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  1. There are so many problems, but there is one fundamental problem at the very core of this theory. How are connecting the medallions? Duralumin manipulates your connection. How are you super charging the medallion with Connection? You can connect yourself to the medallion. You cannot connect the medallion to other things. Feruchemy works by using your own power and storing it in specific metal. If you are storing your connection in something else this isn't Feruchemy. You could probably accomplish super charging the connection of an object in other magic systems, but you for sure cannot do what you are proposing with Feruchemy. It goes against the fundamentals of how the system works.
  2. Exactly. We can say that it is not very likely this is the way medallions are created.
  3. How are they imbuing Connection into the medallion? In a Duraluminum mind? If so the mind cannot be accessed by anyone other than a Duraluminum Ferring. You say they are putting their connection into a medallion. I don't see any evidence to this being possible with Scadrian magic. We have never seen it used in this method. Your idea is that the user is giving their connection to the medallion? Wouldn't this method completely screw up the connections for the individual? Likely so much so they wouldn't be able to create a second medallion. It would take years to rebuild that Connection. They wouldn't just be storing and tapping connection. They'd be essentially giving away their Connection. How is the Hemalurgic charge here getting into individuals? We don't know fully how Nicrosilminds function, but I see no evidence that it would trick your spirit web into believing you have the power. If it did work it would likely interfere with your own spiritweb while you are using the medallion. Hemalurgy you aren't just adding in more. You are removing something. Even if the Connection is somehow tricking your spiritweb it would temporarily have to be bypassing your own spiritweb making you lose access to part of your own soul. I think this is much easier than we are making it. We suddenly have a metal that replicates investiture. At the same time we are introduced to a new technology. This seems like a very major hint that the two are connected. I suspect an Ettmetal alloy is at play. My guess is alloyed Nicrosil externalizes the power allowing anyone touching it to gain the ability. Very simple very clean production. The major limitation being access to Harmonium.
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