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Everything posted by Porkchop726

  1. I loved the ending! How about that denouement fakeout, and then a chapter after the epilogue?? Masterful use of writing clichés to put you at ease and then pull the rug out from under you. Also I'm so mad I never posted my theory about doomslug having cytonic abilities!! I had a theory that Doomslug was M-bot's original Cytonic Hyper drive. There was a lot of evidence in Skyward, like the small empty box where the hyper drive was supposed to be in the ship, or the way doomslug was able to just appear inside the innards of the ship at one point when it had been in the cockpit moments before, or how it generally just moved around super fast but only when nobody was looking. I still don't know if I was right about doomslug being the cytonic hyper drive, but I was right about the cytonic abilities!
  2. One word: Cytonics. Defending Elysium talks frequently about Cytonics, and faster-than light communication. What's a major plot point in Skyward? Cytonic hyper drives and faster-than-light communication.
  3. No, form letter would be correct, meaning a mass-produced letter that everyone else gets.
  4. Neithan that seems to be intentional for emphasis.
  5. But there's no other case of her doing anything similar. And she's not playing off of anything anyone else said. I don't know. It just doesn't make sense to me.
  6. I'm reading on Kindle, US edition, pg. 162, 4th and 5th line. It says "Rig is good people. He'll take care of you." it doesn't make sense to use the plural form here.
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