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Ripheus23 last won the day on November 21 2018

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About Ripheus23

  • Birthday 07/15/1986

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    Wherever I ought to be
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    Interesting things.

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  1. ... This was a clever argument, arguably(!) one of the most clever the demons ever came up with. On a knife's edge did they balance the possible damnation of entire worlds...

    It was said, then, that right was what was done according to nature, and that wrong was to do what was unnatural. But in this event right and wrong would not be pure opposites, besides which all wrong would exist inside of all possible right, here, which amounts to the apotheosis of desolation, one might dread... However, the more important point down the line was to deviate from the axiom of opposition. The entire process was, so to say, half a red herring: the primary external victims would suffer greatly as a result, but not because hurting them was in and of itself more interesting to the demons than was hurting anyone else. It just so happened that these ones suffered from a special weakness which, if the demons exploited it, allowed them to open some of the doors to the apocalypse.

    So anyway, because what these people do does not cancel out something already-existent action or state of good and right as such, but is merely different from such an external state, it is not contrary to goodness and so is neutral if nothing else. Because this must be so, the control narrative has to be constructed by which to deviate these people from the truth nevertheless.

    You start out from a statistical weakness, the question of romantic luck, for them. You see, you have to think that there's much less chance for them to find one person to have a special love for, that is the greatest of all they can feel, here, i.e. it is statistically harder, just so, for them to achieve their romantic ideals. You prey on this [if you are a demon, as it were], because you know this is their weakness: they don't participate in the competitive scheme that you do, they look at other guys and think not so much, "How can I win one over on him?" but, just so to admit this, "I wonder if there's any way I could hook up with him?" Or whatever, haha.

    Anyway, this is their first weakness, here...

    ... [...] ...

    ... So the demons set it up where these people would be tempted to forbidden sadness on one hand, or promiscuous dissolution, elsewise. Convinced, thence, that romantic ideality is a moral illusion, an impossible gambit, an unacceptable promise, a gilden ticket to the heart of damnation even: you must convince these people that they are guilty, in every necessary way, in order for them to accept being sacrificed to the Destroyer's altar at last.

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