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Status Updates posted by Eerongal

  1. so it would seem i'm moving to des moines, iowa in the next couple of weeks....

    1. ZeldaDad


      Nice. That's just north of me.

    2. Eerongal


      oh yeah? how far north?

  2. Going to go see the hobbit at the science center of iowa on their domed imax!

    1. Kipper


      That sounds awesome. Have you seen it already?

  3. Ludum Dare 22 entry knocked out an hour early. Now to relax! http://t.co/8hPRseYv #LD48

  4. is getting paid overtime to sit here and listen to some people talk about some servers that have basically nothing to do with me

  5. Mmmm... Time for some ribs (@ Jethro's BBQ w/ 2 others) http://t.co/nrSi3Tic

  6. http://t.co/QKSVwMh pretty much fits the debonnaire "gameshow host by day crime fighter by night" lifestyle I've always pictured him having

  7. Have fun not being in the Ozarks, suckers!

  8. Is now officially on vacation for a week

  9. Who has two thumbs and is eatin at shoney's? Thus guy!

  10. it would seem that i am now among the group of chumps who are labelled as "not being in the ozarks" once again.

  11. Happy birthday! Also: 1 more post and you break 1,000!

  12. It's back to work tomorrow after a week off. Sad times :(

  13. All right, Monday, LET'S DO THIS!

  14. Received this hdd back in today at work. Port ripped clean out. Seems a waste of a usb 3.0 1TB drive... http://t.co/0TjKzHUq

  15. Finishing up day 1 of what I am now going to dub the "google cram"

  16. FIRST! #ManImSoAwesome

  17. for gods sake, what are you doing on the internet? you're in hawaii >B(

  18. Focus is a matter of deciding what things you're not going to do.--John Carmack

  19. Happy birthday, Kchan! Just noticed it at the bottom of the main page.

  20. Dear USA: If the government shuts down today, i fully expect you to turn into a roadwarrior-like wasteland over night. That is all, Thank you.

  21. Dvd movie at walmart. Looks legit http://t.co/4ks70tbz

  22. Happy birhtday, kchan!

  23. that's right, birhtday. You heard me. I don't take any part of it back.

  24. “All man’s miseries derive from not being able to sit quietly in a room alone”- Blaise Pascal

  25. I get the feeling that someone at the hotel feels very proud of themselves for this.... http://t.co/Pc5saWnw

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