally back in person, and I slipped into the background, thinking that nobody noticed me.

    This fall, I’m headed off to college. My anxiety is almost overwhelming when I think too much about it. But I’ve learned to find strength from others. Serving others has a power in it—when we turn our hearts outward, looking for the people who need help, we receive help in return. I have incredible people in my life, from my parents to my girlfriend to all of my best friends—they bless my life every day. I recently started therapy, and that has allowed me to find strength in myself as well.

    My message to you all: There is hope. Even in your darkest moments. Without the darkness, there could not be light. Find strength, wherever that may come from. There is no one size fits all treatment, but there is power in enduring. Enduring is a battle that lasts forever, but it’s a battle worth fighting. Never forget that.

    Fight that battle, and come out the other side stronger than before.

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