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Ripheus23 last won the day on November 21 2018

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About Ripheus23

  • Birthday 07/15/1986

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    Wherever I ought to be
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  1. Let's say there's an initial kairon field for the unified force. This is in itself acting in time, i.e. the excitations are traced across the axis of symmetry for the three-dimensional temporal manifold. Now, when four kairons collide in the unified field, but as of now only in time, they implicitly trace a tetrahedral space (or, rather, if they happen to collide so as to do so?), and the energy-mass conversion of their collision force produces the lower-field particles, spraying out in space (due to transcendental symmetry) as well as time. From the vantage of the kairon field in total, there is no reason to suppose that these "Planck incidents" would only ray off in one temporal direction, and in the Riphean "theory" it is assumed that the rays inscribe a 3-dimensional cross-polytope of particles so as to "echo" the octahedral manifold of the deontic tessellation. So, there are in fact 6 universes (sets of matter) that ray out from the time-point of the Planck incident.

    But in fact we can detail the assumptions further and arrive at a more provocative picture of the cosmos. It has been said that the increase of the inflatons dimensionalized space from zero to three or more levels (I mean, I have said this; I think maybe one or two others have speculated about something like this idea). Is there any essential reason to suppose that the kairon (inflaton) field in itself is not in a state of eternal quantum flux, expanding like space, its tessellated Planck-Kleinert geodesics allowing arbitrarily larger and more productive (or destructive?) collisions of kairons. So for all we know, space-universes are being "echoed into existence" from collisions in the time-plenum involving trillions of kairons, giving off a sort of "inflaton nova" that might "branch" (ramify like light) into much larger sets of particles than in the observable universe of our own. Or whatever else along these lines (maybe not trillions but septillions of kairons are involved in those processes, for instance).

    Indeed the kairons or inflatons might be conceived of as plektons, that is particles admitting of neither bosonic nor fermionic statistical indication, but in fact here the plektons would be the fused state of the pure bosonic and the pure fermionic manifolds (meta-fields). So quantum flux in the time-realm arguably would manifest in a special enough way. I myself am not versed enough in the actual difference between Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics, so I will only say that the form of probability in the plektonic meta-field might correspond to the (presumed) form of probability for the "free-will field."{*}

    {*} In His Dark Materials, it is said that consciousness is unique and irreducible, but physicalism is also true, because consciousness is actually one of the fundamental force fields. Its particles for some reason can become highly entangled with organic, sentient life, in a way that they do not with gravitational networks on the galactic scale (at which point the consciousness ("Rusakov") field only produces the dark-matter effect due to its excitations' implied gravity). In the meta-theory of the Ripheus story, it is not consciousness that has its own field but free will, and this is not a field that is in space, but time alone. The primary zone of crossover for an object in the free-will field, and objects in physical space, are physical objects that are conscious, so there is a rather tight connection between physical objects and free will as a force, but how this should be so is not clearly understood.

    1. Ripheus23


      In the superstory above the Ripheus setting, in fact, wherein the quantum fractal interiors of particles are directly, significantly explored, it is determined that the scale of the space-universe produced by a given kairon collision scenario, is in part a ratio of those kairons' quantum fractal thresholds to each other and in general. So, for example, let's say an Earth-oriented universe could be generated by kairons that collide with fractal masses of 1 (the unit) each. But kairons could have fractal masses of any higher number. So, for example, at some (unimaginable?) point in the history of the cosmos, perhaps "merely" three kairons, but with fractal masses of 2.3(10^777), 1.1(10^701), and 1.3(10^791), collide, in which case who knows what mass they might inscribe in physical space thereby?

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